View Full Version : Nigger Commits Mass Shooting on Fort Lauderdale Florida city bus

03-18-2022, 04:19 PM
I knew it had to be a spook from the go. But it's hilarious to see the libturds in the comment section fap out the usual nonsense the shooter was a Trumper like here at the Hill https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/598703-shooting-on-florida-public-transit-bus-leaves-2-dead-2-injured
bettestreep2008 • 13 hours ago
The shooter surrendered. The cops didn't shoot him dead so that means he was WHITE!!!
John • 18 hours ago
Isn't Florida a 'shoot anyone' state? Nobody cares about guns because they don't hurt anyone....just people do.
bettestreep2008 • 18 hours ago
Oh the suspect was taken into custody. Obviously a WHITE guy. If he was a person of color the cops would have just shot him dead.

Oh and why weren't there any good guys with guns on the bus??? No probs, deathsentence will make it mandatory that everyone riding buses must be armed!

Here is an actual story with the perp named:
Jamal Meyers, 34, faces charges of murder, attempted murder, weapons possession by a convicted felon and violating probation. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement considers the man a serious habitual felon who has had numerous encounters with the legal system since 2003.

According to court records, Meyers was sentenced in 2021 for 10 crimes committed between 2017 and 2019. Each conviction carried concurrent three-year sentences, so he ended up serving just five months in state prison after being given credit for more than 800 days awaiting trial. He was released on Jan. 8. https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/florida-bus-driver-hailed-hero-gunman-opens-fire-83527309

I pray all the victims were/are shitskins too!

Yellow Power
03-18-2022, 08:10 PM
Finally, ONE stereotype niggers should not break.

03-18-2022, 08:31 PM
Gotta love all those whiny betas and SJWs - "person of colour". Yeah, he must be white, except he's a NIGGER.

According to court records, Meyers was sentenced in 2021 for 10 crimes committed between 2017 and 2019. Each conviction carried concurrent three-year sentences, so he ended up serving just five months in state prison after being given credit for more than 800 days awaiting trial. He was released on Jan. 8.

Maybe they can give this prime specimen of Africanus Australopithecus a really long suspended sentence or 20 concurrent 5-year sentences this time. After all, he has mental problems and he's been punished enough.

Ray Cizzums
03-18-2022, 11:36 PM
I pray all the victims were/are shitskins too!

After riding the rails in NYC for years, the differences between humans, who respect that good behavior
is important for everyone's sake when onboard, and niggers, are painfully obvious. They just cannot STFU,
blabbering to themselves, each other, into a sail foam - while everyone else is quiet. Then there's the "It's
showtime" dance niggers, "homeless" niggers, and krazy niggers. Thankfully for me, no shooty niggers....