View Full Version : Bella Hadid wants to look more 'nigger'

03-17-2022, 06:58 PM
I can't eat as much as I want to puke: The (at least that's what the article claims) model whore Bella Hadid (she seems to be an real asslifter, mother Dutch, father from Palestine named Mohammed. Koran says that the offspring of a Mudslime is Mudslime.) whines that she looks "too European". And she regrets that she had her nose done when 14 (wtf??), because it looked too Arab. And, of course, she complains that the "beauty standard is too euro centric". Holy hell, the bitch is multimillionaire just because of her looks, she not once in her life worked something useful. And yet she complains!



03-17-2022, 07:22 PM
I have no idea what she does (actress? Model?) but is it really Mudslime to go out in public with your breasts exposed like a two-bit whore looking for business? If she wants to go all the way she should request a public flogging.

03-17-2022, 07:51 PM
I... whines that she looks "too European". And she regrets that she had her nose done when 14 (wtf??), because it looked too Arab. And, of course, she complains that the "beauty standard is too euro centric". Holy hell, the bitch is multimillionaire just because of her looks, she not once in her life worked something useful. And yet she complains!


19147 (https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/leylamohammed/bella-hadid-nose-job-yolanda-gigi-eurocentric-beauty)

It's no accident that true beauty is so often defined by European women... Why?? It's not that the airwaves are bombarded with them. It's the fact that we are naturally attracted to the most evolutionarily advanced phenotypes - which Europeans most certainly are...

If not, this would be considered 'Beautiful'...


That shit is ATROCIOUS... And most feel that way because what you are looking at is the arcatypic form of the species

Magic Nigger Rashad
03-18-2022, 09:07 AM
Indeed she wants to be more nigger, just like michael jackson did. That nose reduction surgery she had is a good indicator. I think the vocal shit is virtue signaling, she wouldn't trade that beautiful straight hair in for nappy shit locks ever. I would love to be in the head of one of those coal burners after they dealt with their sprog for about five years though. I bet they feel shame every time they look at one of their nappy headed offspring. Especially if they have human nieces and nephews. When they were good in academics and the shitlet brings home D's and they have to go along with racism and shiet.

03-18-2022, 10:02 AM
I can't eat as much as I want to puke: The (at least that's what the article claims) model whore Bella Hadid (she seems to be an real asslifter, mother Dutch, father from Palestine named Mohammed. Koran says that the offspring of a Mudslime is Mudslime.) whines that she looks "too European". And she regrets that she had her nose done when 14 (wtf??), because it looked too Arab. And, of course, she complains that the "beauty standard is too euro centric". Holy hell, the bitch is multimillionaire just because of her looks, she not once in her life worked something useful. And yet she complains!



TYPICAL libtard cunt!!

03-18-2022, 10:35 AM
I have no idea who this cunt is. It seems to have one of those perpetual news feeds like Tom Brady does. All I have noticed about this wench, is it has very nice tits. I do occasionally click the clik-bait to view its frontal region.

03-18-2022, 02:33 PM
I have no idea what she does (actress? Model?) but is it really Mudslime to go out in public with your breasts exposed like a two-bit whore looking for business? If she wants to go all the way she should request a public flogging.

Haha, yes, that is exactly why I posted that picture and called her a whore. Because as a Mudslime, if she were living in Palestine, she would probably not survive that kind of outfit. And she certainly knows. And yet she openly laments her "whiteness". Hypocrite liberal idiots!

Edit: And I still would like to know what went wrong with her mother, allowing a not yet full-grown child a plastic surgery. 14?!, that is just sick!

03-18-2022, 02:51 PM

That shit is ATROCIOUS... And most feel that way because what you are looking at is the arcatypic form of the species

You are so right!

03-18-2022, 03:21 PM
She should jump into a septic tank. That should help.

Jim Crow
03-18-2022, 04:00 PM
She is just saying that shit to mimic all the rest of the liberal celebrities.I don’t believe anything she says!She’s just spewing horseshit out of her cochsucker!

03-18-2022, 04:05 PM
It's no accident that true beauty is so often defined by European women... Why?? It's not that the airwaves are bombarded with them. It's the fact that we are naturally attracted to the most evolutionarily advanced phenotypes - which Europeans most certainly are...

If not, this would be considered 'Beautiful'...


That shit is ATROCIOUS... And most feel that way because what you are looking at is the arcatypic form of the species

Hey, don't diss it! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. :lol

Nigger bucks find this irresistible:


03-18-2022, 04:11 PM
Hey, don't diss it! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. :lol

Nigger bucks find this irresistible:


You have a gift for understatement :D

04-11-2022, 03:31 AM
I have no idea who this cunt is. It seems to have one of those perpetual news feeds like Tom Brady does. All I have noticed about this wench, is it has very nice tits. I do occasionally click the clik-bait to view its frontal region.

These whores make millions off their bodies and then whine they want to be "rizpected" for their (non-existent) brains. The retarded cunt shouldn't worry so much about wanting to look more like a nigger, since she proves she's as dumb as a nigger every time she opens her dick-sucking hole. These types always objectify themselves and market their bodies and the whine about objectification an sheeit.

At least Tom Brady can lay claim to being the greatest NFL player of all time, better than any of the nigger feetsballers the Nigger Felon League is infested with.