View Full Version : Nigger hair discrimination about to become law

03-17-2022, 07:42 AM
So WWIII on the horizon, the Federal government wants to legislate to prohibit nigger ' hay'ah ' from potential discrimination. Niggers have long complained ( really ? ) about their nasty, plastic filled, vile, stringy, unattractive, funky colored monkey hair preventing them from ' advancing ' due to raycisms.

Well niggers are vile creatures. They are prohibitively ugly and no human should be forced to look at these spooks, with their unkempt mess of pubes exploded upon their craniums. Niggers ruin everything and they destroy commercial businesses and livelihoods. They never have to care because they always have the government to step in and pay for their mistakes.


Thankfully for the minute, there wasn't enough house support...but it's coming you can be assured. Niggers are good for business for the trough feeders.


03-17-2022, 08:37 AM
Nigger wool brillo is certainly more important than the lives of humans.

03-17-2022, 08:44 AM
Nigger wool brillo is certainly more important than the lives of humans.

I'd profiteer from niggers if I could. Wish I had the chance to get my snout in the trough.

03-17-2022, 09:10 AM
Nigger hurr is completely disgusting to look at (no matter how niggers style them) and if you look close enough, there's always lice, cockroaches, etc... in them. Just don't stand too close to niggers when they scratch their haid, because those roaches and lice will fall on you.

03-17-2022, 09:15 AM
So WWIII on the horizon, the Federal government wants to legislate to prohibit nigger ' hay'ah ' from potential discrimination. Niggers have long complained ( really ? ) about their nasty, plastic filled, vile, stringy, unattractive, funky colored monkey hair preventing them from ' advancing ' due to raycisms.

Well niggers are vile creatures. They are prohibitively ugly and no human should be forced to look at these spooks, with their unkempt mess of pubes exploded upon their craniums. Niggers ruin everything and they destroy commercial businesses and livelihoods. They never have to care because they always have the government to step in and pay for their mistakes.


Thankfully for the minute, there wasn't enough house support...but it's coming you can be assured. Niggers are good for business for the trough feeders.


The problem is easily addressed... And it was a nigger who found the answer... Just put Gorilla Glue on it


03-17-2022, 09:21 AM
I'd profiteer from niggers if I could. Wish I had the chance to get my snout in the trough.

You're competing with 45 million vermin, woke liberals... Yep, the bottom line is all that niggers are for these nation-destroying liberals is a meal ticket and a way to virtue signal..

Here's how I 'Virtue Signal'.... FUCK YOU, NIGGERS!

03-17-2022, 11:32 AM
I'm sick of paying for nigger failure. It's encouraged and niggers need to perpetually fail to keep the gibs flowing. It's the golden industry with a bottomless pit. I've had enough of getting nowhere the right way. So you ask yourself, what's the point? I'd love to get on the nigger-gibs gravy train and enjoy the well of federal funds that just keep on giving.

03-18-2022, 10:05 PM
I think the Russians should nuke us and have done with it....


03-19-2022, 06:57 AM
I think the Russians should nuke us and have done with it....


Coincidentally a colleague and I discussed the exact same topic yesterday. Jokingly. We both agreed that should Russia decide to invade EU, the cockroaches (niggers, sand niggers, liberals) would leave so fast they'd create a hurricane. And that all the ngo's, state televisions and celebrities wouldn't get tax financed any more as well.

Jim Crow
03-19-2022, 07:17 AM
Everything about a nigger is disgusting.Appearance to behavior!

03-19-2022, 01:05 PM
Nigger wool brillo is certainly more important than the lives of humans.

To Biden and Pelosi and Schumer it is.

03-20-2022, 12:03 AM
Everything about a nigger is disgusting.Appearance to behavior!

I can tolerate the black, I can learn to deal with the ugliness and the stench. I cannot accept the behaviour.
If they were willing to learn from the human, it would make things a lot better. See, that would be a great start. We could then teach them to clean their crotch. We could teach them to stop the violent crime. If they were willing to learn. I'll tolerate the black and the fact that they are ugly. It is not the way they look. That is not the problem. That is easy to tolerate.

I aint bin dun did dat!
03-20-2022, 01:40 AM
I think the Russians should nuke us and have done with it....

I wish they’d nuke the whole west coast off the fucking map. I know we have some chimpers in Cal here. I wish you guys no harm but tell me it wouldn’t be beneficial to all mankind.

Jim Crow
03-20-2022, 06:43 AM
I can tolerate the black, I can learn to deal with the ugliness and the stench. I cannot accept the behaviour.
If they were willing to learn from the human, it would make things a lot better. See, that would be a great start. We could then teach them to clean their crotch. We could teach them to stop the violent crime. If they were willing to learn. I'll tolerate the black and the fact that they are ugly. It is not the way they look. That is not the problem. That is easy to tolerate.
Well,niggers’ behavior will never change! So it’s everything about niggers I hate!

03-20-2022, 08:41 AM
Nigger hurr doos and their obsession with their fugly dirty pelts is a great example of their innate shitty uselessness. But when they rope all these white and other liberal douche bags into their niggerness really is proof we've sunk to the level of whale shit.

03-20-2022, 09:33 AM
Well,niggers’ behavior will never change! So it’s everything about niggers I hate!

Great minds THINK alike!!

03-20-2022, 09:40 AM
Nigger hurr doos and their obsession with their fugly dirty pelts is a great example of their innate shitty uselessness. But when they rope all these white and other liberal douche bags into their niggerness really is proof we've sunk to the level of whale shit.
