View Full Version : NYC man attacks 2yo girl, perp: Christopher Elder

03-16-2022, 12:23 AM
An ape called Christopher Elder attacked a two year old girl in Nigger York City.


I blame white supremacy.

03-16-2022, 03:08 PM
Only a piece of shit nigger does monkeyshines like this. Besides them only having an IQ of between 90 and a turnip, WTF is wrong with these animals? Some nigger crimes are worse than others, and on that scale this seems to be small...but consider that this child will have mental scars for life. This in itself is more than enough reason to make a nigger yo-yo out of the offending ape.

I aint bin dun did dat!
03-16-2022, 11:14 PM
An ape called Christopher Elder attacked a two year old girl in Nigger York City.


I blame white supremacy.
Fucking yard ape piece of shit. This should be attempted murder. A 2 year old could have easily been killed by this violent filthy nigger. He will be out of NU though in no time until it finally does kill someone. Fuck you vile chimp! I hope Tyrone stretches your asshole beyond repair while you’re in there.

Jim Crow
03-17-2022, 06:19 AM
Niggers has assaulted 8 times and isn’t locked away for good! Nu Yawk libs are waiting for it to kill a few humans before they even do anything about it. And even then!