View Full Version : Farrakoon Farm

03-15-2022, 09:40 AM
Louise Fairycoon owns Farrakhan Farm in New Buffalo, MI. They had a fire that damaged one of their buildings there in 2004. The local community took up a collection for them to help them out. I asked why? They would never ever help us out but the community raised about 3 grand to help them. One of the neighbors had storm damage that leveled his barn. He took up a collection again for him. When they asked the Farrakhan group for a donation they were told to leave. Rumor has it that there is not even a real farm there. The buildings are filled with weapons. That is just a rumor though. I cannot confirm or deny that. However a guy that lives close to them says there are some heavily armed guards with assault rifles patrolling the place. Just what every farm needs.


03-15-2022, 11:13 PM
Rumor has it that there is not even a real farm there. The buildings are filled with weapons. That is just a rumor though. I cannot confirm or deny that. However a guy that lives close to them says there are some heavily armed guards with assault rifles patrolling the place. Just what every farm needs.

Every self-respecting niggernest has a cache of weapons until it's robbed clean or raided!

Tar Remover
03-17-2022, 07:05 AM
Terrorist scum. With any luck, they will blow themselves to hell before they harm any humans.

03-17-2022, 08:35 AM
Terrorist scum. With any luck, they will blow themselves to hell before they harm any humans.

My sentiments EXACTLY!! Piece of shit @$$lifter!!

03-17-2022, 10:23 AM
Would / Should be raided by the FBI in a second if they weren't protected Nigger species.
Of course a nigger takes whitey's "donations" but then of course never gives back.. because they hate your guts and wish you were dead white people. What do you think those weapons are for. Scum niggers.
Niggers don't donate let alone even tip yet feel like they are owed the world.
19139 19140

What does the FBI have to say about Fairycoon farm?

Niggers aren't exactly know for their farming skills. Sounds like a racist cult and bunch of terrorists to me.

Oh I forgot Biden says White supremacy's our biggest threat, not a bunch of crazy racist niggers with full auto machine guns and a barn full of ammo and explosives

03-19-2022, 08:53 AM
I would feel sorry for any animals that had the misfortune to be tended by the black animals. Their life must be tortuous. Constantly beaten and raped, just like the coal-burners...the only difference is the mud-sharks keep coming back for more.