View Full Version : NYC Coon POUNDS 67 YO Asian Grandma a full 125 times... News Source: Grt. Britain , yet again.

03-14-2022, 07:36 PM
I'm so surprised.. Nig York MSM just does not see Asian/Black solidarity as news worthy anymore. Who is the greater danger: The murderous nigger who any sane person knows to fear, or the MSM who's duty it is to report on such outrages - but only runs cover for the murderous black bastards...

The Video is a full 3.5 minutes long of a coon just wailing away and stomping on a prostrate, helpless old lady... You just can't get your arms around shit like this...

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10612523/Man-charged-attempted-murder-stomping-Asian-woman-67-punching-125-times.html (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10612523/Man-charged-attempted-murder-stomping-Asian-woman-67-punching-125-times.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ico=taboola_feed_article&ns_mchannel=rss&ico=taboola_feed)

Ray Cizzums
03-14-2022, 08:07 PM
The Asian's spokespersons always parrot Demorrhoid rhetoric about negro violence being Trump's fault,
for correctly attributing the Covid pandemic to China. As if niggers have any idea he ever mentioned
that. They just see Asians, and women, as easy targets, because niggers are pussies.

03-14-2022, 10:24 PM
The Asian's spokespersons always parrot Demorrhoid rhetoric about negro violence being Trump's fault,
for correctly attributing the Covid pandemic to China. As if niggers have any idea he ever mentioned
that. They just see Asians, and women, as easy targets, because niggers are pussies.

Tru Dat!!

Magic Nigger Rashad
03-15-2022, 02:07 AM
They don't even have an excuse for attacking Asians. No slavery or inherent racisms. Never understood why they go after them. Must be envy...

Whitey Ford
03-15-2022, 07:20 AM

Niggers hate Whitey. Niggers hate Asians. Niggers hate anyone with an I.Q. above stupid. Therefore they target anyone smarter than themselves, which is the vast bulk of the world's population.

03-15-2022, 07:27 AM
you want to watch that video I bet you don't... but I think you should anyway...

Niggers been going after asians since forever. Since it was glorified to murder asians and blow their brains out since the starting scene in the nigger movie "menace 2 society." Damn asian in convenience store always thinks a nigger is stealing. And they are right you murdering theiving scum nigger street apes.

These incidents rarely are even reported by the Lame stream media. For instance had you heard about the murder of Ee Lee. Of course not nobody did.
more rascally "teens" gang raping and gang beating and gang murdering a small alone asian woman. Actually that story is inaccurate is was actually a pack of 14 niggers beating and gang raping her and only 2 niggers were charged for doing the worst of it. It's always that way notice when huge packs of nigger gang murder and gang rape, only 1 or 2 will be charged instead of the whole feral pack...

Theres been like 1200 reports of random niggers attacking asians in 2021 and did you hear of any of them. Asians so afraid they blame it on white people and have anti-white supremacy march . Fuck you. Fuk Yoo. Start defending yourself and stop blaming white people for random crazy NIGGERS attacking you. What do whites have to do with that, that makes no fucking sense. Then once you start blaming niggers the actual ones at fault, maybe white people will help you.

You know growing up at a nigger skoo, despite all the nigger violence, most asians at my school they just never got it. They always thought the blacks were just normal decent people or something. Ride the subway with them ride the bus with them don't worry. Live near them etc. You just DONT GET IT. I guess it must be a lot from watching the complete lies of how Niggers are portrayed on TV. Oh fresh prince of bel-air so cool and non threatening pfffft

03-15-2022, 07:55 AM
It's watching these videos that have a big effect on the human psyche. This really pisses me off and I haven't even watched it. Just the screencap image is making my blood start to boil.

Imagine how an Asian person feels watching this.

I don't think I can stomach watching this without getting insanely angry... not going to watch it probably.

I can of course still remember vividly the videos of Reginald Denny, and the videos of the pack of Niggers beating the hell out of the guy at MGM Grand in Las Vegas (While I was staying there!). It's these type of videos that amplified my hate exponentially...
I am talking about this one... ttps://www.cbsnews.com/news/chilling-mob-beating-caught-on-tape/ or ttps://www.stormfront.org/forum/t287200/ (cant find the actual horrible video any more)
Of course hate really high anyway from going to my nigger skoo and seeing crap like this every day almost....

Sometimes I wonder how a nigger feels when it watches something like Rodney King or George Floyd, probably pretty pissed off but I don't care because they are piece of shit nigger and they deserve it, they really do. I wish it were more fair it would only happen to the most violent niggers but I can't change things that's the way it is. Innocent people get hurt all the time in this world but most niggers deserve it so if a few innocent ones have to get hurt that's the way it's gonna be. Can't make an omelette...

I also know that niggers rejoice (secretly, some not so secretly) when they see a Reginald Denny or a Waukesha massacre, 100% sure ALL of them do. They say crap like "Po' white peypo" on twitter and crap but deep down they love it.
None of them give a crap about this woman and they will probably say "poor little chinaman" or something on twitter, while also secretly being happy about it.

It's because these shitskin street apes aren't actual people and don't posess the brainpower to imagine how the victim feels. Have you ever seen a nigger show remorse for torturing an animal NO

I also know that niggers do this type of thing ALL THE TIME literally every fucking day and most people are under the delusion that they don't, simply because they didn't hear about it

03-15-2022, 08:42 AM
These incidents rarely are even reported by the Lame stream media. For instance had you heard about the murder of Ee Lee. Of course not nobody did.
more rascally "teens" gang raping and gang beating and gang murdering a small alone asian woman. Actually that story is inaccurate is was actually a pack of 14 niggers beating and gang raping her and only 2 niggers were charged for doing the worst of it. It's always that way notice when huge packs of nigger gang murder and gang rape, only 1 or 2 will be charged instead of the whole feral pack...

I made the mistake of reading and looking at the picture of that beautiful, petite Asian woman BRUTALLY raped and murdered, and her simian, snake hayd assailant. I'm up to a million. I can't say what needs to be done with ALL of them... Such things will get me deleted from the site. But something needs to be done... These people are fucking Satan's spawn... Every last shit-stained one of them.

03-15-2022, 09:49 AM
simply because they didn't hear about it

Your last sentence speaks volumes... WHY don't people hear about it??? The TREASONOUS, VERMIN LAME STREAM MEDIA protects these feral, filthy homocidal apes like a rabid rodent protecting it's kits. Here's CNN's resident eunuch.. Brian Stelter (thanks, Mark Dice)


This guy protects the nigger beast as if his pathetic tranny life depended upon it. THESE ARE THE REAL ENEMY.... THEY LIE, THEY FAIL TO REPORT, THEY TWIST STORIES, THEY DEFLECT BLAME TO 'WHITE SUPREMACY'..... These are the real traitors... The real danger to this nation... And, to be sure, TREASON is the most serous of crimes

03-15-2022, 01:32 PM
I keep waiting for the day when all humans unite with one specific goal...to eradicate and extinguish the nigger from this planet with extreme prejudice. Every dey the niggers get more brazen, and the libtarded leadership of many or the worlds powers, especially here in the USA, turn a blind eye. They offer 'hopes and prayers' when bullets and baseball bats are needed. We can count on no help from law enforcement, politicians, nor anybody else. We The People would need to take matters into our own hands.

Will there be a civil war? I don't know. Maybe it is what is needed....

03-15-2022, 05:55 PM
one bad egg roll...that's all it takes to get a nigger chimping out !

03-15-2022, 10:02 PM
That's one brave and strong nigger to apettack a weak & frail old Asian lady. Just watching that video makes me disgusted and re-affirms my hatred of niggers. I'm going to guess that the nigger has already been released and the supposed hate crime has been reversed and is no longer considered a hate crime (since niggers are a protected species).

Oh, one thing I want to add, is that the stats they've provided there, makes it out like only whites are responsible for all of the hate crimes against Asians in America. Very funny how they point this out, when nearly all of the videos and information captured shows its almost always a nigger. I guessing if a white person is ever caught attacking an Asian person, perhaps they're multiplying every single white on Asian attacks by a factor of 10.

Considering all of the nigger crimes against women in America, I don't know what's worse: a white woman being raped and killed by a nigger in a gruesome disfigured way or a nigger beating the shit out of an Asian woman and leaving her for dead. If it's a white woman, you can almost guarantee the nigger will rape her & then kill her. If it's an Asian woman, you can almost guarantee the nigger will mug & beat her to death.

03-16-2022, 01:13 PM
one bad egg roll...that's all it takes to get a nigger chimping out !Sick as that sounds, you are prolly right. Some fast Chinese food joint prolly messed up his order of wangs and he took it out on her,

03-16-2022, 01:17 PM
That's one brave and strong nigger to apettack a weak & frail old Asian lady. Just watching that video makes me disgusted and re-affirms my hatred of niggers. I'm going to guess that the nigger has already been released and the supposed hate crime has been reversed and is no longer considered a hate crime (since niggers are a protected species).

Oh, one thing I want to add, is that the stats they've provided there, makes it out like only whites are responsible for all of the hate crimes against Asians in America. Very funny how they point this out, when nearly all of the videos and information captured shows its almost always a nigger. I guessing if a white person is ever caught attacking an Asian person, perhaps they're multiplying every single white on Asian attacks by a factor of 10.

Considering all of the nigger crimes against women in America, I don't know what's worse: a white woman being raped and killed by a nigger in a gruesome disfigured way or a nigger beating the shit out of an Asian woman and leaving her for dead. If it's a white woman, you can almost guarantee the nigger will rape her & then kill her. If it's an Asian woman, you can almost guarantee the nigger will mug & beat her to death.This one fucked up study tried to say whites were responsible for most of the Asian hate crimes. The liars "analyzed" all these cases in the news and unless the nigger's race was MENTIONED in the news story, then the perp was bleached out as white. They even ignored stories where the pictures of the perp clearly showed a groid because the shitskin's race wasn't mentioned.

I aint bin dun did dat!
03-16-2022, 11:27 PM
It's watching these videos that have a big effect on the human psyche. This really pisses me off and I haven't even watched it. Just the screencap image is making my blood start to boil.

Imagine how an Asian person feels watching this.

I don't think I can stomach watching this without getting insanely angry... not going to watch it probably.

I can of course still remember vividly the videos of Reginald Denny, and the videos of the pack of Niggers beating the hell out of the guy at MGM Grand in Las Vegas (While I was staying there!). It's these type of videos that amplified my hate exponentially...
I am talking about this one... ttps://www.cbsnews.com/news/chilling-mob-beating-caught-on-tape/ or ttps://www.stormfront.org/forum/t287200/ (cant find the actual horrible video any more)
Of course hate really high anyway from going to my nigger skoo and seeing crap like this every day almost....

Sometimes I wonder how a nigger feels when it watches something like Rodney King or George Floyd, probably pretty pissed off but I don't care because they are piece of shit nigger and they deserve it, they really do. I wish it were more fair it would only happen to the most violent niggers but I can't change things that's the way it is. Innocent people get hurt all the time in this world but most niggers deserve it so if a few innocent ones have to get hurt that's the way it's gonna be. Can't make an omelette...

I also know that niggers rejoice (secretly, some not so secretly) when they see a Reginald Denny or a Waukesha massacre, 100% sure ALL of them do. They say crap like "Po' white peypo" on twitter and crap but deep down they love it.
None of them give a crap about this woman and they will probably say "poor little chinaman" or something on twitter, while also secretly being happy about it.

It's because these shitskin street apes aren't actual people and don't posess the brainpower to imagine how the victim feels. Have you ever seen a nigger show remorse for torturing an animal NO

I also know that niggers do this type of thing ALL THE TIME literally every fucking day and most people are under the delusion that they don't, simply because they didn't hear about it
I watched this video and it pissed me off bad. My hatred for niggers has amplified even more if that’s possible.
Niggers don’t care about nigger floyd or nigger kang. They only feign outrage for free gibs. I, on the other hand actually get exponential amounts of joy out of those incidents. Sometimes when trying to fall asleep, I don’t count sheep, I count knees on nigger criminal curious george the groid floyd’s neck! Try it! It’s soothing.

I aint bin dun did dat!
03-16-2022, 11:29 PM
That's one brave and strong nigger to apettack a weak & frail old Asian lady. Just watching that video makes me disgusted and re-affirms my hatred of niggers. I'm going to guess that the nigger has already been released and the supposed hate crime has been reversed and is no longer considered a hate crime (since niggers are a protected species).

Oh, one thing I want to add, is that the stats they've provided there, makes it out like only whites are responsible for all of the hate crimes against Asians in America. Very funny how they point this out, when nearly all of the videos and information captured shows its almost always a nigger. I guessing if a white person is ever caught attacking an Asian person, perhaps they're multiplying every single white on Asian attacks by a factor of 10.

Considering all of the nigger crimes against women in America, I don't know what's worse: a white woman being raped and killed by a nigger in a gruesome disfigured way or a nigger beating the shit out of an Asian woman and leaving her for dead. If it's a white woman, you can almost guarantee the nigger will rape her & then kill her. If it's an Asian woman, you can almost guarantee the nigger will mug & beat her to death.
You could multiply white on asian attacks by 100 and not equal nigger on asian attacks.