View Full Version : Colin Flaherty's Message

Colin Flaherty
03-12-2022, 06:41 AM
Colin Flaherty has passed, this happened in January.
He compiled, reviewed, and pointed out violent crimes perpetrated by blacks against humans. The knockout game being one of them. Since he got sick, he stopped his work.

I'm wondering if there is anyone else in the semi-mainstream doing the same thing he was doing?

Colin would investigate a story, say a murder for example. He would play the Local News story, and the local news would always lie, and say "This has never happened before!"

Then Colin would call them out, and show us the exact same crimes occuring in that same street/school/city/neighborhood.

Ever since his channel, and work was taken over by someone else. All they do is repost his old videos.

I'm kinda sick of it, we all know these violent crimes happen daily, hourly, by the minute.

His videos used to sometimes go viral, "waking up" people.

So far no one has come close to what Colin did.

He was banned from YouTube for simply replaying news stories back to back proving, flash robs, murders, robberies, rapes, and looting happened all the time in the same place, perpetrated by the demon-things on humans, while the news pretended it was the first time, everytime.

I hope there is another journalist out there who will step up, and maybe do the same thing that Colin did.

They don't want us warned, they don't want us to be aware. It's almost as if they want people walking into these warzones to be cut down by the demon-things.

I still wonder if it's greed, or just ignorance that keeps these news agencies from speaking the truth.

Anyway, I just saw a fat negress on a horse in Robert Jordans Wheel of Time. A book I know only whites have read (because blacks can't read). She was talking down to the main character, because he was white and male. The funny part was, she looked terrified to be on a horse. Sweating, and wide-eyed, the camera angle was very close on her suggesting she was being held up off camera. It was such a joke to see a nigger dressed that way on a horse, in a European setting. Like when you see dog dressed in a suit. Why do they keep doing this? To appease the freaks? Or to dishearten the white children, so they think they have no culture of their own? Meh I'm done. I hope someone does what Colin did so more lives can be saved.


03-12-2022, 02:48 PM
He was banned from YouTube for simply replaying news stories back to back proving, flash robs, murders, robberies, rapes, and looting happened all the time in the same place, perpetrated by the demon-things on humans, while the news pretended it was the first time, everytime.

berated beasts are not good for business. Niggers are useful because they can be manipulated easily to earn their enablers good crust. Why ruin it ? Wish it was me using the dumb black cunts and getting rich. They don't seem to be going anywhere soon, so why not cash the coons in ?

Truth can be brutal.