View Full Version : One More Vile Nigger Filth Stabs and Almost Decapitates White Couple

03-11-2022, 06:09 PM
The outrages just continue to roll in like waves in a storm... This nigger piece of filth killed a married, white couple simply for the nigger-joy of it.....


This nigger filth is so closely related to monkeys the whites of it's eyes have that yellow, monkey sheen.....


03-11-2022, 07:59 PM
Niggers aren't human, it's that simple.

03-11-2022, 10:03 PM
Niggers aren't human, it's that simple.


I aint bin dun did dat!
03-11-2022, 10:46 PM
The outrages just continue to roll in like waves in a storm... This nigger piece of filth killed a married, white couple simply for the nigger-joy of it.....


This nigger filth is so closely related to monkeys the whites of it's eyes have that yellow, monkey sheen.....


this one has a lot of people questioning the narrative, this is 10 times worse than Arbery and this ape will never face the charges Abery’s “killers” faced. I give most people little to no credit but people are seeing this. There is a large part of the population that understand groids are a fucking cancer. There is hope.

03-12-2022, 12:44 AM

03-12-2022, 07:58 AM
whites piss me off though. when one of these crimes happen (and they seem to happen every day now) the white cucks on facebook say "I wonder how someone can do something like that" and "prayers" and "I hope he is put away for life so nobody else gets hurt". ugh. and the best one "evil comes in all colors". Hell I've even seen victims families say this. Then they form groups to "change the system". Unless you address that niggers hate us and that is why they are killing us, nothing will change. So don't bother with your stupid bills and "changing the system".

Jim Crow
03-12-2022, 08:42 AM
Definitely not human! A savage violent ape like predator. All niggers are unpredictable and can strike at any time. And that is why I always have my hand on my waste band when one is within ten feet of me.I said it many times,I’m saying it again.”Niggers do not belong aroung humans”. They need to be in the jungles of Africa thousand miles away from civilization.

03-12-2022, 08:46 AM
Agreed. I don't care what some asshole politician like LBJ says. He's the one who signed this shit with desegregation. Or Biden or Pelosi or Schumer trying to make whites feel guilty by not being around the vile beasts or just plain being white. Fuck them.

I aint bin dun did dat!
03-12-2022, 09:02 AM
whites piss me off though. when one of these crimes happen (and they seem to happen every day now) the white cucks on facebook say "I wonder how someone can do something like that" and "prayers" and "I hope he is put away for life so nobody else gets hurt". ugh. and the best one "evil comes in all colors". Hell I've even seen victims families say this. Then they form groups to "change the system". Unless you address that niggers hate us and that is why they are killing us, nothing will change. So don't bother with your stupid bills and "changing the system".
It’s liberal whites. For some reason they love niggers but don’t want to live around em (go figure). If whitey had killed a nigger though, they would all scream hate crime and racism. Liberals are worse than niggers in my opinion because without them, the niggers would be kept in check or even better, shipped back to the hell hole in Apefrica from which they came.

03-12-2022, 09:07 AM
. There is hope.

Just look at these ape eyes... and tell me the filth above is not one of them


03-12-2022, 09:08 AM

One in the fucking same


03-12-2022, 09:12 AM
It’s liberal whites. For some reason they love niggers but don’t want to live around em (go figure). If whitey had killed a nigger though, they would all scream hate crime and racism. Liberals are worse than niggers in my opinion because without them, the niggers would be kept in check or even better, shipped back to the hell hole in Apefrica from which they came.

Even conservative Trump supporting whites. I think they are too afraid of getting banned from facebook. Then they have to say how they are not racist because they have one black friend. It's so pathetic.

I aint bin dun did dat!
03-12-2022, 09:33 AM
Even conservative Trump supporting whites. I think they are too afraid of getting banned from facebook. Then they have to say how they are not racist because they have one black friend. It's so pathetic.
I deleted my real facebook and use a fake account so I can say whatever the fuck I want. I usually get suspended in 30 day increments at this point but I need the break from that cesspool anyways. It is enjoyable trolling niggers and liberals.

I aint bin dun did dat!
03-12-2022, 09:34 AM
Just look at these ape eyes... and tell me the filth above is not one of them

I believe apes evolved from niggers, not the other way around.

03-12-2022, 09:51 AM
whites piss me off though. when one of these crimes happen (and they seem to happen every day now) the white cucks on facebook say "I wonder how someone can do something like that" and "prayers" and "I hope he is put away for life so nobody else gets hurt". ugh. and the best one "evil comes in all colors". Hell I've even seen victims families say this. Then they form groups to "change the system". Unless you address that niggers hate us and that is why they are killing us, nothing will change. So don't bother with your stupid bills and "changing the system".

The cowardice and outright denial that these things are NOT HUMAN... is just amazing... Smaller brain cases per unit body mass, fewer neural folds, greatly reduced frontal lobes.... And that's just the brain and head. And the left simply denies and ignores.... Nope... "those things don't matter!" "We're all the same!!" They belch... I'd ask you where those comments are, but I could not do a thing about it... Yet one more stint in Face Book jail for me... I think I may find out soon if they actually ban people for breaking their filth, liberal edicts... I'm FaceBook Jail lifer at this point.

03-12-2022, 09:56 AM
this one has a lot of people questioning the narrative, this is 10 times worse than Arbery and this ape will never face the charges Abery’s “killers” faced.... groids are a fucking cancer. There is hope.

I want you to think of the 47 maimed and 5 old ladies MURDERED by that nigger in Waukesha who gleefully accelerated through that crowd... When was the last time you heard of that? I agree... He'll get a limited sentence and be welcomed into Nigger U as some kind of hero.

Apes need to be expunged... It's just that simple.

I aint bin dun did dat!
03-12-2022, 10:08 AM
I want you to think of the 47 maimed and 5 old ladies MURDERED by that nigger in Waukesha who gleefully accelerated through that crowd... When was the last time you heard of that? I agree... He'll get a limited sentence and be welcomed into Nigger U as some kind of hero.

Apes need to be expunged... It's just that simple.
Yup. Article after article of nigger arbery. Nigger arebery even got his own remembrance day named after it. This nigger darrel brooks, I think its name was has faded to non existent.


03-12-2022, 10:10 AM
I deleted my real facebook and use a fake account so I can say whatever the fuck I want. I usually get suspended in 30 day increments at this point but I need the break from that cesspool anyways. It is enjoyable trolling niggers and liberals.

I'm in F/B jail right now for a 30 day stint.. and was not even a righteous conviction.... Once you get on their radar, they fuck with you no end. Even using allegory to tell the truth about some issue will get you thrown in the slammer. The last time I tried to set up an alternate F/B account, they asked for all sorts of shit like a picture they could do Facial Recognition on, my address history... all sorts of shit. I was using TOR at the time, so that might be the cause. I was in a private chat room with some friends and tried to post a link to American Renaissance web site and they simply would not post the comment with the link....

And yet BURN LOOT MURDER was never even throttled even as they were destroying cities to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars... NOPE... THE APES ARE CLEARLY A PROTECTED CLASS.... Fucking gated community liberals pontificating from behind barbed wire... a god damned cancer!

03-12-2022, 10:12 AM
The cowardice and outright denial that these things are NOT HUMAN... is just amazing... Smaller brain cases per unit body mass, fewer neural folds, greatly reduced frontal lobes.... And that's just the brain and head. And the left simply denies and ignores.... Nope... "those things don't matter!" "We're all the same!!" They belch... I'd ask you where those comments are, but I could not do a thing about it... Yet one more stint in Face Book jail for me... I think I may find out soon if they actually ban people for breaking their filth, liberal edicts... I'm FaceBook Jail lifer at this point.

The left and right says we are all the same. The left I expect it but the right?

I aint bin dun did dat!
03-12-2022, 10:42 AM
I'm in F/B jail right now for a 30 day stint.. and was not even a righteous conviction.... Once you get on their radar, they fuck with you no end. Even using allegory to tell the truth about some issue will get you thrown in the slammer. The last time I tried to set up an alternate F/B account, they asked for all sorts of shit like a picture they could do Facial Recognition on, my address history... all sorts of shit. I was using TOR at the time, so that might be the cause. I was in a private chat room with some friends and tried to post a link to American Renaissance web site and they simply would not post the comment with the link....

And yet BURN LOOT MURDER was never even throttled even as they were destroying cities to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars... NOPE... THE APES ARE CLEARLY A PROTECTED CLASS.... Fucking gated community liberals pontificating from behind barbed wire... a god damned cancer!
I’ve had my fake account for a few years. I bet it has been suspended half of that time. I get suspended for using inuendo, insinuating someone is fat or that niggers have low IQ. I don’t just come out and say it but they blast me for anything now. Sometimes, like you said, it will be an innocent comment. I recently caught a suspension for daring to say that stabby nigger in Florida was an evil black racist. I had an account before this one that got perma banned. Fuck liberals and of course…niggers.

edit: I deleted my real one because half of the 500 or so “acquaintances” I had on there were leftist morons and I couldn’t stand it anymore. I couldn’t dare speak up on there without being doxxed of course and losing my livelihood.

03-12-2022, 10:50 AM
. I had an account before this one that got perma banned. Fuck liberals and of course…niggers.

edit: I deleted my real one because half of the 500 or so “acquaintances” I had on there were leftist morons and I couldn’t stand it anymore. I couldn’t dare speak up on there without being doxxed of course and losing my livelihood.

I must be very close to a permanent ban. This is my 4th month long suspension in about 18 months.. and it was not even a righteous suspension. They knew my comment was innocuous and clearly hyperbole. Still they goosed me.

How many month long jail terms did you get before they did a perma-ban? Was there any other 'punishments' they put on you?... Sadly, I do need this account.

03-12-2022, 10:55 AM
The left and right says we are all the same. The left I expect it but the right?

I don't get the Right's position on race differences also. Both empirical and anecdotal evidence screams that these apes are truly different - genetically separate and distinct. The only reason I can come up with is that they are cucks and lack the moral courage to say they are, in fact, a subspecies... (As if I should talk... here I am pontificating under the screen name 'Kagman'...)

I aint bin dun did dat!
03-12-2022, 11:57 AM
I must be very close to a permanent ban. This is my 4th month long suspension in about 18 months.. and it was not even a righteous suspension. They knew my comment was innocuous and clearly hyperbole. Still they goosed me.

How many month long jail terms did you get before they did a perma-ban? Was there any other 'punishments' they put on you?... Sadly, I do need this account.
The worst I ever got has been 30 days. I don’t know why they decided to ban that account. I may have typed something so egregious they just decided it was enough. It has been a while but I may have thrown a few back and actually dropped the dreaded n bomb.

Ray Cizzums
03-12-2022, 02:22 PM
I’ve had my fake account for a few years. I bet it has been suspended half of that time. I get suspended for using inuendo, insinuating someone is fat or that niggers have low IQ. I don’t just come out and say it but they blast me for anything now. Sometimes, like you said, it will be an innocent comment. I recently caught a suspension for daring to say that stabby nigger in Florida was an evil black racist. I had an account before this one that got perma banned. Fuck liberals and of course…niggers.
I deleted my only FacePuke account when it was 3 days old, after seeing what it was, and that was 10 years ago.
I still see their trackers in my activity window. It's degraded into a leftist echo chamber anyway, so WGAF ?
Moving the goalposts is the way of the left, and they are always on top of any work-arounds of their list of banned
words. I was treading lightly on ShitTube's comment section, and got my 10 year old account "permanently disabled",
for what I don't know. LiveLeak, where I trolled up a storm for 8 years, is now out of business, after running all their
conservative members off the site. I welcome the back and forth flame battles with the mental midgets of the left, but
they sure don't. It's all about complaining, and silencing their adversaries, which will eventually kill off YT, Shitter and FB.

I aint bin dun did dat!
03-12-2022, 03:35 PM
I deleted my only FacePuke account when it was 3 days old, after seeing what it was, and that was 10 years ago.
I still see their trackers in my activity window. It's degraded into a leftist echo chamber anyway, so WGAF ?
Moving the goalposts is the way of the left, and they are always on top of any work-arounds of their list of banned
words. I was treading lightly on ShitTube's comment section, and got my 10 year old account "permanently disabled",
for what I don't know. LiveLeak, where I trolled up a storm for 8 years, is now out of business, after running all their
conservative members off the site. I welcome the back and forth flame battles with the mental midgets of the left, but
they sure don't. It's all about complaining, and silencing their adversaries, which will eventually kill off YT, Shitter and FB.
Oh I know it’s a shit show but I love trolling niggers/liberals. It’s no ifferent than doing the same on YT or wherever else.

03-12-2022, 05:23 PM
One in the fucking same


Tru Dat!!

03-12-2022, 05:29 PM
The cowardice and outright denial that these things are NOT HUMAN... is just amazing... Smaller brain cases per unit body mass, fewer neural folds, greatly reduced frontal lobes.... And that's just the brain and head. And the left simply denies and ignores.... Nope... "those things don't matter!" "We're all the same!!" They belch... I'd ask you where those comments are, but I could not do a thing about it... Yet one more stint in Face Book jail for me... I think I may find out soon if they actually ban people for breaking their filth, liberal edicts... I'm Face Book Jail lifer at this point.

Years ago I had a Haywood account on feces book and I would troll niggers and libtards MERCILESSLY!! I spent a LOT of time in feces book jail and finally they deleted my account!! I had a GREAT time trolling niggers and a lot of the members from the old Chimp Out site were my friends on feces book and we would TROLL niggers together. Fun times!!

03-12-2022, 09:35 PM
Just look at these ape eyes... and tell me the filth above is not one of them


Apes can be violent, but I still can't compare them to niggers. Apes of all kinds still don't go around destroying everything, they generally don't attack humans, they care for their young.

03-13-2022, 08:42 AM
Apes can be violent, but I still can't compare them to niggers. Apes of all kinds still don't go around destroying everything, they generally don't attack humans, they care for their young.

In effect, you're claiming I'm denigrating apes by comparing them to niggers... Interesting thought and one I must agree with. How dare I tarnish what nature has produced in the noble gorilla by comparing them to filthy street niggers... Next time I'm at the zoo, I'll have to apologize

03-13-2022, 09:07 AM
Years ago I had a Haywood account on feces book and I would troll niggers and libtards MERCILESSLY!! I spent a LOT of time in feces book jail and finally they deleted my account!! I had a GREAT time trolling niggers and a lot of the members from the old Chimp Out site were my friends on feces book and we would TROLL niggers together. Fun times!!

Thanks... How many suspensions did you get before they finally axed you? I have professional relationships I maintain on F/B along with family... I cannot afford to lose it. At this point, I'm on their radar and they're knocking me at every opportunity. The most recent hit was a month long suspension with two months of anything I post being buried at the bottom of the feed. I made a reference to 'burn it down' regarding structures/buildings that were violating a certain ordinance. The VERY NEXT WORDS were "but seriously, this is what you should do" ANYONE reading 'burn it down' would know it was hyperbole - a goof, a joke, a humorous reference. But no.. I get fucking suspended for a month and collogues and family will know something's wrong.

I just god-damned KNOW that there's a 'person' wearing a dress sporting a 5 O'clock shadow determining if I'm allowed to post on a site that allows unfettered bandwidth to BLM niggers as they burned down our fucking country... And here I am making an off hand goof - a joke - suggesting 'burn it down'... and I get fucking goosed while those who are actually doing the burning - to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars - are lionized by these fuck-faced liberals... To say I'm furious right now is an understatement.

03-13-2022, 05:41 PM
It’s liberal whites. For some reason they love niggers but don’t want to live around em (go figure). If whitey had killed a nigger though, they would all scream hate crime and racism. Liberals are worse than niggers in my opinion because without them, the niggers would be kept in check or even better, shipped back to the hell hole in Apefrica from which they came.
My sentiments, exactly! What a wonderful world we would live in without liberals.

Ray Cizzums
03-13-2022, 06:09 PM
Thanks... How many suspensions did you get before they finally axed you? I have professional relationships I maintain on F/B along with family... I cannot afford to lose it. At this point, I'm on their radar and they're knocking me at every opportunity. The most recent hit was a month long suspension with two months of anything I post being buried at the bottom of the feed.
My pal, under his own name, was constantly in and out of FB jail for a couple of years, for trifling nonsense.
They finally gave him the permanent deactivation last year. At the same time, I heard of several others who
got the boot, all conservatives. I was purged off of DoucheTube a couple of years ago, and I was not alone.
They announced how they were "Keeping the platform a safe place for their creators", and would now use
an algorithm that issued a "warning' before posting a "possibly offensive comment". They made sure that
got done AFTER kicking me off. The left is fond of keeping the "New rules" a secret, until after you've run
afoul of them. And workarounds are not permitted, of course.

03-13-2022, 06:48 PM
They announced how they were "Keeping the platform a safe place for their creators", and would now use
an algorithm that issued a "warning' before posting a "possibly offensive comment".

Know you can open a new VerminTube account by opening a Gmail account under an assumed name and then just tack on YouTube - along with any others you may need. I would do it at a public library, use a VPN, or the TOR browser when doing so. They leave cookies or other marker on your computer so they know who's had their accounts terminated. I also Technitium MAC Address changer and use it every few weeks just as good practice. It's a free download. MAC addresses are unique to individual computers and are logged by most Big Tech apps. Changing them is a necessity if your opening up new accounts to replaced those that have been terminated.


Also turn on the toggle in Windows that automatically changes your IP address whenever you reboot. VPN, changed IP and MAC addresses, and TOR... You can keep them at bay using those things and re-up services you've been terminated from without much of an issue. Do know that Feces Book will ask for a pic of you when opening up a new account if you use TOR to do so. They use facial recognition to make sure you don't, in fact, already have a terminated account with them. They are not so demanding when you simply scramble IP/MAC addresses and/or use VPN. ALSO.. If you are going to use your computer to open a new account, do so using another browser than the one you were terminated from.

The problem with FraudBook is that I'm linked in at work and with family... I've had that account since 2008 and I'd be pissed if I lose it... And, to be sure, I'm on track to lose it. I've had 3 or 4 month long jail terms this year alone.

As to your point that VerminTube somehow now issues warnings that your post is not politically correct... It's bullshit. I'm on my 4th or 5th account and I get NO warnings. The post is simply deleted as you submit it and, unless you go back and check, you have no idea they've done it.

I always have a back up account ready to go if I get deleted. I just leave it unused until it's needed. I also keep a list of my favorite channels in an email I send to myself so I hit the road running as soon as I start using that new account.

Bottom line: It's a hassle I'm always running 3 separate browsers. You get terminated by these fucks and you have to continually jump through hoops and not make stupid mistakes to keep your new accounts open.... For example, the only place I can open YouTube is the TOR browser. If I use my Chrome browser, they'll see my original Google/Gmail account I used with my original YouTube account that was terminated and promptly delete my new account... Maybe ALL MY GOOGLE ACCOUNTS... They've been known to do that. I suspect if I'm forced to get a new FaceBook account, I'll have to use TOR as well..

Ray Cizzums
03-13-2022, 07:20 PM
Bottom line: It's a hassle I'm always running 3 separate browsers. You get terminated by these fucks and you have to continually jump through hoops and not make stupid mistakes to keep your new accounts open.... For example, the only place I can open YouTube is the TOR browser. If I use my Chrome browser, they'll see my original Google/Gmail account I used with my original YouTube account that was terminated and promptly delete my new account... Maybe ALL MY GOOGLE ACCOUNTS... They've been known to do that. I suspect if I'm forced to get a new FaceBook account, I'll have to use TOR as well..[/SIZE]
You seem more than up to the challenge that these dipshit lefty cocksuckers present, and I applaud your
effort and skill. I just don't have it in me to force my way into a place where I'm not wanted. Woshitski
Tube got rid of conservatives, and the content we watched, so there's nothing to go back to, for me.
I never bothered with FacePuke. I think LiveLeak, formerly a top 100 website, is a perfect example of
what happens when leftists get carried away with their "moderating", as in Out Of Business.

03-14-2022, 08:41 AM
Thanks... How many suspensions did you get before they finally axed you? I have professional relationships I maintain on F/B along with family... I cannot afford to lose it. At this point, I'm on their radar and they're knocking me at every opportunity. The most recent hit was a month long suspension with two months of anything I post being buried at the bottom of the feed. I made a reference to 'burn it down' regarding structures/buildings that were violating a certain ordinance. The VERY NEXT WORDS were "but seriously, this is what you should do" ANYONE reading 'burn it down' would know it was hyperbole - a goof, a joke, a humorous reference. But no.. I get fucking suspended for a month and collogues and family will know something's wrong.

I just god-damned KNOW that there's a 'person' wearing a dress sporting a 5 O'clock shadow determining if I'm allowed to post on a site that allows unfettered bandwidth to BLM niggers as they burned down our fucking country... And here I am making an off hand goof - a joke - suggesting 'burn it down'... and I get fucking goosed while those who are actually doing the burning - to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars - are lionized by these fuck-faced liberals... To say I'm furious right now is an understatement.

Probably about 12. Once a "munf" I would get a 30 da y suspension and then about a week or 10 days later I would get suspended all over again!! It was WORTH it to bash niggers!!

03-14-2022, 09:26 AM
That nigger has those disgusting yellow eyes like the pure-bred niggers back in Apefrica.

Magic Nigger Rashad
03-14-2022, 10:44 AM
Yes but Chauvin is still branded into popular memory. One useless nigger died of overdose and he is a saint. This mongoloid above should live in infamy, was there even a hate crime attached to that massacre?

03-14-2022, 10:57 AM
Probably about 12. Once a "munf" I would get a 30 da y suspension and then about a week or 10 days later I would get suspended all over again!! It was WORTH it to bash niggers!!

I need to open another account now and use that to bash the nigger filth... "munf".. Too funny... Thanks for the info... I'm at about 5 but that guarantees nothing.

Ray Cizzums
03-14-2022, 11:06 AM
That nigger has those disgusting yellow eyes like the pure-bred niggers back in Apefrica.
Those sclerotic yellow eyes are always bloodshot, from hitting the glass dick...
:bugeye 19091