View Full Version : Gay Monkey Smollett Gets 150 Days at Cook County Jail

SC Anemia
03-10-2022, 08:58 PM
AAHHHHHH your gonna love the Cook County Slammer. They've got all the bologna sammiches and dik you could ever hope for.

Oh and the best part, the down-low axed for some time before jail and the judge said 'no can do' and they hauled him straight from court to the jail. I bet he'll have some non-fiction stories to tell in about 150 days.


When Smollett returned to Cook County court on Thursday – after much back-and-forth by his defense team and prosecutors over four hours – he was sentenced to thirty months felony probation, restitution to the city of Chicago in the amount of $120,106, a fine of $25,000, and 150 days in the Cook County Jail.

Asked if he wanted to take the stand prior to his sentencing, "No your honor I don’t want to say anything. Thank you."



animal mother
03-10-2022, 09:33 PM
He will throughly enjoy his stay in the CC lockup with all the salad he could toss and down low muh dik to feast on.

Ray Cizzums
03-10-2022, 09:46 PM
He will throughly enjoy his stay in the CC lockup with all the salad he could toss and down low muh dik to feast on.
That's like sending me to the Miss Teen USA summer camp, ffs.
Jussie needs some hard labor on a chain gang, so he's too tired to fornicate...

SC Anemia
03-10-2022, 09:47 PM
Oh, and he twisted off (or was acting) on his way out of the courtroom and straight to jail.


Or....he was acting here too. Notice how out of nowhere he brought up suicidal ideations on his way out? I believe that was acting because if the court or jail personnel believe hes suicidal, he does his time in PC (protective custody) away from the general population. I think that last outburst was an intentional ploy and audition for protective custody.

Little pussy has decided now to be afraid of dik? Or maybe that's just uninvited dik?


03-10-2022, 10:49 PM
He was pulling that bullshit to act like he was gonna get Epsteined or something, as if he's that important. Stupid, arrogant, deluded groid.

03-11-2022, 02:32 PM
The worthless shitbeast Jussie Smollett goes to jail for a mere 150 days. Hundreds of "high profile" niggers spoke in favour of the beast. But, of course, nigger being nigger, it could not leave without chimping out, claiming to be innocent and endangered:

The judge asked Mr. Smollett if he had any questions. The convicted hate crime hoaxer pulled down his mask. “I just want to say, Your Honor, that I am not suicidal. That’s what I would like to say. I am not suicidal.” He became agitated. “I am not suicidal! I am innocent! And I am not suicidal. If I did this, then it means that I stuck my fist in the fears of black Americans in this country for over 400 years. And the fears of the LGBTQ community. Your Honor, I respect you, I respect the jury. But I did not do this, and I am not suicidal, and if anything happens to me when I go in there, I did not do it to myself, and you must all know that. I respect you, Your Honor, I respect your decision. Jail time . . . .”



These subsimian shitbeasts can do whatever they want, and go virtually unpunished. How I hate these beasts! Interestingly though, all the English articles I read so far are still some sort of in favour of the nigger, while - at least in one - German speaking paper they claimed the "nigger was rude & smirk in court"