View Full Version : Silly Nigress, You Can't Smuggle Hash in Russia

SC Anemia
03-05-2022, 03:31 PM
This fugly nigger:


Got arrested in Russia with Vape cartridges containing hash/hash oil. Still breaking every law but gravity except the ho did it in Russia where they give less than a shit that you play tree hockey.

Officials say Griner was carrying vaping equipment with cannabis oil cartridges and can face up to 10 years in prison.

Ahhhhhh,haaaa :rofl. Sorry 'bout your luck, you've got no protected species status in Russia. In fact you're definitely less than human there. I heard that they're even blocking niggers from the trains and busses in the Ukraine debacle. Tough shit I guess.



03-05-2022, 05:45 PM
What an ugly shebuckbeast! It will have a lot of fun in the Russian female prison. Coincidentally I just recently watched a documentary about women prisons in Russia, sadly in German, but at least I found it on youtube. Seemed pretty civilized and clean, but they have
a super strict regime, and special "chimpout cells". They will have a lot of fun with the nigger sow.


03-05-2022, 07:20 PM
This fugly nigger:


Got arrested in Russia with Vape cartridges containing hash/hash oil. Still breaking every law but gravity except the ho did in in Russia where they give less than a shit that you play tree hockey.

Ahhhhhh,haaaa :rofl. Sorry 'bout your luck, you've got no protected species status in Russia. In fact you're definitely less than human there. I heard that they're even blocking niggers from the trains and busses in the Ukraine debacle. Tough shit I guess.



Dumb sheboon!! I am definitely feeling the most delicious SCHADENFREUDE over this!!

Ray Cizzums
03-05-2022, 07:28 PM
One of the few places where a nigger's cry of ray-cizzums falls on deaf ears. This reminds me
of the 3 spook-ball players busted for shoplifting in China, while President Trump was on an
official visit. He got them off the hook, then the mouthy nigger father of one of them, LaVar Ball,
bad mouthed Trump, and said he dindu nuffin. His retard was facing 10 years. And back in '92,
100 niggers, from the Texas University marching band, stole $22,000 worth of electronics from
shops in Japan. They were refused transportation to the airport, until they ponied up the stolen
goods. The school paid for the $4,000 worth that the niggers would not give back, then dissolved
the band when they got home. Leave it to the negro to provoke an embarrassing international incident.

SC Anemia
03-05-2022, 08:39 PM
What an ugly shebuckbeast! It will have a lot of fun in the Russian female prison. Coincidentally I just recently watched a documentary about women prisons in Russia, sadly in German, but at least I found it on youtube. Seemed pretty civilized and clean, but they have
a super strict regime, and special "chimpout cells". They will have a lot of fun with the nigger sow.


I was in St. Petersburg for the Goodwill games in 94. Chilling out on a seat outside on the hotel patio when I notice some dude passed out drunk on a park bench about 50 feet from me.
Next thing I see are three St. Petersburg PD cops roll up on this dude and beat the bejeesus out of him.

Keeping up on what's seemly or just bad decorum I suppose the locals wanted to keep up appearances and were pretty serious about it.

Naw.... I believe Crump will be sitting this one out.

03-05-2022, 09:10 PM
This fugly nigger:



......hhmmmm....nope, the wraith is less hideous.

03-05-2022, 11:10 PM
The rachet sheboon won't like prison very much there and unlike here, all her niggerwhines about raycisms and how she's not comfortable will get her nowhere.

Good luck, hoe. You'll need it.


03-06-2022, 03:45 AM
Perfect timing negress. Just when Russia is so pissed off at us right now for all the sanctions. Try using your BLM card. I don't think it will mean anything, and the female Russian guards don't care about your athletic status.

I predict torture not covered by the Geneva Convention.

03-06-2022, 08:46 AM
They're not to crazy about lesbians there, either.

03-06-2022, 08:56 AM
And back in '92, 100 niggers, from the Texas University marching band, stole $22,000 worth of electronics from shops in Japan. They were refused transportation to the airport, until they ponied up the stolen goods. The school paid for the $4,000 worth that the niggers would not give back, then dissolved the band when they got home. Leave it to the negro to provoke an embarrassing international incident.

Police were unable to make arrests. Shopkeepers could not identify the thieves since the band members were wearing identical uniforms, Okada said.

Bullshit. They couldn't tell them apart because all niggers look the same.

However, about $3,500 of goods were not returned, according to Atsushi Fujita of Teleplanning International Co., which organized the football game.

Fujita said his company received money for the unreturned products from Texas Southern and presented it to the shopkeepers along with apologies.

The shopkeepers no doubt had to do a full store inventory to figure out what all was stolen. This cost them lost time and wages. Did the school cover this as well?

The cops should have stormed the bus and cuff and stuffed those niggers and thrown them into Japanese jails for a few weeks and charged them fines to cover the cost of prosecution, housing, feeding (cup of rice per day) and made enough of an international shit storm about it to ensure that no niggers would want to return - ever.

03-06-2022, 09:51 AM
What an ugly shebuckbeast! It will have a lot of fun in the Russian female prison. Coincidentally I just recently watched a documentary about women prisons in Russia, sadly in German, but at least I found it on youtube. Seemed pretty civilized and clean, but they have
a super strict regime, and special "chimpout cells". They will have a lot of fun with the nigger sow.

A female prison is the last place the Russians should throw that thing in, though. That is a tranny nigger buck if I ever saw one. If it has to go to Russian NU, it would prefer to be among biological females.

Sheila Jackscoon-Lee is demanding its release. I knew once I saw the headline that the nigger committed some kind of true crime, and it has nothing to do with international politics.

Like I said, that's a tranny buck. That's more of a tranny than even Michael Obama.



03-06-2022, 10:01 AM
Like I said, that's a tranny buck. That's more of a tranny than even Michael Obama.


I'm not so sure about that. From what I understand about the WNBA, it's all butch lesbians. Butch lesbians consider gay menzez and trannies at the bottom of the pecking order when it comes to the lgbtqasdf;lkj crowd. I think they would beat it's ass if they found out it was a male or a fake.

SC Anemia
03-06-2022, 10:14 AM
I'm not so sure about that. From what I understand about the WNBA, it's all butch lesbians. Butch lesbians consider gay menzez and trannies at the bottom of the pecking order when it comes to the lgbtqasdf;lkj crowd. I think they would beat it's ass if they found out it was a male or a fake.

UPDATE: turns out this one is a stah in the WNBA. Saw a news piece this morning. Apparently it's been in a Russian jail over three weeks already. I guess news travels slow when the world is on the brink and there's no one left to give a shit.

BTW confirmed, it's a 6'8" LGBT mulatto mutant.

03-06-2022, 10:34 AM
UPDATE: turns out this one is a stah in the WNBA. Saw a news piece this morning. Apparently it's been in a Russian jail over three weeks already. I guess news travels slow when the world is on the brink and there's no one left to give a shit.

BTW confirmed, it's a 6'8" LGBT mulatto mutant.

Remember the liger? The mutant is much larger than both patents.

SC Anemia
03-06-2022, 12:35 PM
Remember the liger? The mutant is much larger than both patents.

Dats rite Jenks but at least Ligers are cool. Yeah, those things are enormous, scary big.


BTW, I got to see Barnum & Bailey one last time before they closed for good. Before the show you go back to the holding cages and get a good look at the animals. I remember standing about 5' away from a fully mature, male lion. I also remember thinking that the temporary cyclone fencing between me and the lion just seemed wildly unsecure. Just not enough steel between me and the beast. Intimidating AF.

I'm not sure that's how it works with nigger DNA but you may be onto something.

Ray Cizzums
03-06-2022, 07:23 PM
Dats rite Jenks but at least Ligers are cool. Yeah, those things are enormous, scary big.


BTW, I got to see Barnum & Bailey one last time before they closed for good. Before the show you go back to the holding cages and get a good look at the animals. I remember standing about 5' away from a fully mature, male lion. I also remember thinking that the temporary cyclone fencing between me and the lion just seemed wildly unsecure. Just not enough steel between me and the beast. Intimidating AF.
I always thought calling chain link fence "Cyclone" was an east coast euphemism, but I guess that outfit
was nationwide. One thing is for sure - our furry friends can escape, if they really want to, and that applies
from tied up dogs, to apex predators. Remember those little cocksuckers that were throwing batteries at a
tiger, at a zoo in San Francisco ? That thing jumped out of a 16' high enclosure, and tore those punks up,
killing one I believe. Taunting a wild animal is always a bad idea. Look at Obama....

SC Anemia
03-06-2022, 09:10 PM
I always thought calling chain link fence "Cyclone" was an east coast euphemism, but I guess that outfit
was nationwide. One thing is for sure - our furry friends can escape, if they really want to, and that applies
from tied up dogs, to apex predators. Remember those little cocksuckers that were throwing batteries at a
tiger, at a zoo in San Francisco ? That thing jumped out of a 16' high enclosure, and tore those punks up,
killing one I believe. Taunting a wild animal is always a bad idea. Look at Obama....

Ray that tiger at the San Francisco Zoo actually just leaped out of it's enclosure. Joe Rogan did a really funny bit on that suggesting that if you're going to keep a monster in a box, maybe you ought to have a lid on the box. Apparently those geniuses underestimated how far a tiger could leap.

Funniest part of that story (no fucks to give about the moron who was killed) is that he was killed and partially eaten in THE FOOD COURT. :lol

Yeah, that lion at the circus was intimidating AF and I'm sure that fencing might as well have been saran-wrap for all the good it would have done me.
One last thing, up close and personal, a lion roar can make you pee a little. Jesus, Mary and Joseph !

03-06-2022, 09:16 PM
UPDATE: turns out this one is a stah in the WNBA. Saw a news piece this morning. Apparently it's been in a Russian jail over three weeks already. I guess news travels slow when the world is on the brink and there's no one left to give a shit.

BTW confirmed, it's a 6'8" LGBT mulatto mutant.

Niggerpedia entry:
Griner attended Nimitz High School in Houston. In addition to lettering in basketball throughout high school, she played varsity volleyball as a freshman. Starting in her sophomore year, Griner practiced with the boys' basketball team, and worked with a Nimitz football coach to develop her leg strength in preparation for learning to dunk.

I also found this on https://www.wiki.ng/en/wiki/is-brittney-griner-trans-everything-to-know-about-the-basketball-player-643988

Is Brittney Griner Trans?
No, Brittney Griner is not trans.
Brittney Griner came out as a lesbian.
On February 11, 2013, she spoke about her sexuality in public in an interview with SI.com.
Griner is a victim of bullying because of her sexual preference.
Brittney’s father did not accept her coming out as a lesbian gracefully.
Brittney Griner: Who Is Her Wife?
Brittney Griner was married to Glory Johnson.
The couple got married on May 8, 2015. They broke up just after a year and got divorced.
On June 4, 2015, they announced that Johnson was pregnant with twins through IVF treatment.
Brittney and Griner finalized their divorce in 206.

Texas has always been about keeping the biological boys and girls separate at least up until I left in the early 2000's. Hopefully, this was a one off and they don't change but the way the country is going, who knows.
This is not it's first run in with the law:

On August 14, 2014, Griner announced her engagement to fellow WNBA player Glory Johnson.[79][80] However, they were arrested on charges of assault and disorderly conduct on April 22, 2015 after police responded to a fight between the two in their suburban Phoenix, Arizona home in Goodyear. Both had sustained some injurires.

Despite this incident, they married the following month on May 8, 2015 in Phoenix. On May 15, 2015, the WNBA suspended Griner and Johnson for seven games each after Griner pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct charges. Griner was also required to complete 26 weeks of domestic violence counseling.

On June 4, 2015, Griner and Johnson announced that Johnson was pregnant with twins, conceived with Johnson's eggs through in vitro fertilization.[86] The following day, and after less than a month of marriage, Griner filed for an annulment of the marriage citing fraud and duress;[87] the annulment was denied.[88] Johnson gave birth to twin girls on October 12, 2015, 16 weeks premature. Griner was ordered to pay child support to Johnson.[89] The couple's divorce was finalized in June 2016.

Hilarious. Nigger lesbo has to pay chile' suppoat without being the biological mother or father.

It's rarely talked about, but lesbians have higher domestic assault complaints than heterosexual couples. Niggers, doubly so.

Mutant lesbo non tranny freak-show confirmed.

Ray Cizzums
03-07-2022, 04:34 PM
Yeah, that lion at the circus was intimidating AF and I'm sure that fencing might as well have been saran-wrap for all the good it would have done me.
One last thing, up close and personal, a lion roar can make you pee a little. Jesus, Mary and Joseph !

I found that out, the hard way, one night in the Sierra Nevada mountains. We were on a bushwack,
40 miles north of Oroville, sleeping in the open next to a campfire that had died down. I'm awakened
by the Mercury cougar from 10 feet away, then blinded by the muzzle flash from my friend's 8mm rifle.
So from a dead sleep, in two seconds, I'm blind, deaf and worst of all - zipped in my sleeping bag.
The big she-cat ran off, my friend wasn't trying to hit it. It later killed a pony-sized horse at our neighbor's
place, and my pal and his ridgeback walked up on it by accident. It had dragged a big piece up the hill,
and my friend saw it's tail moving around, then realized it wasn't a hunk of rope. Him and his trusty
lionhound beat a hasty retreat.

SC Anemia
03-07-2022, 08:40 PM
I found that out, the hard way, one night in the Sierra Nevada mountains. We were on a bushwack,
40 miles north of Oroville

Geez Ray, you're talking about my back yard. I'm just south of Sacramento. Yup, we have some big cats once in awhile.

Once, while hiking out of the trail after seeing the Giant Sequoia General Sherman, the woman I was with and I walked right up on a black bear. I didn't know whether to shit or go blind. As it turns out, they are pretty used to seeing humans walking around so they really just ignore you. Still some pucker-factor there though. Nothing quite like a large carnivore to remind you how pathetically equipped humans are.

03-09-2022, 10:43 AM
A female prison is the last place the Russians should throw that thing in, though. That is a tranny nigger buck if I ever saw one. If it has to go to Russian NU, it would prefer to be among biological females.
I agree! Considering the available options in Russia, and the fact that the thing is an "athlete", I personally would suggest a labour camp in Siberia. Would be the right place for the shitbeast.

Sheila Jackscoon-Lee is demanding its release. I knew once I saw the headline that the nigger committed some kind of true crime, and it has nothing to do with international politics.
That is so typical, always the didndu nuffin niggerbabble! She would never have said a word if it had been a white person!

03-10-2022, 03:38 PM
I agree! Considering the available options in Russia, and the fact that the thing is an "athlete", I personally would suggest a labour camp in Siberia. Would be the right place for the shitbeast.

That is so typical, always the didndu nuffin niggerbabble! She would never have said a word if it had been a white person!

Now there's whining about why the story of this criminal shebuck isn't the biggest story in the country, if not the world. Doesn't anyone care?? Rayciss!

Why Isn’t Brittney Griner the Biggest Sports Story in the Country?

Yet until Russian officials released a statement over the weekend saying they had detained Griner (https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/05/sports/basketball/russia-brittney-griner.html) after finding hashish oil in her airport bag,it seemed that nobody had noticed. And the reaction since the arrest has been stunningly quiet. One of the greatest athletes in American sports — a gold-medal winner, a superstar, a champion — was arrested in a dangerous and volatile country that has suddenly become a pariah on the world stage.

And yeah - if this was a human athlete this article would never have been written. I'm so sick of hearing about niggers!!


03-10-2022, 08:36 PM
It's rarely talked about, but lesbians have higher domestic assault complaints than heterosexual couples. Niggers, doubly so.

I did not know that, but it matches what a few girls at university told me almost 20 years ago: They studied politics, genderology, sociology or some similar nonsense, I don't remember exactly. They told me that they avoided to go to one specific women only library, because the lesbians there considered them prey and they would not take 'no' for an answer. Today it's probably much worse.

Ray Cizzums
03-10-2022, 09:38 PM
I did not know that, but it matches what a few girls in university told me almost 20 years ago: They studied politics, genderology, sociology or some similar nonsense, I don't remember exactly. They told me that they avoided to go to one specific women only library, because the lesbians there considered them prey and they would not take 'no' for an answer. Today it's probably much worse.
My crew and I were tuna fishing up on Cape Cod back in the '90s, and we had a 3 day closure announced, so we couldn't fish.
We end up in Provincetown, at the height of the gay's summer pilgrimage and rainbow clusterfuck. We stuck out like a sore
thumb, and some straight girls were damn glad to see us, and vice versa. The one talking to me had been getting hit on
by a relentless diesel dyke, who walked right up to me, and started talking absolute nonsense. Due to an odd elevation
at the beach bar, and me being 6'6", she didn't realize I was sitting down. I told her "I've never hit a girl before, but the
day ain't over yet" as I stood up. He/she/it turned pale, and bolted when I took a step towards her. That went over fine
with everyone there, including the other lesbians, who bought me drinks. Then I woke up on the boat the next day. I
think I even got laid. :lol

03-10-2022, 10:37 PM
Niggerpedia entry:

I also found this on https://www.wiki.ng/en/wiki/is-brittney-griner-trans-everything-to-know-about-the-basketball-player-643988

Texas has always been about keeping the biological boys and girls separate at least up until I left in the early 2000's. Hopefully, this was a one off and they don't change but the way the country is going, who knows.
This is not it's first run in with the law:

Hilarious. Nigger lesbo has to pay chile' suppoat without being the biological mother or father.

It's rarely talked about, but lesbians have higher domestic assault complaints than heterosexual couples. Niggers, doubly so.

Mutant lesbo non tranny freak-show confirmed.

From what I've heard and seen this is the truth. Gay guy boyfriends beat the shit out of each other and the lezzies are really vicious. I saw two gay sowpotomi,at least 300lbs each, on my court show and they not only went at it like Sumo wrestlers, but yanked each other's weaves out and one of them had to go to the hospital for (rabies)shots after the other buffarilla chomped on her udder.

Those bull dykes scare me, and I don't understand why, if they don't like men they want to look, dress, and act like them? Of course I'm no expert on the subject and there may be a very good reason.

SC Anemia
03-10-2022, 10:48 PM
My crew and I were tuna fishing

Damn Ray, you feeling OK bud? We're talking about lesbians and you comment beginning with "tuna fishing" so I'm thinking 'here it comes, this is gonna be funny. Swing and a miss on a perfect set-up.


03-11-2022, 04:05 AM
First, Russia should have kept their mouths shut and probably no-one would have noticed.

As far as the terrorist behavior of many lesbians, I have had some first hand dealings with them to back up the stats that I've read.

Way back in the mid 90's, I took visiting family downtown for Mardi Gras. We were packed like sardines on the sidewalk waiting on a parade to pass. Behind us were two girls, both college aged, white and cute. Soon after they arrived, we noticed that one of them was very pushy with the other girl to an unbelievable extent. She was verbally and physically badgering her to come home with her and the other girl was not really interested but from what we heard of the conversation, she was a captive audience due to having rode there with her. Her insistence was simply astounding and her motives were clear to everyone around her. Had this girl been a guy in a bar harassing a female in this manner, he would have gotten his ass beat for his behavior. This girl was the type to scream NO MEANS NO when it comes to a man but she obviously had double standards. I soon found this out for sure because after listening to her for probably 15 minutes, I finally turned my head briefly in disbelief of her behavior just to make sure that it was the same two girls that I thought it was. I did it without saying a word and didn't even want her noticing me but she did. The bull then noticed my head swing around and screamed at me to mind my own business and made a hate filled comment about me being some kind of monster because I was a man. I honestly believe that had there not been a crowd there, she would have sexually assaulted the other girl.

The summer after HS, I made the mistake of dating a somewhat loose girl for purely non-gentlemanly reasons. What can I say, I was young, stupid and horny. The girl turned out to be a certifiable blue wackadoo slurpee nut-job evil bitch so I eventually decided that I had to break it off with her before some harm came to me. I should have done it sooner or better yet ran at first sight because later that night, she followed me to the parking lot with a friend of hers in tow. That friend was a known crazy lesbian with a hot temper. She berated, screamed and cursed at me for some ten minutes trying to get me to lose my composure and give her an excuse to turn violent. My calm demeanor only served to infuriate her more until she finally sucker punched me square in the jaw. I wasn't going to fall for it and backed up stunned and now without the benefit of glasses, she did it again. The third time, I leaned in, blocked her, shoved her backwards on her ass into a mud puddle, jumped in my car and hauled ass. I never spoke to either of them again. I found out later that it turned out that I had just dumped her childhood crush. She saw this as an opportunity to show off in front of her as some twisted, misguided form of seduction. I guess she thought she could be my ex's nut in shining armor riding in on her white Datsun to save her. From what I found out later, it didn't work. My ex was an attention whore and bat-shit crazy, but still not a lesbian.

I was raised to never hit a girl under any circumstances short of saving my own life. Some of my friends who watched the whole incident praised me for my self control. Some of them laughed their assess off at me. Whatever, guys.

Last year, I read in my hometown news that she drove to her girlfriend's grave after she died from some illness and proceeded to get shitfaced drunk and high on pills until she worked up enough numb courage to blow her brains out on top of her grave. Groundskeeper Willies found her body a few days later. While I didn't laugh at the news, I sure as hell didn't shed a tear.

I had many dealings with them in service because the Navy seems to attract them for some reason more than any branch. I heard a lot of theories on the matter that sounded legit but it's not like any scientific research was done to figure it out. Basically, they just knew that the Navy was a good place to meet other lesbians, more than any other branch specifically. Supply ships were the main culprits, being staffed mainly by women and were notorious for the stories of lesbian hijinks, fights, orgies, "domestic" quarrels and so much more. I have had numerous lesbians and gays work for me throughout my years as a supervisor and let me tell you, the drama never ends with them at work or off. It was constant. There was simply no such thing as a normal work environment with them. I walked on eggshells for 20 years. It's not much different, as far as that goes, than working with niggers. At least they would work though, which is more than I could say for most of the niggers. Hands down, the most protected species in the Navy was the nigger lesbian or gay. They could get away with anything.

I don't hate them, but I sure as hell don't miss working with a damn one of them. It was taxing then, and it's got to be hell now that it's open, accepted and encouraged even to the extent of paying for SRS. This is not proper use of tax dollars and adds nothing to our defense. It does the opposite.

Our military is broken and we are now ripe for a fall of Roman proportions for all the same reasons.

03-11-2022, 12:36 PM
Her insistence was simply astounding and her motives were clear to everyone around her. Had this girl been a guy in a bar harassing a female in this manner, he would have gotten his ass beat for his behavior. This girl was the type to scream NO MEANS NO when it comes to a man but she obviously had double standards.

She was probably afraid to protest. These days you must allow any members of the protected species - gay, tranny, morbidly obese, niggers, etc do whatever they like to you, so as not to appear trans/homo/fat 'phobic' or rayciss.

If I tell a man who is sexually harassing me to bug off, I'm just being a strong, independent woman warding off an assault from an evil YT male (cuz they're all evil and should DIE!) and that's a good thing.

If I say the same to lezzie, nigger, etc, it MUST be because I'm homophobic or rayciss.

The double standards do sometimes piss people off.

If this had been a man instead of that nasty old dyke, Ellen, the SJWs, feminazis, and other libtards would have ruined his career and hounded him to the gates of hell. But because it's a Lezzie, we should say, "Aww, isn't that cute?" No, it's not cute at ALL.


Ray Cizzums
03-11-2022, 03:40 PM
Damn Ray, you feeling OK bud? We're talking about lesbians and you comment beginning with "tuna fishing" so I'm thinking 'here it comes, this is gonna be funny. Swing and a miss on a perfect set-up.
The tuna jokes were flying from all directions in P-town, so I'd just hang the set up over the plate,
and let everyone else hit them out of the park. :lol

03-11-2022, 03:56 PM
My crew and I were tuna fishing up on Cape Cod back in the '90s, and we had a 3 day closure announced, so we couldn't fish.
We end up in Provincetown, at the height of the gay's summer pilgrimage and rainbow clusterfuck. We stuck out like a sore
thumb, and some straight girls were damn glad to see us, and vice versa. The one talking to me had been getting hit on
by a relentless diesel dyke, who walked right up to me, and started talking absolute nonsense. Due to an odd elevation
at the beach bar, and me being 6'6", she didn't realize I was sitting down. I told her "I've never hit a girl before, but the
day ain't over yet" as I stood up. He/she/it turned pale, and bolted when I took a step towards her. That went over fine
with everyone there, including the other lesbians, who bought me drinks. Then I woke up on the boat the next day. I
think I even got laid. :lol

Thanks for your post! After a bad week, and a bad day, your post rally made me laugh :D. And I learned a few new expressions, "summer pilgrimage and rainbow clusterfuck" etc. gorgeous!

03-11-2022, 04:17 PM
She was probably afraid to protest. These days you must allow any members of the protected species - gay, tranny, morbidly obese, niggers, etc do whatever they like to you, so as not to appear trans/homo/fat 'phobic' or rayciss.

If I tell a man who is sexually harassing me to bug off, I'm just being a strong, independent woman warding off an assault from an evil YT male (cuz they're all evil and should DIE!) and that's a good thing.

If I say the same to lezzie, nigger, etc, it MUST be because I'm homophobic or rayciss.

The double standards do sometimes piss people off.

If this had been a man instead of that nasty old dyke, Ellen, the SJWs, feminazis, and other libtards would have ruined his career and hounded him to the gates of hell. But because it's a Lezzie, we should say, "Aww, isn't that cute?" No, it's not cute at ALL.


I absolutely despise that Ellen 'lady', almost as much as the fat sheboon sow Chimpfrey. Even though I don't even know why (speaking of DeGeneres, of course). These constant double standards piss of every sane human person. But as long as humans don't fiercely complain when media and politicians act that way, nothing will change.

If I say the same to lezzie, nigger, etc, it MUST be because I'm homophobic or rayciss.
Of course, they are sacred! When male, it's even worse. Some UK & German feminazis already demanded that men (human, that is) who refuse to have a "wife" (sheboon, mudslime, foul mouthed misandrist feminist), should be forced to take one. Funnily, at the same time they complain that "incel men" consider females as "sex objects". You always loose, double standard par excellence. Just imagine what would happen if a male demanded females should not be allowed to reject him :D. On the other hand, liberals worship asslifters. Clown world!

Ray Cizzums
03-11-2022, 04:27 PM
The double standards do sometimes piss people off.

Our neighbors often entertain, and we've gotten to know a lot of their gay and lesbian friends. I can't
resist working the room, and talking to all the girls, and making them laugh. Lucky for me, all of them
have a good sense of humor. My goal is to unite the entire hen house, my wife included, and have them
jeer me off the stage, at the end of my juvenile ribaldry and silliness. Thank god covid is ending, and
summer is just around the corner.

03-11-2022, 06:20 PM
I absolutely despise that Ellen 'lady', almost as much as the fat sheboon sow Chimpfrey. Even though I don't even know why (speaking of DeGeneres, of course). These constant double standards piss of every sane human person. But as long as humans don't fiercely complain when media and politicians act that way, nothing will change.

Of course, they are sacred! When male, it's even worse. Some UK & German feminazis already demanded that men (human, that is) who refuse to have a "wife" (sheboon, mudslime, foul mouthed misandrist feminist), should be forced to take one. Funnily, at the same time they complain that "incel men" consider females as "sex objects". You always loose, double standard par excellence. Just imagine what would happen if a male demanded females should not allow to reject him :D. On the other hand, liberals worship asslifters. Clown world!

I used to like Ellen when she did stand-up. I liked that her humour wasn't at toilet-level and was actually funny. I even watched her talk show for awhile until I noticed her so-called "humour" was becoming increasingly mean-spirited, especially towards men. Now she's just a nasty old dyke and I can't stand the sight of her. I believe all the complaints from her toadies.

There is no more comedy. It's finished now that the only targets for it can be Nazis and white, hetero males. No other entities on the planet can be subjected to any kind of jokes no matter how harmless, lest someone get triggered. Everything has to be totally serious.

The Woketurds are dredging up ancient stuff to express their outrage and showcase their wokeness. I notice a particular target of this is Mickey Rooney, playing a stereotypical Japanese guy in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" which was produced 16 years after WWII, when no one was feeling particularly warm and fuzzy towards the Japanese. But the cucks and SJWs don't know that or think about it. Really, they don't know much about anything.

I am so sick of this bullshit!!

03-12-2022, 03:58 AM
The double standards do sometimes piss people off. If this had been a man instead of that nasty old dyke, Ellen, the SJWs, feminazis, and other libtards would have ruined his career and hounded him to the gates of hell. But because it's a Lezzie, we should say, "Aww, isn't that cute?" No, it's not cute at ALL.

Aren't Ellen and Portia "married?"

I can just imagine that picture and the results differently if I were in it. Replace Smellen with me, Portia with my wife and leave Katy Perry.

If my wife had seen me do something so lewd to another woman as Ellen is doing to Katy Perry, I would have found myself on the floor seeing stars when I came to, bleeding profusely. She wouldn't have thought it cute and neither would KP. They probably both would have taken turns kicking me in the ribs and I would have deserved it.

It takes an extreme disrespect to compare someone that you consider your soulmate and spouse's physical attributes to another woman or man with such callous disregard for their feelings. Lesbian or not, laughing or not, this had to hurt her on some level as she doesn't sport the same ample proportions as Katy Perry.

With all that said, they're all three still trash.

I aint bin dun did dat!
03-12-2022, 09:48 AM
It's rarely talked about, but lesbians have higher domestic assault complaints than heterosexual couples. Niggers, doubly so.

Mutant lesbo non tranny freak-show confirmed.

Holy shit I would love to have been a fly on the wall when these two beasts were brawling. I bet they threw everything in the nigger nest and broke it all. :lol
As someone who has worked in nigger nests, I can picture exactly what it looked like after these two nasty animals threw down.I can smell it too, unfortunately.

03-12-2022, 10:57 AM
Damn, quite a collection of dyke stories here. Even as a softball player (I know, I know), mine are pretty tame in comparison. (Contrary to the stereotype, most girls who play softball are straight. If they wear a ribbon in their hair it's a specific indication that they're straight). In high school and college there were always a few lesbians on the team, but they mostly kept their shenanigans to themselves. They had their lifestyle and we had ours, everyone knew who was what, but no one made a big deal of it. The fact that they were a small minority on the teams I played on probably helped - once their numbers increase so does the misbehavior. Similar to niggers.

When I was a freshman in high school our team for a short while had this bull dyke coach who was seriously almost a dead ringer for Janet Reno. First time I go up to the plate in batting practice she slaps me on the ass. I turn around and give her the "you really think it's a good idea to do that to someone holding an aluminum softball bat?" look. First and last time she touched me. A couple of months later, she was fired for having an "inappropriate relationship" with a 15-year-old sophomore girl on the team.

I've worked with a few gay male nurses at the hospital. While generally competent (the humans, anyway), the stereotype about drama queens is definitely true. I don't eat lunch with them because just listening to the sheer level of drama in their "relationships" is draining and my job is stressful enough already. Every molehill has to become a mountain, nothing can ever be a small deal. I don't see how people can live like that - though I hear that some people thrive on the drama and live for it. What a way to "live."

As for nigger Griner, I remember a story when it was playing tree hockey in college and punched an opposing player in the face. Although college tree hockey is very heavily niggerfuxated, the victim "happened" to be a White girl. Nigger Griner can enjoy the accommodations of the Russian correctional system for a nice long time, and Coongressnigger Jakscoon-Lee can join it.

03-12-2022, 12:14 PM
Aren't Ellen and Portia "married?"

I can just imagine that picture and the results differently if I were in it. Replace Smellen with me, Portia with my wife and leave Katy Perry.

If my wife had seen me do something so lewd to another woman as Ellen is doing to Katy Perry, I would have found myself on the floor seeing stars when I came to, bleeding profusely. She wouldn't have thought it cute and neither would KP. They probably both would have taken turns kicking me in the ribs and I would have deserved it.

It takes an extreme disrespect to compare someone that you consider your soulmate and spouse's physical attributes to another woman or man with such callous disregard for their feelings. Lesbian or not, laughing or not, this had to hurt her on some level as she doesn't sport the same ample proportions as Katy Perry.

With all that said, they're all three still trash.

Add you saying what DeGenerate said - "Bring out the big balloons" and picture the ensuing shitstorm.

And, yes. If my husband was standing with me, his face shoved into some woman's boobs while he ogled them, I would not be amused.

Ellen and the emotionally disturbed "Portia" or whatever her real name is, are married. Ellen was the groom.

I never in my life cared about homosexuality one way or the other, never thought about it, and had no biases. A girl I grew up with is a lesbian and one of my dearest friends is a gay man. Why would I care how they lived their lives? None of my business and they are hurting no one. Same for niggers. For me it was always "Live and let live".

BUT when we are being threatened unless we fawn over and sing the praises of people merely for BEING a minority or a pervert of some sort, we tend to dig our heels in and resent being told how to think and what to say and not say.

The icing on the cake is listening to packs of frustrated harpies, lezzies, cucks, nigger-lovers, and even big companies like Gillette, screeching that white, straight males are all toxic scum and rapists and should die. Yeah, the same white males who created all the gibs for niggers, the computers on which Woketards spew their venom, and the New Agenda that places mentally ill whiners on pedestals.

Now I actively hate all these lunatic libtards.

Ray Cizzums
03-12-2022, 01:17 PM
I never in my life cared about homosexuality one way or the other, never thought about it, and had no biases. A girl I grew up with is a lesbian and one of my dearest friends is a gay man. Why would I care how they lived their lives? None of my business and they are hurting no one. Same for niggers. For me it was always "Live and let live".

In social situations, I can get on common ground with anyone. "The girls" appreciate a chat, as if they're one of the guys,
and will pick your brain about man-oriented subjects, like firearms. If we were upstate, I'd break some out on the spot, as
the ladies are up to speed pretty quick, and shoot well. There are few opportunities for casual shooting on Long Island I'm
sorry to say. The ball breaking at the county range discourages a lot of new shooters, as intended. Some of the gay guys
and gals we know are chefs, so I started asking them about their knives, which they are all about. I'm a knife sharpening
fanatic, and fish cutter, so we're all on the same wavelength - Julia Child, the human food processor. If someone is handicapped,
or challenged, I make sure they don't get left out. The only time I've sensed disapproval, up front and from a distance, was from
black women. They just do not like ole' alpha dog Ray, so I'm content to leave it that way.

03-12-2022, 08:44 PM
I'm not so sure about that. From what I understand about the WNBA, it's all butch lesbians. Butch lesbians consider gay menzez and trannies at the bottom of the pecking order when it comes to the lgbtqasdf;lkj crowd. I think they would beat it's ass if they found out it was a male or a fake.

I'm still not so sure, man. Remember that South Apefricoon runner that apparently has half a muh dikk, and enough testosterone to be definitely male? There is so much protection for whatever nigger, whatever human, wants to call itself the opposite.


Here's something I cropped so we aren't fooled by long hair. Yeah, niggers all look alike, and a niggersow isn't much different than a buck, but still...


The Russians need to keep that away from women. With its size, could you imagine it going after a little five-foot political prisoner?

03-12-2022, 08:53 PM
If I tell a man who is sexually harassing me to bug off, I'm just being a strong, independent woman warding off an assault from an evil YT male (cuz they're all evil and should DIE!) and that's a good thing.

If a man tells off a female co-worker who's hitting on him, he's told to either "Just take it like a man, it's only words" or "She's only flirting!" A man can not want it the same way a woman doesn't. He doesn't want it even just in the back of his mind when he goes home, especially when it was a boss giving him trouble. The feminazis will say, "Oh well, have a taste of what it used to be like for women," which just goes to show they aren't after equality or harassment-free workplaces, they're out for revenge.

More on double standards: wasn't it Ellen who at the Olympics rubbed a male athlete's bare chest? Can you imagine what Mrs. S would have done to me if I'd so much as asked that, let alone tried it, with a female athlete?

03-12-2022, 08:56 PM
Gay guy boyfriends beat the shit out of each other and the lezzies are really vicious.

I was going to post in the Yard but might as well here. This morning at the grocery store, I saw a spigger and its boyfriend (easy to know which plays the catcher 100% of the time). Maybe they wouldn't have blocked people's way everywhere they went if, you know, they weren't looking at each other so lovingly and instead paid attention to others trying to get past.


03-13-2022, 02:03 AM
The Russians need to keep that away from women. With its size, could you imagine it going after a little five-foot political prisoner?

During the Soviet era, the Bolsheviks kept common criminals in the same prisons and gulags as the political prisoners, and gave the common criminals authority, using them to terrorize and intimidate the political prisoners.

03-16-2022, 05:44 PM
I used to like Ellen when she did stand-up. I liked that her humour wasn't at toilet-level and was actually funny. I even watched her talk show for awhile until I noticed her so-called "humour" was becoming increasingly mean-spirited, especially towards men. Now she's just a nasty old dyke and I can't stand the sight of her. I believe all the complaints from her toadies.

There is no more comedy. It's finished now that the only targets for it can be Nazis and white, hetero males. No other entities on the planet can be subjected to any kind of jokes no matter how harmless, lest someone get triggered. Everything has to be totally serious.

The Woketurds are dredging up ancient stuff to express their outrage and showcase their wokeness. I notice a particular target of this is Mickey Rooney, playing a stereotypical Japanese guy in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" which was produced 16 years after WWII, when no one was feeling particularly warm and fuzzy towards the Japanese. But the cucks and SJWs don't know that or think about it. Really, they don't know much about anything.

I am so sick of this bullshit!!

Actually I only know her talk show, that might explain it. You are absolutely right, comedy is dead, since it has to be politically correct. And on the other hand, reality has overtaken comedy a long time ago, imho.