View Full Version : Why did Cam-ron batwing Delarno with a machete?

03-01-2022, 04:37 PM
Have these niggers not heard of BLM?

The Mail.UK finds this story to be headline news and utterly tragic.

Sobbing family of boy, 17, leave court as jury is shown moment he was chased and 'slaughtered' with a 'Rambo-style' machete - as 18-year-old faces trial for murder

Delarno, of course, was "loving and big-hearted" like all his species.


Whitey Ford
03-03-2022, 04:47 AM
Sobbing family of boy, 17, leave court as jury is shown moment he was chased and 'slaughtered' with a 'Rambo-style' machete - as 18-year-old faces trial for murder

Rambo didn't have a machete, he had a military style knife based on the Randall 18 pilot's survival knife. Those Daily Mail writers, so keen on facts ;) .

More of these delightful imported third world savages bringing their third world violence and savagery to the first world. So vibrant and culturally enriching!


Jim Crow
03-03-2022, 07:41 AM
BLM only matters if the nigger was justifiably killed by a YT.Niggers killing niggers is ok and acceptable.The beasts kill each other in afrika every moment.That is what they do.Niggers are a destructive non productive worthless species!

03-03-2022, 12:12 PM
BLM only matters if the nigger was justifiably killed by a YT.Niggers killing niggers is ok and acceptable.The beasts kill each other in afrika every moment.That is what they do.Niggers are a destructive non productive worthless species!

A cop kills a crazed nigger who is charging at him with a knife or gun and it sends shockwaves of outrage throughout the world. Riots occur, stores are looted, big screens and clown shoes stolen and monuments to criminals are erected.

Niggers gun down or hack up other niggers on an hourly basis and it's a sad tragedy blamed on YT's oppreshuns, untreated mental health crises, and "gun violence". Many prayers, tributes, thoughts, tears, and Libtard/niggerwhine result. GoGimme pops up before some sow is even finished twerking on the coffin of her buck.

03-05-2022, 04:00 AM
I'm so sick of #BurnLootMurder and their phony nigger hypocrisy.

SC Anemia
03-05-2022, 07:52 AM
pops up before some sow is even finished twerking on the coffin of her buck.

Another 'delicate' summary. You've got me cracking up Diva. :lol

03-05-2022, 12:33 PM
Another 'delicate' summary. You've got me cracking up Diva. :lol

:lol Don't know if you've seen this, but In case you think I exaggerate. I love the touching but illiterate comment from the former illicit paramour.


SC Anemia
03-05-2022, 01:16 PM
:lol Don't know if you've seen this, but In case you think I exaggerate. I love the touching but illiterate comment from the former illicit paramour.


Good lawd. Lemme see if I've got this straight...

She was dikking her sisters boo on the side? And hillbillies are the ones getting a bad rep?


LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
03-05-2022, 01:51 PM
:lol Don't know if you've seen this, but In case you think I exaggerate. I love the touching but illiterate comment from the former illicit paramour.


Just the most vulgar and tacky species on planet Earf.

03-05-2022, 01:54 PM
Just the most vulgar and tacky species on planet Earf.

Mayb it's some Africoon thing, as in they think doing the muh poosay dance on the batwinged buck will bring it to life?

I've been to many funerals and I have yet to see a human woman twerking on a coffin or grave. Yet, we're lectured that they are JUST LIKE US.

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
03-05-2022, 02:17 PM
Mayb it's some Africoon thing, as in they think doing the muh poosay dance on the batwinged buck will bring it to life?

I've been to many funerals and I have yet to see a human woman twerking on a coffin or grave. Yet, we're lectured that they are JUST LIKE US.

Yeah those nigs can sure turn their funerals into spectacles of retarded and tacky behavior. How about the one where the family had a Taxidermist stuff their dearly departed drummer relative and place him behind his drum kit at the funeral. Geebus Christ almighty!

03-05-2022, 02:23 PM
BLM only matters if the nigger was justifiably killed by a YT.Niggers killing niggers is ok and acceptable.The beasts kill each other in afrika every moment.That is what they do.Niggers are a destructive non productive worthless species!

Tru Dat!! And they are the SAME wherever they go. You can take the nigger OUT of the jungle, but you can't take the jungle out of the nigger!!

Ray Cizzums
03-05-2022, 03:35 PM
Mayb it's some Africoon thing, as in they think doing the muh poosay dance on the batwinged buck will bring it to life?

I've been to many funerals and I have yet to see a human woman twerking on a coffin or grave. Yet, we're lectured that they are JUST LIKE US.

"Uneeka Brown" ? I guarantee the fumes emanating from her, or her sister, could wake up a stiff.
The conduct of blacks at wakes, "foonerals", babuh showers, birfday parties, and weddings is just
atrocious. They have no shame, and no concept of empathy or sympathy.

03-05-2022, 07:20 PM
"Uneeka Brown" ? I guarantee the fumes emanating from her, or her sister, could wake up a stiff.
The conduct of blacks at wakes, "foonerals", babuh showers, birfday parties, and weddings is just
atrocious. They have no shame, and no concept of empathy or sympathy.

Watchoo talkin' bout, Willis? I never felt any wedding, funeral, party, or baby shower I attended was successful if some guests didn't at the very least take someone to the floor and "take to tusslin'". Bonus points if it was two women. Gunfire would assure a social event to remember.

The other day on my court show I saw a mammy sow who rented a hall for the birfday party of her 1-year-old sproglet. However, when the mammy and her unties arrived, they found other niggers in their room! So, like, I know you or I might go to the manager and ask about this, and how long it would be, etc.

Does the mammy sow do this? Of course not. She screeches like an angry chimp, charges at the other niggers, and a fight commences, face-spitting on her baby daddy, screaming profanities, fisticuffs, and weave-pulling follow but little single mama is truly pissed. This is how niggers handle any disagreement no matter how minor.

Gee, I'm starting to think maybe they aren't really like me after all?

Ray Cizzums
03-05-2022, 08:10 PM
Does the mammy sow do this? Of course not. She screeches like an angry chimp, charges at the other niggers, and a fight commences, face-spitting on her baby daddy, screaming profanities, fisticuffs, and weave-pulling follow but little single mama is truly pissed. This is how niggers handle any disagreement no matter how minor.
Gee, I'm starting to think maybe they aren't really like me after all?
Not only are they not like you - they're not human. :lol
Here's a tale of woe: My friend has a customer - good guy, nice house, some sort of career civil servant - who has a libturd wife,
and to his horror, a mudshark daughter. She wants to have her "engagement party" at the parent's upscale home, and her dad
is not allowed to object, without starting WWIII. Party starts, there are niggers everywhere, neighbors are fucking horrified.
Pops tries to ignore the goings on, until it's getting late, then tells the daughter to pull the plug. Party continues, until Pops
has had enough, goes downstairs, turns off the music, asks everyone to leave. He gets attacked by three niggers, one of whom
is the sister of the "groom". He sends her face first into a cabinet, rips her royal blue weave right off while doing so. His son
jumps in, and they kick a couple more niggers asses, while the cops arrive outside, in force. Cops see the damage to the place,
and some beat up niggers - refuse to arrest anyone, tell the niggers to go home, or else. My friend gets the call to do repairs
the next day, tells me about it, and shows me a pic of some wreckage, one with a blue weave on the floor. I begged him to
gibs me dat pic, but he was afraid it would go viral, and he knew I'd put it up on Chimpout in a heartbeat. The aftermath was
the father telling his wife and daughter that he didn't want to see niggers, hear about niggers, or go near niggers ever again.
Don't like it ? We can get a divorce. Not sure what happened after this, and it's been a couple of years....

SC Anemia
03-05-2022, 08:29 PM
Does the mammy sow do this? Of course not. She screeches like an angry chimp, charges at the other niggers, and a fight commences, face-spitting on her baby daddy, screaming profanities, fisticuffs, and weave-pulling follow but little single mama is truly pissed. This is how niggers handle any disagreement no matter how minor.

It isn't a party until tumbleweaves start rolling. :lol

03-05-2022, 08:52 PM
It isn't a party until tumbleweaves start rolling. :lol

:lol The inevitable aftermath of a Sow Battle Royale.

See them tumbling down,
Pledging their love to the ground!
Lonely, but free, I'll be found,
Drifting along with the tumbling tumbleweaves


03-05-2022, 09:00 PM
Not only are they not like you - they're not human. :lol
Here's a tale of woe: My friend has a customer - good guy, nice house, some sort of career civil servant - who has a libturd wife,
and to his horror, a mudshark daughter. She wants to have her "engagement party" at the parent's upscale home, and her dad
is not allowed to object, without starting WWIII. Party starts, there are niggers everywhere, neighbors are fucking horrified.
Pops tries to ignore the goings on, until it's getting late, then tells the daughter to pull the plug. Party continues, until Pops
has had enough, goes downstairs, turns off the music, asks everyone to leave. He gets attacked by three niggers, one of whom
is the sister of the "groom". He sends her face first into a cabinet, rips her royal blue weave right off while doing so. His son
jumps in, and they kick a couple more niggers asses, while the cops arrive outside, in force. Cops see the damage to the place,
and some beat up niggers - refuse to arrest anyone, tell the niggers to go home, or else. My friend gets the call to do repairs
the next day, tells me about it, and shows me a pic of some wreckage, one with a blue weave on the floor. I begged him to
gibs me dat pic, but he was afraid it would go viral, and he knew I'd put it up on Chimpout in a heartbeat. The aftermath was
the father telling his wife and daughter that he didn't want to see niggers, hear about niggers, or go near niggers ever again.
Don't like it ? We can get a divorce. Not sure what happened after this, and it's been a couple of years....

It might have happened anyway.

I hope your friend survived his close encounters with niggers. As for the mudshark it would be a miracle if she's still alive.

Ray Cizzums
03-05-2022, 09:24 PM
:lol The inevitable aftermath of a Sow Battle Royale.
That looks a lot like a dead horseshoe crab, but they don't wash up on the asphalt.
Would a nigger wear a dead horseshoe crab for a hat ? Damn right they would, but only sideways....
:bugeye 19010

03-05-2022, 10:15 PM
You have to ask yourself... WHAT THE FUCK were the British thiinking by allowing these apes into their nation???.... Did they really believe the 200 year shitstorm of monkeyshines were caused by... American White People??? Did they think they were somehow different than us and these feral beasts would somehow behave in some form of civilized fashion???

Well, the answer is IN... It's NOT NOT NOT.. White people..... IT'S THE NIGGERS.... And truth be told, where ever they are found in significant numbers.... There is nothing but poverty, chaos and dysfunction....

03-05-2022, 10:20 PM
That looks a lot like a dead horseshoe crab, but they don't wash up on the asphalt.
Would a nigger wear a dead horseshoe crab for a hat ? Damn right they would, but only sideways....
:bugeye 19010

Douglaston Harbor, New York City... There used be piles of horse shoe crabs on certain parts of the beach every spring.... And every spring I'd see niggers taking clubs and killing as many as they possibly could (truth be told, beaners were among them). That was in the 1970's and I saw them doing it during 3 or so years after that.... Now... Have not seen one frigg'n horse shoe crab in the many springs Ive visited the beach... Did the niggers kill them ALL??? I put NOTHING past them.

Ray Cizzums
03-05-2022, 11:13 PM
Douglaston Harbor, New York City... There used be piles of horse shoe crabs on certain parts of the beach every spring.... And every spring I'd see niggers taking clubs and killing as many as they possibly could (truth be told, beaners were among them). That was in the 1970's and I saw them doing it during 3 or so years after that.... Now... Have not seen one frigg'n horse shoe crab in the many springs Ive visited the beach... Did the niggers kill them ALL??? I put NOTHING past them.
The shorelines of Long Island's south shore beaches and bays were covered with them in the '60s and '70s.
But like a lot of marine life, there are way fewer numbers of them now. I think it comes down to available
forage, and what we really have a lot less of is small bait species - killies, spearing, grass shrimp, fiddler crabs,
tinker mackerel, pilot fish, alewives, the fry and fingerlings of gamefish. Some bait, like menhaden, is now in huge
abundance, due to a reduction in the number of factory fleets targeting it, but most species never recovered to the
historic populations we remember. But good water quality has brought some awesome numbers of whales, tuna, dolphin,
into NY harbor, and Long Island waters, to feed on the huge bunker schools. On the other hand, our clam, lobster and crab
populations have moved northeast. Why ? Because they're fish, and they move around.

03-06-2022, 12:01 AM
:lol Don't know if you've seen this, but In case you think I exaggerate. I love the touching but illiterate comment from the former illicit paramour.


Pathetic. You just know he got whacked in a drive-by

03-06-2022, 01:10 AM
:lol Don't know if you've seen this, but In case you think I exaggerate. I love the touching but illiterate comment from the former illicit paramour.

( pix removed! Yuck! )

Why do blackkies bother wearing black stockings?

I aint bin dun did dat!
03-06-2022, 01:30 AM
Good lawd. Lemme see if I've got this straight...

She was dikking her sisters boo on the side? And hillbillies are the ones getting a bad rep?


I’ve seen many nigger comments regarding whitey inbreeding. Truth is, niggers are the result of thousands of years of inbreeding. They don’t know who is muh dikking who or who is siblings with who. They just lock eyes and the muh poosie/muh dikk does dey thang.

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
03-06-2022, 06:43 AM
"Uneeka Brown" ? I guarantee the fumes emanating from her, or her sister, could wake up a stiff.
The conduct of blacks at wakes, "foonerals", babuh showers, birfday parties, and weddings is just
atrocious. They have no shame, and no concept of empathy or sympathy.

It seems any social gathering for nigs is just an opportunity for nigs of opposing gangs to exact revenge for percieved "disrespek". Gunfire always seems to be the outcome of any of these gatherings.

SC Anemia
03-06-2022, 10:05 AM
I’ve seen many nigger comments regarding whitey inbreeding. Truth is, niggers are the result of thousands of years of inbreeding. They don’t know who is muh dikking who or who is siblings with who. They just lock eyes and the muh poosie/muh dikk does dey thang.

That's why 23 and Me or Ancestry dot com commercials that include black actors are funny AF.

Are you kidding? NAPAS (and I'm sure their Dark Continent brethren) have been inbreeding for hundreds of years. Nearly 100% of all slaves were illiterate and the best records they could hope for was that some witch doctor scribbled the birf on the wall of a long since burnt to the ground slave quarters.

But by all means....go ahead and get fleeced for the hundred bucks you're going to pay for some made-up we wuz kangs bullshit.

03-06-2022, 11:38 AM
That's why 23 and Me or Ancestry dot com commercials that include black actors are funny AF.

Are you kidding? NAPAS (and I'm sure their Dark Continent brethren) have been inbreeding for hundreds of years. Nearly 100% of all slaves were illiterate and the best records they could hope for was that some witch doctor scribbled the birf on the wall of a long since burnt to the ground slave quarters.

But by all means....go ahead and get fleeced for the hundred bucks you're going to pay for some made-up we wuz kangs bullshit.

Seriously. Some nigger named Vito Corleone, George Washington, or Shaniqua Jones is going to trace its roots? :lol

BTW, I took a little free sample of MyHeritage.com and it came up with information on my family that stunned me, seeing as how I'm a human being whose roots can be traced.

SC Anemia
03-06-2022, 12:45 PM
Seriously. Some nigger named Vito Corleone, George Washington, or Shaniqua Jones is going to trace its roots? :lol

BTW, I took a little free sample of MyHeritage.com and it came up with information on my family that stunned me, seeing as how I'm a human being whose roots can be traced.

I'm not bashing any of those DNA services at all as for humans anyway...I bet it can be enlightening.

Niggers, not so much. I bet if they REALLY spelled it out accurately it'd piss some niggers off. What with that 4% of orangutan and hyena mix in there. :lol

03-06-2022, 01:41 PM
I'm not bashing any of those DNA services at all as for humans anyway...I bet it can be enlightening.

Niggers, not so much. I bet if they REALLY spelled it out accurately it'd piss some niggers off. What with that 4% of orangutan and hyena mix in there. :lol

I found something that left me reeling for days.

Niggers? What are they going to trace? How can anyone connect De'onte Lincoln with Kunta Kinte who was dragged off some slave ship? De'onte probably doesn't even know the appropriated name of his own pappy.

SC Anemia
03-06-2022, 02:11 PM
I found something that left me reeling for days.

Niggers? What are they going to trace? How can anyone connect De'onte Lincoln with Kunta Kinte who was dragged off some slave ship? De'onte probably doesn't even know the appropriated name of his own pappy.

And could you imagine if we could find an accurate accounting of nigger surnames in the U.S. how funny that would be?
Just how many Washington's do you suppose there are beyond just de(sky-comma)onte, Laqueesha and Shawty? There's gotta be tens of thousands.


03-06-2022, 03:31 PM
And could you imagine if we could find an accurate accounting of nigger surnames in the U.S. how funny that would be?
Just how many Washington's do you suppose there are beyond just de(sky-comma)onte, Laqueesha and Shawty? There's gotta be tens of thousands.


The 2000 U.S. Census (http://www.census.gov/genealogy/www/data/2000surnames/index.html) counted 163,036 people with the surname Washington. Ninety percent of them were African-American, a far higher black percentage than for any other common name.

Even before Emancipation, many enslaved niggers chose their own surnames to establish their identities and sign up for gibs.

Afterward, some historians theorize, large numbers of niggers stole the name Washington in the process of asserting their freedom.

Let's see them trace their histerry.

1850 nigger birf records: "Wench Prissy dropped a male sucker. Sire, Big Sam."

That's their heritage.

SC Anemia
03-06-2022, 06:36 PM
1850 nigger birf records: "Wench Prissy dropped a male sucker. Sire, Big Sam."

That's their heritage.

Except who knows who and how many plowed wench Prissy in the last nine mumfs. :lol

Gonna need Maurry for that one.

03-06-2022, 06:55 PM
Except who knows who and how many plowed wench Prissy in the last nine mumfs. :lol

Gonna need Maurry for that one.


Ray Cizzums
03-06-2022, 07:06 PM
I'm not bashing any of those DNA services at all as for humans anyway...I bet it can be enlightening.
Niggers, not so much. I bet if they REALLY spelled it out accurately it'd piss some niggers off. What with that 4% of orangutan and hyena mix in there. :lol
Come on, SC Anemia ! Do the maffs, and make that 40% orangutan. Right turn, Clyde....
:bugeye 19017

SC Anemia
03-06-2022, 09:02 PM
Come on, SC Anemia ! Do the maffs, and make that 40% orangutan. Right turn, Clyde....
:bugeye 19017

Bwahahahaha :rofl