View Full Version : Guess who kicked a woman down the subway stairs and attacked her with a hammer?

02-28-2022, 12:31 AM
Yeah, too easy, I know.

Blount, a savage silverback who was charged with attempted murder, robbery and assault, allegedly kicked the 57-year-old city health worker down the stairs and bashed her head repeatedly with a hammer at a subway station, leaving her critically wounded.

I guess all those counselors aren't working out too well, Eric.

The attack comes days after NYC Mayor Eric Adams vowed to crackdown on subway crime and deployed 1,000 additional officers to the transit system
Subway stabbings and slashings have spiked 29 percent in the last last year, with 182 incidents compared to 141 in 2020

The willful blindness that these statistics are the result of nigger-loving cannot be mentioned and it can't be a hate crime, since a nigger did it.

Better stay home, people. Your chance of being attacked by niggers if you venture out in public is too great.


02-28-2022, 12:54 AM
I'm sure the nigger, who grew up a poor deprived child, did not mean to hammer the woman too many times.

Whitey Ford
02-28-2022, 12:57 AM

What is it with niggers and subways? If I lived in NY (yuck, gag, hack) and had to ride the subway, I would always be on the alert for niggers. Especially not to stand next to the rails when niggers are about.

I aint bin dun did dat!
02-28-2022, 01:31 AM
Rest assured, where there’s is public transportation it will be overcrowded with filthy niggers. When I have to go downtown where I am at, they’re always sitting there congregated at the bus stop. I want to know where they all go. They’re damn sure not going to work.

Jim Crow
02-28-2022, 08:09 AM
No wrries!NYC libtards will defent their pet,so it can be back on streets to assault another human soon!

02-28-2022, 03:27 PM
Yet the nogs love to complain about "how they see us" as if they are law abiding sorts.

02-28-2022, 04:21 PM
Decades ago, when NYC was run like shit, with drug needles all over the place, the humans that were still left, elected Rudy Giuliani to save it.
Now that whitey is a minority, who do they elect to save NYC? They elect a chimp called Eric "kick the cracker" Adams.

Buck Simian
02-28-2022, 09:42 PM
Where did the nigger steal the hammer from?

03-01-2022, 03:58 AM
Where did the nigger steal the hammer from?

That made me laugh far harder than it should have. My dad, grandfather, brother-in-law, and I all agree on something. A man without his own set of tools is not a man at all. Niggers never own work tools, even a screwdriver is too complicated for their simian minds. Yet park a city maintenance truck in the ghetto and within seconds all the tool boxes are empty. Just once I would love to see a nigger steal a portable welding tank and torch, and toast itself extra crispy figuring out how to commit crimes with it.

Tar Remover
03-01-2022, 04:59 AM
That made me laugh far harder than it should have. My dad, grandfather, brother-in-law, and I all agree on something. A man without his own set of tools is not a man at all. Niggers never own work tools, even a screwdriver is too complicated for their simian minds. Yet park a city maintenance truck in the ghetto and within seconds all the tool boxes are empty. Just once I would love to see a nigger steal a portable welding tank and torch, and toast itself extra crispy figuring out how to commit crimes with it.

I'd like to see one steal a 15 foot alligator......

Tar Remover
03-01-2022, 05:00 AM
Uhhh..... A nigger? :lol

03-01-2022, 09:57 AM
What is it with niggers and subways? If I lived in NY (yuck, gag, hack) and had to ride the subway, I would always be on the alert for niggers. Especially not to stand next to the rails when niggers are about.

Rest assured, where there’s is public transportation it will be overcrowded with filthy niggers. When I have to go downtown where I am at, they’re always sitting there congregated at the bus stop. I want to know where they all go. They’re damn sure not going to work.

They're looking for victims. Even the homeless ones living in the subways are ready to pounce on a victim.

One of the first times I rode the NY subway, my older cousin was taking me around the city. I remember the door opening, and the guy walking in ahead of us immediately stopped and walked back out. "The drama!" he screamed. I didn't get a whiff, perhaps not my cousin either, but he saw the problem: all alone in that car was a nigger, wearing a winter coat and beanie in the late summer heat.

Years later when I commuted through the city, I once made the mistake of not checking the car before stepping in, and it's the sort of thing to make you gag all day just at the thought. You also hope the stench didn't cling to you too badly. My parents smoked half a carton between them when I was little, and I didn't realize how much my clothes reeked of cigarette smoke until classmates complained to the teacher. But that's still nothing compared to niggerstink that a dozen dry cleanings can't remove.

03-01-2022, 10:04 AM
That made me laugh far harder than it should have. My dad, grandfather, brother-in-law, and I all agree on something. A man without his own set of tools is not a man at all. Niggers never own work tools, even a screwdriver is too complicated for their simian minds. Yet park a city maintenance truck in the ghetto and within seconds all the tool boxes are empty. Just once I would love to see a nigger steal a portable welding tank and torch, and toast itself extra crispy figuring out how to commit crimes with it.

Leave a bunch of them in a nigger nabe, with instructions to stare closely in the opening while igniting, to make sure it's not obstructed. :lol

History repeated itself with Mrs. S, who doesn't understand why I've bought tools when they're on sale, almost as bad as my mom's complaints. Sandman Sr. didn't tell me to buy hand tools, but I remember he had his shed so nicely organized with basic sets up through a circular saw. He was able to do a lot of things at home. Mrs. S and my mom only see the cost of the tools, but they don't understand how much they save in hiring a pro.

When a good friend did me a huge favor in home repairs, he was so good to me that I had to force him to take half of what a pro would have charged (and coming a week later for an appointment). I said he could take his wife out to dinner a couple of times. What did he do? He bought himself a new drill with extra batteries, because that invested in doing more repairs.

03-01-2022, 10:16 AM
Leave a bunch of them in a nigger nabe, with instructions to stare closely in the opening while igniting, to make sure it's not obstructed. :lol

History repeated itself with Mrs. S, who doesn't understand why I've bought tools when they're on sale, almost as bad as my mom's complaints. Sandman Sr. didn't tell me to buy hand tools, but I remember he had his shed so nicely organized with basic sets up through a circular saw. He was able to do a lot of things at home. Mrs. S and my mom only see the cost of the tools, but they don't understand how much they save in hiring a pro.

When a good friend did me a huge favor in home repairs, he was so good to me that I had to force him to take half of what a pro would have charged (and coming a week later for an appointment). I said he could take his wife out to dinner a couple of times. What did he do? He bought himself a new drill with extra batteries, because that invested in doing more repairs.

Even I have some tools and have done quite a bit of DIY. The savings are incredible.

Niggers would only steal hammers or other simple objects to use as weapons. Hayshees would like to have hammers since they are easier to use to smash a skull than their rocks and concrete blocks.

Imagine this woman is your wife, sister, mother and you see her in the hospital with her head caved in because some nigger wanted a victim and she happened to be there?

These reports always mention the increase in violent crime in the subway. It's always vicious niggers but that is ignored. Imagine a city like New York being turned into another Detroit. Sad, it is. Sad, sad.

Ray Cizzums
03-01-2022, 03:22 PM
The victim was a city health department official, and that means she wholeheartedly endorsed De Blasio,
and toofy nigger Eric Adams, so fuck her with a tent pole. I've taken the gloves off, and write to every
nigger-lover at the NY Post that has an email link, and I do not spare the N-bomb in any way. One
asswipe wrote me back, saying my letter was "disturbing". I shot back with "Why aren't you "disturbed"
by the non-stop violence of NYCs wild niggers, you fucking cuck" ? These news cocksuckers need a good
ass beating, from one of their minority pets, not that they'd learn anything from the experience....
:bugeye 18976

03-02-2022, 03:48 AM
When a good friend did me a huge favor in home repairs, he was so good to me that I had to force him to take half of what a pro would have charged (and coming a week later for an appointment). I said he could take his wife out to dinner a couple of times. What did he do? He bought himself a new drill with extra batteries, because that invested in doing more repairs.

That, right there, is an example of a good human mindset if I ever heard of one. Gave him more than he asked for, sounds of it, he initially would not accept that much, then, after accepting the money, invests it in tools to do more work in the future. Fairness, modesty, decency, planning for the future. Four things niggers simply are incapable of.

03-03-2022, 01:08 AM
That, right there, is an example of a good human mindset if I ever heard of one. Gave him more than he asked for, sounds of it, he initially would not accept that much, then, after accepting the money, invests it in tools to do more work in the future. Fairness, modesty, decency, planning for the future. Four things niggers simply are incapable of.

Out of friendship, he was ready to do it for free, except for buying him a taco dinner, and I paid for what we needed. We even took his big truck, and he didn't even think of the $10 it must have cost him in gas. It wasn't heavy home repair, but it required tools and materials beyond my knowhow. Can you imagine a nigger doing that for a friend, for free other than costs? Wait a minute, what nigger would even know where to start? Did they even invent the nail in Africa?

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
03-05-2022, 01:59 PM
Rest assured, where there’s is public transportation it will be overcrowded with filthy niggers. When I have to go downtown where I am at, they’re always sitting there congregated at the bus stop. I want to know where they all go. They’re damn sure not going to work.

You can be rest assured that any form of public transportation will have a direct route to the welfare office. Niggers apparently can't drum up the necessary transportation to aquire ID to vote, but they sure as hell go to any lengths possible to fill out the forms to get dey gibs-me-dats.

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
03-05-2022, 02:09 PM
Decades ago, when NYC was run like shit, with drug needles all over the place, the humans that were still left, elected Rudy Giuliani to save it.
Now that whitey is a minority, who do they elect to save NYC? They elect a chimp called Eric "kick the cracker" Adams.

And I thought it would be impossible to have a more incompetent Mayor than ole oil-driller Deblasio. Enter Nigger Adams.These niggers are allowed to get away with EVERYTHING anymore. Just imagine a white Mayor using the word "Nigger" while addressing an audience the way Nigger Adams used the term "Cracker". His life would be destroyed. After he was forced to resign of course.

I aint bin dun did dat!
03-05-2022, 03:12 PM
You can be rest assured that any form of public transportation will have a direct route to the welfare office. Niggers apparently can't drum up the necessary transportation to aquire ID to vote, but they sure as hell go to any lengths possible to fill out the forms to get dey gibs-me-dats.
None of them ever have driver’s licenses. It’s the hardest thing for them to hold onto. Stupid foul fucking nigger beasts.

03-05-2022, 11:27 PM
Decades ago, when NYC was run like shit, with drug needles all over the place, the humans that were still left, elected Rudy Giuliani to save it.
Now that whitey is a minority, who do they elect to save NYC? They elect a chimp called Eric "kick the cracker" Adams.

Who PULLS THE "RACE CARD" when new yawkas complain about the shitty job he is doing!! I thought Pee Wee Herman could do a better job than dumblasio but adams is just as bad!!

03-06-2022, 09:42 AM
You can be rest assured that any form of public transportation will have a direct route to the welfare office. Niggers apparently can't drum up the necessary transportation to aquire ID to vote, but they sure as hell go to any lengths possible to fill out the forms to get dey gibs-me-dats.

God, if that isn't one of our top quotes we'll see all year.

Ise has the skills, and maybe when she has time, she can whip up something with a "Welfare Express" bus.

03-06-2022, 03:16 PM
God, if that isn't one of our top quotes we'll see all year.

Ise has the skills, and maybe when she has time, she can whip up something with a "Welfare Express" bus.

Damn you! I'm busy here! :lol


03-12-2022, 09:16 PM
Damn you! I'm busy here! :lol


I'll speak for every real Chimper: we love it!

03-12-2022, 09:36 PM
I'll speak for every real Chimper: we love it!

That makes it so worthwhile!:)

Serpents reign
03-12-2022, 10:23 PM
Is the human race even safe anywhere?