View Full Version : Twitter vids from angry niggers: Ukraine blocking niggers from invading Poland

Whitey Ford
02-27-2022, 08:09 PM
#AfricansinUkraine (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AfricansinUkraine?src=hashtag_click)

Ukraine. While the world sympathises with the situation in your country, why are you harassing and segregating Africans trying to cross the Polish border?
Stop maltreating Africans! We're humans too...
Humans too!!?? We here at Chimp Out would contest that! ;)




Whitey Ford
02-27-2022, 08:17 PM
Yay mon, bix nood y dey be no lettin uzzz into dat Poland an sheeyit izza like raycissss muthas in thar.



02-27-2022, 08:35 PM
RT news has run a story on this too. I'm glad niggers are unwelcome in this part of the world. Nice to see there may be a future for us all after all ! All niggers should be exported back to a place where they can kill, murder, rape, eat shit and dirt, bathe in cow's piss and eat each other with impunity. I suggest Africa.


Whitey Ford
02-27-2022, 08:54 PM
RT news has run a story on this too. I'm glad niggers are unwelcome in this part of the world. Nice to see there may be a future for us all after all ! All niggers should be exported back to a place where they can kill, murder, rape, eat shit and dirt, bathe in cow's piss and eat each other with impunity. I suggest Africa.


BBC getting in on it, too.

Tar Remover
02-27-2022, 09:48 PM
That's niggers. RUN niggers, RUN like a chicken! Put them on a train that goes right up to the front and drop them off. i doubt Poland wants these apes either. But I gotta ask- If the niggers are leaving your country, WHY stop them?

Tar Remover
02-27-2022, 09:55 PM
Yay mon, bix nood y dey be no lettin uzzz into dat Poland an sheeyit izza like raycissss muthas in thar.



To get some "HAP"? Really, nigger? NO, you are doing what niggers do- RUN AWAY.
No, Poland don't want you niggers either. Nobody does.

02-28-2022, 01:04 AM
This is terrible. Those racist Ukrainians should treat africans with kindness and respect. They should kindly place them on boats and respectfully re-unite them with their motherland.

I aint bin dun did dat!
02-28-2022, 01:29 AM
BBC getting in on it, too.
I always love this….I am sure my white ass would be treated like royalty if I were trying to get into an African shithole country inhabited by all niggers. Nobody in their right mind would want in one but if we did, would it be racism when they inevitably hack us up with machetes and cook us for dinner?

02-28-2022, 05:04 PM
The problem is Biden and MIttens Romney will demand they be let into the U.S.

02-28-2022, 05:51 PM
Jep, I read that as well in some German speaking newspapers. Bedsides the fact that I am astonished that there are actually shitbeasts living in Ukraine, I loved the fact that in Ukriaine police hindered people without Ukrainian passport to enter buses for evacuation. Nice, Ukrainians first! God damn niggers! And of course these colonialists shriek 'racism' - whereas I don't see why they should be allowed to enter Poland, or Romania ... there is only one place where they belong: Da muddaland!

Holy hell, I just read another article (https://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/africa/africans-trying-to-flee-ukraine-complain-of-being-blocked-and-of-racist-treatment-1.4813571) where they claimed that 20% of Ukraines foreign students are niggers! Never would have thought that. Of course they already started a gofundme to make YT to pay for their escape.
Normally eastern European countries do not let in niggers or asslifters, I wonder what went wrong with Ukraine! I just stayed work related three months in Prag/Czech Republic, and I did not see one nigger and only one or two headscarf whores.

03-01-2022, 12:29 PM
With all the hot Ukrainian women running around, did you expect there to not be packs of niggers sniffing about?

03-01-2022, 02:23 PM
I say let them in. Round them up and send them to Kyiv. Let the Russians take care of them.

Ray Cizzums
03-01-2022, 03:05 PM
I say let them in. Round them up and send them to Kyiv. Let the Russians take care of them.

The Russkys are deploying with 18 wheeled mobile incinerators, that make bodies disappear.
Those nigger tribesmen and sheboons won't be missed, by anyone....

03-01-2022, 07:27 PM
The Russkys are deploying with 18 wheeled mobile incinerators, that make bodies disappear.
Those nigger tribesmen and sheboons won't be missed, by anyone....

And I bet they wouldn't care about the whining nigger pestilence and their ooking about raycisms. I would so watch that.

03-01-2022, 08:25 PM
The Russkys are deploying with 18 wheeled mobile incinerators, that make bodies disappear.

They're going to need fuel and a lot of it. Figure 20 pound of LNG or so if they use a regenerative burner which probably wont fit on the truck, not to mention safety issues but I'm not sure what they use. It takes 4-6 hours to cremate one body. Then you have to cool it down and clean it out. This means around 5 per day working 24 hours per day. It's just not cost effective.

It's Russia. I'm not buying it. They would just ship the bodies back or bury them. It's the Russian way.

Remember that the first casualty of war is the truth. I think this story is most likely propaganda for Western consumption - at least for the most part. Just like the troops with the Airsoft rifles and obvious AS magazines. Any deaths are hard to cover up and Russia wouldn't bother with it. Really, when has Russia ever GAF? After all, it wasn't public outcry that ran them out of Afghanistan. It was the bottom line - money.

Ray Cizzums
03-01-2022, 09:02 PM
They're going to need fuel and a lot of it. Figure 20 pound of LNG or so if they use a regenerative burner which probably wont fit on the truck, not to mention safety issues but I'm not sure what they use. It takes 4-6 hours to cremate one body. Then you have to cool it down and clean it out. This means around 5 per day working 24 hours per day. It's just not cost effective.

It's Russia. I'm not buying it. They would just ship the bodies back or bury them. It's the Russian way.

Remember that the first casualty of war is the truth. I think this story is most likely propaganda for Western consumption - at least for the most part. Just like the troops with the Airsoft rifles and obvious AS magazines. Any deaths are hard to cover up and Russia wouldn't bother with it. Really, when has Russia ever GAF? After all, it wasn't public outcry that ran them out of Afghanistan. It was the bottom line - money.
Yes, the Russians have never been shy about leaving bodies around, if the Katyn Forest Massacre is any indication.
On the other hand, they are the kings of the human barbecue, when it comes to flame warfare. Their TOS-1A
thermobaric rocket launcher is a scary piece of gear, capable of incinerating dug in troops over a wide area. Then
there's a variety of different RPO incendiary rocket launchers, some of which are thermobaric, all of which are
banned by the 1980 United Nations treaty banning their use, which is recognized by 125 nations (until it's not).

03-01-2022, 10:45 PM
Then there's a variety of different RPO incendiary rocket launchers, some of which are thermobaric, all of which are banned by the 1980 United Nations treaty banning their use, which is recognized by 125 nations (until it's not).

Don't believe anything you are told about this war (or pretty much anything else) that you read in the media. It means nothing.

We currently have several versions of thermobaric weapons that we have used since Vietnam and are still in use today including (that we know of) the BLU-73, BLU-95, BLU-96, CBU-72 and the GBU43 airburst (MOAB) which does almost exactly the same as all of them with the but with the force of a small nuke.

Are nukes banned? If you think about it, the phrase war crime doesn't really mean anything except to the losers. The world has strung up a lot losers since WW2, most recently Saddam Hussein. I'll bet he was pissed especially since he bought the chemical warfare gasses he used on the Kurds from the US. Rummy even gave him a congratulatory phone call afterwards for his "successful campaign" against them.

As the old saying goes, all's fair in love and war.

In 'Nam, punji sticks were dipped in shit. Native Americans used it on their arrows. If the arrow didn't kill you outright, you would likely die of sepsis and trust me, you don't want to go that way. I watched it happen with a family member. That's why ground wars are so hard to win against an entrenched, determined enemy on their own turf. They know the land and will use whatever they have at hand to kill you.

Russia has likely bitten off more than they can chew here.

The same will happen here when (no, I didn't say if) the globalist try to take over. They can wipe out the cities easily. This is why they are trying to clear out the 'burbs and are using Blackstone to buy up entire new construction neighborhoods.

I'll guaran-damn-tee you that the last place they want to show up is where I'm going. They'll be forced to use thermobarics to kill us all. There's a lot of caves in the Ozarks and I, for one, don't mind dipping some sharp bamboo sticks in pig shit.

Ray Cizzums
03-02-2022, 12:44 AM
I have no doubt we've got the tools in the box, but we're shy about breaking them out, unlike muh Russia.
They always try to one up their adversaries, weapon wise, in both caliber, and quantity. While we may have it,
they field it, and their infantry units have always had double the number of GPMGs, and shoulder fired rocket
launchers than our T.O.and E.s dictate for a similar formation. Our soldiers were stuck with 20 round M-16
magazines in Vietnam, for years, fighting VC and NVA with 30 round AK-47 mags. There is no excuse for lacking
basic equipment like magazines. The last incendiary weapon we issued was the Vietnam era M-202A1, and they
are no more. But the Russians have 3 variants of the RPO, in hand, on the battlefield right now. Maybe we
have thermobaric rockets for MLRS and Himars launchers, but the Russians train with them, demonstrate them,
and are deploying them in war. I never deployed, but I remember the worn out shit weapons we had, and the scarcity
of M-60s, M2s, and the lack of ammunition to train with. I hope things have changed since the '70s.

03-02-2022, 02:46 AM
I have no doubt we've got the tools in the box, but we're shy about breaking them out, unlike muh Russia.
They always try to one up their adversaries, weapon wise, in both caliber, and quantity. While we may have it,
they field it, and their infantry units have always had double the number of GPMGs, and shoulder fired rocket
launchers than our T.O.and E.s dictate for a similar formation. Our soldiers were stuck with 20 round M-16
magazines in Vietnam, for years, fighting VC and NVA with 30 round AK-47 mags. There is no excuse for lacking
basic equipment like magazines. The last incendiary weapon we issued was the Vietnam era M-202A1, and they
are no more. But the Russians have 3 variants of the RPO, in hand, on the battlefield right now. Maybe we
have thermobaric rockets for MLRS and Himars launchers, but the Russians train with them, demonstrate them,
and are deploying them in war. I never deployed, but I remember the worn out shit weapons we had, and the scarcity
of M-60s, M2s, and the lack of ammunition to train with. I hope things have changed since the '70s.

Yeah, the last time I remember us actually using thermobaric weapons was in Fallujah and the mountains of Afghanistan. I have no moral issue with them whatsoever.

What I do have an issue with is that we don't use them in defense or an actual declared war. We had no damn business in Iraq and I'm not even going into the Afghan/911 subject - that could take hours. We seem to be fighting in endless war after endless war for someone else's interest and never our defense or as Constitutionally directed and morally required.

I say when that when it comes to making war, first it should be a just, righteous course as proven to, and approved by, the Congress. After this seriously contemplated action is approved, there is no other way to accomplish the goal of war but to go in fast, utterly destroy the enemy (and only the enemy when feasible) by any means necessary, without cease until they are completely demoralized, broken, unable to wage further war and unconditionally surrendered - in that order. If it's not unconditional, you're doing it wrong.

Not being well prepared with the most effective tools to accomplish these goals and nothing short of them, is simply inexcusable. The word tools must include the unencumbered authority to use them at the warfighter's discretion. Responsibility must include authority. While I don't agree with using nukes unless it's a last resort due to the long term effects, anything else goes. The Hague Convention, followed by the Geneva convention and it's subsequent protocols, do have valid points and while I do agree with some of their constraints such as treatment of POW's, most of the rest hamstrings the warfighters and draw out wars which simply kills more people. We can't even use hollow points. WTF?

Ultimately, all multi-national agreements destroy each individual nation's sovereignty. UN anyone?

Face it, the US and our allies are the only ones who ever abide by any of them anyway.

The name of the game is kill the enemy and break all their stuff until they are dead or surrendered, then take all the shit we didn't destroy and use it to pay for the trouble. If "To the victor go the spoils" sounds wrong to anyone, just remember that if you have to sue/countersue someone, you're a damn fool if you don't make the other guy pay for your legal fees and missed work.

03-02-2022, 03:54 AM
Well, I suggest we give these niggers their own village. Someplace they can be as savage as they want. Pripyat. With a sign on the door to Reactor Four that reads "Hot White Wimminz inside" Just make sure it's a one way door, no way to open it from the inside.

Ray Cizzums
03-02-2022, 12:39 PM
Yeah, the last time I remember us actually using thermobaric weapons was in Fallujah and the mountains of Afghanistan. I have no moral issue with them whatsoever.

What I do have an issue with is that we don't use them in defense or an actual declared war. We had no damn business in Iraq and I'm not even going into the Afghan/911 subject - that could take hours. We seem to be fighting in endless war after endless war for someone else's interest and never our defense or as Constitutionally directed and morally required.

I say when that when it comes to making war, first it should be a just, righteous course as proven to, and approved by, the Congress. After this seriously contemplated action is approved, there is no other way to accomplish the goal of war but to go in fast, utterly destroy the enemy (and only the enemy when feasible) by any means necessary, without cease until they are completely demoralized, broken, unable to wage further war and unconditionally surrendered - in that order. If it's not unconditional, you're doing it wrong.

Not being well prepared with the most effective tools to accomplish these goals and nothing short of them, is simply inexcusable. The word tools must include the unencumbered authority to use them at the warfighter's discretion. Responsibility must include authority.
That's our problem, while we're tangled up getting authorization from the chain of command, the enemy is letting
it fly downrange. Iraq could have worked out well, if we turned it into our gas station. At worst, going there served
the same purpose as Vietnam - we and our enemies needed to duke it out somewhere. Maybe out killing our opponents
20-1 isn't victory, but it's something. Dip-shitting around for years is where we fuck it up. No more "Nation building", please !

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
03-05-2022, 02:53 PM
I'm so sick of hearing Niggers crying "RACISM". Yeah Niggers, we're racist!! Get a fuckin clue! Nobody likes you motherfuckers! It's NOT going to change! Just learn to live with that fact. You've made your own beds with your horrendous, violent, retarded and criminal behavior. You have only yourselves to blame. STFU about it!


Odin's balls
03-07-2022, 07:15 AM

What really boils my piss, is that niggers think the BLM bullshit extended that far east of Europe.
It didn't.

Ukraine has only let the niggers study there, because they pay to do so.

There are stories all over the Internet of uppity niggers demanding a place on the evacuation buses, which are meant for women and children.
The shit locks coon in the story and the sheboon were apparently trying to push in front of Ukrainian women and children. This is why they were shoved to the back of the queue. Not racism at all. Just niggers acting like niggers in front of people who don't tolerate niggers.

03-07-2022, 08:46 AM
RT news has run a story on this too. I'm glad niggers are unwelcome in this part of the world. Nice to see there may be a future for us all after all ! All niggers should be exported back to a place where they can kill, murder, rape, eat shit and dirt, bathe in cow's piss and eat each other with impunity. I suggest Africa.


Or hayshee!! Niggers need to be with niggers!!

03-07-2022, 08:47 AM
I'm so sick of hearing Niggers crying "RACISM". Yeah Niggers, we're racist!! Get a fuckin clue! Nobody likes you motherfuckers! It's NOT going to change! Just learn to live with that fact. You've made your own beds with your horrendous, violent, retarded and criminal behavior. You have only yourselves to blame. STFU about it!


My sentiments, EXACTLY!!

03-07-2022, 08:51 AM
I say when that when it comes to making war, first it should be a just, righteous course as proven to, and approved by, the Congress. After this seriously contemplated action is approved, there is no other way to accomplish the goal of war but to go in fast, utterly destroy the enemy (and only the enemy when feasible) by any means necessary, without cease until they are completely demoralized, broken, unable to wage further war and unconditionally surrendered - in that order. If it's not unconditional, you're doing it wrong.

You mean like when Trump DESTROYED isis?! That's how you handle your enemy. And killing "leader" al bagdadi was a good move too!! Notice how Trump destroyed isis who was ALREADY in existance due to bath house barry 0bungh0le but he didn't get us in new wars.

03-08-2022, 03:09 PM
Got to test new weapons somewhere.

Ok, while the half of my brain that would normally argue the logic on your point is occupied with something more pressing at the moment, the other half of my brain is just going to go ahead and say that shit was funny.

03-09-2022, 06:03 AM
If they let those niggers in, well we would know EXACTLY what will happen. I don't need to be psychic to know that if they let those niggers in, crime is going to go up, theft, rape, murder you name it. Then they'll be asking themselves the question of why is this happening all of a sudden? They will most likely "try" and find a reason why all these disasters are happening to them and before they know it, they entered a vicious cycle of 'gibs me dat' which in turn will bleed that country dry of endless funding's for those useless waste of oxygen. It's a simple choice really so they'd be wise not to let them in.

03-09-2022, 09:29 PM
How are there so many niggers in Ukraine?

03-11-2022, 03:50 PM
I'm so sick of hearing Niggers crying "RACISM". Yeah Niggers, we're racist!! Get a fuckin clue!
Exactly!! Apart from that: Who cares? At least in Europe, THEY came here as colonialists, so YT has every right to be racist towards them. They didn't like YT in Apefrica as well (and that is the one and only thing I don't blame them for).

Nobody likes you motherfuckers! It's NOT going to change! Just learn to live with that fact. You've made your own beds with your horrendous, violent, retarded and criminal behavior. You have only yourselves to blame. STFU about it!

You are absolutely right!

03-12-2022, 09:58 AM
Fun fact: During both the First and Second Anglo-Boer Wars, both the British and the Boers observed a gentlemen's agreement that neither side would arm niggers against the other.

Even in times of tragic brother wars white humans know that the negroid is the enemy of all.

03-12-2022, 04:09 PM
MLK's daughter now is starting up with Prince William that he said something insensitive about Africa when talking about the Ukraine war. Jesus, lady. Calm down. He didn't say anything terrible that I could see. Something about only seeing wars in his lifetime in Asia and Africa and it was unusual for Europe. They really mouth off. I never got what was so great about MLK anyway so it really doesn't matter to me but the liberal whites and so called conservative patriotard whites will be pressured to side with her and condemn Prince William just because MLK was a "great man." Whatever. The poor Polish and white Ukranians. They are doing nothing but getting called racist by the blacks while they are getting killed when the war is aimed at them. They have to make everything about white guilt. First the African students now prince William made some comment which I don't even see where he made the comment or that it was that bad. Blacks are who they are but whites are stupid too and doormats. It really makes me sick. My kids had to go to public school. They had to learn about MLK. I didn't like it but good luck telling the school that.

SC Anemia
03-12-2022, 04:51 PM
I have no doubt we've got the tools in the box, but we're shy about breaking them out, unlike muh Russia.

Believe me ladies and gentlemen, you and I have no idea what weapons we could field.

My job (MOS) during my time in the Corps was Aviation Ordnance. I'm intimately familiar with an extensive list of US ordnance.

During the advanced portion of my training/education we were allowed to take notes but forbidden to take our notebooks out of the classroom.

I'm talking 1974 and the ordnance I learned about then, with a security clearance was just a drop in the bucket compared to a more extensive list of inventory.

I remember thinking "if we're only learning about some of the more common ordnance, good Lord what do the have behind the curtain that even a basically trained ordnance personnel arend taught about until later at a more extensive, advanced school. Oh we definitely carry a big stick. Of that I'm sure of.

Ray Cizzums
03-12-2022, 07:11 PM
Believe me ladies and gentlemen, you and I have no idea what weapons we could field.

My job (MOS) during my time in the Corps was Aviation Ordnance. I'm intimately familiar with an extensive list of US ordnance.

During the advanced portion of my training/education we were allowed to take notes but forbidden to take our notebooks out of the classroom.

I'm talking 1974 and the ordnance I learned about then, with a security clearance was just a drop in the bucket compared to a more extensive list of inventory.

I remember thinking "if we're only learning about some of the more common ordnance, good Lord what do the have behind the curtain that even a basically trained ordnance personnel arend taught about until later at a more extensive, advanced school. Oh we definitely carry a big stick. Of that I'm sure of.
I don't doubt it, but all that firepower takes politicians and brass hats to authorize it's use, transport it to the theater,
get it airborne, then blabber for two hours on the radio while the enemy gets away. My beef is that they blow the budget
on whiz bang horseshit, then send our infantry out under equipped. When ground force commanders were shown the latest
robot mini-tanks, they didn't like the idea of sending out scarce M-240s, Mk19s, and M2 Brownings on them. The top kick Marine
said "We've got something better than a robot - they're called an 0332 Marine. They're responsible for our heavy weapons".
A Russian infantry platoon is issued almost as many GPMGs and rocket launchers as an entire company of US infantry.
Even the Taliban outgunned us 2-1 in this regard, which is ridiculous, as we can be supplied with ammunition by helicopter,
where they have to hump it up mountains.

SC Anemia
03-12-2022, 07:28 PM
I say when that when it comes to making war, first it should be a just, righteous course as proven to, and approved by, the Congress. After this seriously contemplated action is approved, there is no other way to accomplish the goal of war but to go in fast, utterly destroy the enemy (and only the enemy when feasible) by any means necessary, without cease until they are completely demoralized, broken, unable to wage further war and unconditionally surrendered - in that order. If it's not unconditional, you're doing it wrong.

The Marine Corps has a doctrine called violence of action. You could fill a textbook with it but what it all boils down to is acting with overwhelming force and rapidly.

The enemy always gets a vote but when you swoop in quickly with extraordinary violence and force, you remove your enemies options.

Whitey Ford
03-15-2022, 06:23 AM
The Marine Corps has a doctrine called violence of action. You could fill a textbook with it but what it all boils down to is acting with overwhelming force and rapidly.

The enemy always gets a vote but when you swoop in quickly with extraordinary violence and force, you remove your enemies options.

One of my old buddies was an ex Army Ranger, he spoke of that. He said there was a. violence of action b. surprise/stealth c. speed, or some equation like that. He said if you lost one, you lost them all. I miss that guy, he was a funny dude I worked with back in the day. He was one of the Army Rangers that first crossed into Iraq before Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm and all that shit in the middle east broke out in the early nineties.

03-22-2022, 09:38 AM
MLK's daughter now is starting up with Prince William that he said something insensitive about Africa when talking about the Ukraine war. Jesus, lady. Calm down. He didn't say anything terrible that I could see. Something about only seeing wars in his lifetime in Asia and Africa and it was unusual for Europe. They really mouth off. I never got what was so great about MLK anyway so it really doesn't matter to me but the liberal whites and so called conservative patriotard whites will be pressured to side with her and condemn Prince William just because MLK was a "great man." Whatever. The poor Polish and white Ukranians. They are doing nothing but getting called racist by the blacks while they are getting killed when the war is aimed at them. They have to make everything about white guilt. First the African students now prince William made some comment which I don't even see where he made the comment or that it was that bad. Blacks are who they are but whites are stupid too and doormats. It really makes me sick. My kids had to go to public school. They had to learn about MLK. I didn't like it but good luck telling the school that.

Disgraceful, but predictable. Prince William is one of the few sane ones in the British royal family, so it's no surprise that a retarded nigger (redundant, I know) would attack him. The fact that he married a White woman instead of becoming an oil driller like his brother is also definitely a factor in him getting targeted.