View Full Version : Biden shipping our Border Force to the Ukraine... Many from Southern Border

02-25-2022, 05:48 PM
Just how fucked up is this Administration??? Up to 200,000 plus illegals streaming across our southern border EVERY MONTH, and this fuckwit president wants to ship our Border Patrol forces to the Ukraine...

"The Southern border of the United States is in unimaginable crisis. Border agents set a new record for arrests of people trying to enter the country illegally from Mexico: 1.9 million in 2021. And 402,000 of those were released within the United States, with asylum hearings scheduled, for which some will never show up. Biden has vilified and lied about border officials; they’re clearly just obstacles in the way of his project to bring as many migrants into the country as possible, make sure they vote for the party that keeps their benefits flowing, and thereby secure the Democratic Party’s hegemony for decades to come. Now Biden’s handlers have come up with a new idea for how border agents can keep occupied: they want to send them to Eastern Europe for “Operation Ukraine Support.”

JusttheNews.com (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2FJusttheNews.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3 DIwAR0jwKsB_rje1fsqtbI5wa6KZn2eJubJq0a0YfhGaqY8T7F VmrNlePAOO8c&h=AT2gmtjAjy8vpX5h05ToN-F8TWFhuwkpjCXKvA41i4VgaDFePSnNZgNqHSQbV4HDuDXGg4py ENvLDvw_8axrz0HlekmNXIYxzdF_f2z7PVl0pGysc3quIe2Gas 3WRT8NuQ&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT3zwu3-aWtjsEEWIuKhdDk6joX5mH-3GwqA2aJB40-aNowlnRHHlNt2H3tw4LTLPYzR9Yd2jQ27Sk6IdFymApSwwHq96 4SKLWspvmrlOrF3IRjKYdoEyY1rw0GJA-et2XwGzOC6Xth6LQ6Y3-Ci) reported Thursday that “for the second time in a year, the Biden administration is seeking to divert Customs and Border Protection officers from the southern border crisis to an overseas conflict, this time to help process people fleeing the Russian assault on Ukraine.”

Priorities, priorities. What should be the primary focus of a president of the United States: protecting his own nation by securing its borders and maintaining a strict vetting process for immigrants, who will be expected to adopt American values? Or sending border patrol agents half a world away to help keep track of the refugees created by Vladimir Putin’s actions against Ukraine, a conflict in which there is no genuine national interest for the United States?

Old Joe Biden and his handlers know the answer. His Ukraine-First, Europe First, Anybody but the US first approach is well known.... (more at JustTheNews.com (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2FJustTheNews.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3 DIwAR3Ei3bQtwsFJbM7aVqLC2keHMhPnaF9wvvyIGfdYqKjAws ucQsfTYVwG-I&h=AT2j0fFEhEOmtkSSqhhIqdiCUAD-nBd_xBjaDihi4rYCOGtIgdJFFORcCWFQ8Zi9Nev1UME0eQgr87 MsNTcVFuKOBakAIfBfxuNfKh8FjnDhriScG4C4-Y9Gz0jLxxpZ-Q&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT3zwu3-aWtjsEEWIuKhdDk6joX5mH-3GwqA2aJB40-aNowlnRHHlNt2H3tw4LTLPYzR9Yd2jQ27Sk6IdFymApSwwHq96 4SKLWspvmrlOrF3IRjKYdoEyY1rw0GJA-et2XwGzOC6Xth6LQ6Y3-Ci))

Jim Crow
02-25-2022, 05:56 PM
I think we should ship are illegals instead!

Tar Remover
03-04-2022, 03:14 AM
You mean he took a break from making figurines out of his own shit to come up with another stupid idea?
Imagine that....

03-09-2022, 11:10 AM
This is absolutely absolute proof of Mayorkas and the globalists plan to ruin and weaken the US with mass turd world immigration. :mad:
And destroy the white race. You should be very mad.
I can't believe this is tolerated. It's only because most people don't know what Biden admin is doing.
It's complete treason and a total crime.
On the bright side at least they're not niggers streaming in (usually)...
These aren't Biden's ideas they're his Schlomo puppet master's.
Biden's ideas involve 6 year old girls, ice cream, and shat trou

We need this guy out. NOW.
An incompetent fool who just goes along with whatever his henchmen tell him. He reads from a teleprompter. He will sign anything. He is no leader. He's a dementia addled weak brained puppet who gets controlled.
In reality how many (unreported by media) strokes do you think he's had? 15?
Get rid of this guy so he can jerk off to Punky Brewster episodes and eat ice cream in his nursing home without a care. He will be happier, and I will be happier, and the American people will be so much better off.
Letting out country getting continuously invaded and making it legal what the hell is wrong with this guy.

03-12-2022, 12:58 PM
it's too late for the USA as it stands. The breakup of the Union is assured I'm afraid. Be prepared and don't fight it. Change doesn't have to be bad. Sometimes the cancer needs to be cut for the host to survive. Embrace the future. It's a one way street.

03-17-2022, 11:23 AM
it's too late for the USA as it stands. The breakup of the Union is assured I'm afraid. Be prepared and don't fight it. Change doesn't have to be bad. Sometimes the cancer needs to be cut for the host to survive. Embrace the future. It's a one way street.

Completely disagree with this attitude. We could have had a wall built. There is 0% chance this will improve the IQ of our country. There is 0.001% this will do anything good but drain our already drained social services. There is 100% chance of more crime and lower IQ.
Also, when was the last time a problem was solved for the better by ignoring it and not doing anything about it? I solve problems everyday at work and I can tell you the answer to this is pretty much NEVER. I have many co-workers who like to ignore the problems, and guess what all that does is make me have to deal with them. Because otherwise the place will degrade into a building full of problems and upset guests. And once that happens it's overwhelming and difficult to come back from.
Sure I'm just basically complaining on here, and what we need is action, but I am just one man I can't secure the entire frikkin border myself. Plus it is important to point out that Biden voters are responsible for this. My whole family besides me voted for Biden and that makes them anti-white traitors, no matter how much I care about them, this is the truth.
The breakup of the union maybe assured but that doesn't change the fact that what happens up until that point is still important. The breakup and the outcome and everything will be affected by what happens up until then. If you think the worse things get the sooner the breakup will occur, that maybe true, but that is an assumption, and it may not work out that way. Living in a predicted future of assumptions that haven't happened yet also makes little sense. You actually have only guesses to what the future holds. Many news sites I look at predict future events and they are always wrong to some degree.
Regardless once these people come in you're never going to get them out and each one is just another problem that someone's going to have to deal with during the breakup / revolution / self segregation or whatever happens.
I would guess you are referring to this... or this idea

Also there i a saying it ain't over till the fat sheboon sings. As long as we can still theoretically put every nigger on a boat back to Africa, and build the wall, it ain't over LOL

03-17-2022, 12:36 PM
How my version of the map goes... lol
my vison of the division...

also here's another map for illegal immigration fans...