View Full Version : Ratings dumpster fire Don Lemon: Racist Americans Who ‘Feel Completely Free to Speak Hate’ Are ‘Infecting Our Country’

Whitey Ford
02-17-2022, 01:46 PM
Apparently the folks over at Breitbart waste part of their quickly passing lifetimes actually paying attention to whatever comes out of Don's flapping twat of a mouth. They are definitely taking one for the team.
CNN’s Lemon: Racist Americans Who ‘Feel Completely Free to Speak Hate’ Are ‘Infecting Our Country’


Lemon concluded, “But it’s also about the America that we live in, the America where every day there are people who feel completely free to speak hate, to text it to each other. They don’t do it out in the open, sometimes they do, but usually, they don’t. To make jokes loaded with it, to laugh about it. It’s the kind of everyday hate that doesn’t always end up in court. But it’s there just the same, infecting our country.”

No, you fruity down low eggplant. Niggers are what is 'infecting' America. Racism is just the reaction.

Here's a better headline.
CNN’s Don Lemon has lowest-rated week since struggling program switched names (https://www.foxnews.com/media/cnn-don-lemon-lowest-rated-week)