View Full Version : Nigger Felon League in European TV

02-14-2022, 03:39 PM
Now they are trying to make the Europeans to worship the Nigger Felon League as well. At least in Switzerland, different channels (German and French speaking tv channels) broadcasted special shows to celebrate the Super Bowl. And, of course (at least the previews and snippets in the news that I saw) it's been a nigger only event. Especially the nigger half time show, disgusting! Of course they emphasised the kneeing race traitor as well.

They never made such a fuss about the Super Bowl in the years earlier, which made perfectly sense, because here nobody ever cared, or even knew the name of the participating teams. I'd really like to know what changed! Did they do that because the US consumers don't care about nfl any more? Or is it just another approach to shove niggers down our throats?