View Full Version : Let's Hear It for Nigger/Asian Solidarity!!! (Video)

02-14-2022, 08:42 AM
Coward Criminigger beats on beautiful Thai model, stealing her purse and leaving her bloody and bruised. The nigger's criminal history includes being arrested 16 times IN ONE DAY!

And where could this of possibly happened??? In the Nig York City - in the subway, no less.


Read the whole story here... https://www.theblaze.com/news/thai-model-subway-attack-nyc (https://www.theblaze.com/news/thai-model-subway-attack-nyc?utm_source=theblaze-dailyPM&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Daily-Newsletter__PM%202022-02-13&utm_term=ACTIVE%20LIST%20-%20TheBlaze%20Daily%20PM)

I find nothing more funny than liberals standing up and spouting the wonderful ties between nigger nests and the asian community in their 'fight against systemic racism'... As if any white would mind an asian living in their community... Laughable. The amazing thing - it's usually some liberal fuckwit-white spouting those lies.... God knows an Asian never would.

In doing demographic research, I found that when Asians move into a community, 2, maybe 3 things happen... First, school scores go up... and go up as a function of the % asians in the community increases... More Asians = Higher standardized test scores. Second.. Real estate values go up and it appears they go up more than the norm for that area. Lastly, and this is unclear, crime decreases. In any event, it does not increase.

With niggers... THE EXACT OPPOSITE IS TRUE... Schools tank, Crime skyrockets and real estate underperforms. EVERY FUCKING TIME.


Whitey Ford
02-15-2022, 02:43 AM
Can't wait for the Asians to finally grow a pair and publicly admit that the wave of violence targeting them and perpetrated against them isn't the work of so-called 'white supremacists,' conservatives or whatever scapegoat the lyin' ass media is trying to blame but...


Tar Remover
02-15-2022, 05:42 AM
Let's Hear It for Nigger/Asian Solidarity!!!

Which would be quite a feat, since I have personally known a metric fuck ton of Asians over the years and ALL of them hated niggers......

I aint bin dun did dat!
02-15-2022, 01:14 PM
Most Asians despise niggers just like all other humans. I have Asian neighbors who are awesome. I never hear a peep out of them. As you mentioned, most are inherently smart so they know how to read simple statistics that prove niggers are violent, unintelligent beasts. It kills me because, most liberals have a higher education but crime statistics they completely ignore in favor of coddling niggers. All the while, they live in nigger free areas.