View Full Version : ‘black lives matter’ protesters stare at white people while they eat because of racism…

02-11-2022, 02:12 AM
The following article, ‘BLACK LIVES MATTER’ PROTESTERS STARE AT WHITE PEOPLE WHILE THEY EAT BECAUSE OF RACISM… (https://americasfreedomfighters.com/black-lives-matter-protesters-stare-at-white-people-while-they-eat-because-of-racism-9/), was first published on America's Freedom Fighters (https://americasfreedomfighters.com).
Ah the genius tactics of the angry ‘Black Lives Matter’ and their #BlackBrunch movement have reached a new level. Now, in addition to storming into restaurants where white people are trying to eat breakfast or lunch and complaining about the injustices they face as African Americans here in America theyRead More (https://americasfreedomfighters.com/black-lives-matter-protesters-stare-at-white-people-while-they-eat-because-of-racism-9/)
Continue reading: ‘BLACK LIVES MATTER’ PROTESTERS STARE AT WHITE PEOPLE WHILE THEY EAT BECAUSE OF RACISM… (https://americasfreedomfighters.com/black-lives-matter-protesters-stare-at-white-people-while-they-eat-because-of-racism-9/) ...

More... (https://americasfreedomfighters.com/black-lives-matter-protesters-stare-at-white-people-while-they-eat-because-of-racism-9/)

Jim Crow
02-11-2022, 07:41 AM
If a nigger stared at me in a restaurant like that,I’d walk out without paying my bill. It’s the restaurant owners responsibility to create a safe and comfortable atmosphere for their customers. That bullshit should not be allowable.

Ray Cizzums
02-11-2022, 12:36 PM
If a nigger stared at me in a restaurant like that,I’d walk out without paying my bill. It’s the restaurant owners responsibility to create a safe and comfortable atmosphere for their customers. That bullshit should not be allowable.

I would channel the great Clint Eastwood, and say "Nigger, you're going to look goddamn silly, with a fork sticking out of your head".

02-11-2022, 06:50 PM
If a nigger stared at me in a restaurant like that,I’d walk out without paying my bill. It’s the restaurant owners responsibility to create a safe and comfortable atmosphere for their customers. That bullshit should not be allowable.

My sentiments, EXACTLY!!