View Full Version : Mass. School Apologizes After Serving Fried Chicken to Celebrate Start of Black History Month

02-07-2022, 07:20 PM
One student says: “They could have chosen a different part of African cuisine."
The post Mass. School Apologizes After Serving Fried Chicken to Celebrate Start of Black History Month (https://www.amren.com/news/2022/02/mass-school-apologizes-after-serving-fried-chicken-to-celebrate-start-of-black-history-month/) appeared first on American Renaissance (https://www.amren.com).

More... (https://www.amren.com/news/2022/02/mass-school-apologizes-after-serving-fried-chicken-to-celebrate-start-of-black-history-month/)

I aint bin dun did dat!
02-08-2022, 12:44 AM
“African cuisine”? Ahhh, so niggers were frying chicken in Africa now? Niggers were eating twigs and termites before whitey fucked up and arrived on the god forsaken shithole.

02-08-2022, 01:20 AM
Niggers claim to have invented barbecue. I can give them fried chicken and watermelon, but that's it. Coming from niggerlands of Africa, there's no wheat, corn, or rice, just sand and dirt. Occasionally, they may have had some hapless white explorer.

Jim Crow
02-08-2022, 09:01 AM
And if the niggers were served something else,they’d cry rayciss too! The smart thing is to never give a nigger anything!

Ray Cizzums
02-08-2022, 12:15 PM
And if the niggers were something else,they’d cry rayciss too! The smart thing is to never give a nigger anything!

Except a beating, and some bullets. :lol

Jim Crow
02-08-2022, 09:38 PM
Except a beating, and some bullets. :lol

A one way ship ride to the muthaland would be first on my list

09-10-2024, 01:20 AM
Niggers claim to have invented barbecue. I can give them fried chicken and watermelon, but that's it...Whoa! It doesen't stop there. When the aforementioned items become unavailable, there's always duh Chilren:


This report from Belgium couldn't be more horrific: a two-year-old girl was burned alive on a charcoal grill in Zemst, north of Brussels. According to an online report by the Belgian news site HLN.be, her own mother (27) is said to have committed the terrible act.
Neighbors heard the girl's screams and saw smoke coming from the woman's garage. When the police arrived, they found the mother still at the grill. However, any help came too late for the child.
The motive of the woman, with African roots, has not been conclusively clarified. According to a report by dailmail.com, the 27-year-old later told the officials that “we both have to be burned,” and that was the only way she and her daughter could have gone to heaven.
The 27-year-old is in custody.
Such humanoid primates with their superstitions are supposed to be more valuable than gold? The Stone Age is imported and courted.
This report from Belgium couldn't be more horrific: a two-year-old girl was burned alive on a charcoal grill in Zemst, north of Brussels. According to an online report by the Belgian news site HLN.be, her own mother (27) is said to have committed the terrible act.
Neighbors heard the girl's screams and saw smoke coming from the woman's garage. When the police arrived, they found the mother still at the grill. However, any help came too late for the child.
The motive of the woman, with African roots, has not been conclusively clarified. According to a report by dailmail.com, the 27-year-old later told the officials that “we both have to be burned,” and that was the only way she and her daughter could have gone to heaven.
The 27-year-old is in custody.
Such humanoid primates with their superstitions are supposed to be more valuable than gold? The Stone Age is imported and courted.

This is what one gets, when attempting to access the link here, without connecting to a VPN: