View Full Version : Mammy turns turdler into a nigsicle, sets it on fire and dumps it in a trash bag

01-29-2022, 02:15 PM
Another chapter in Nigger Parenting 101.

Bond was set Wednesday for the mother of Chicago 5-year-old Damari Perry, who died of hypothermia after being forced to stand in a freezing shower...Damari “was found naked and wrapped in a plastic trash bag and partially charred,” according to the Lake County, Ind., coroner’s office’s report, released Tuesday.

“Our victim advocates, prosecutors, and detectives continue to support the family in this case while awaiting the official autopsy results from Lake County, Indiana,” State’s Attorney Eric Rinehart said in a statement Wednesday.

I doubt that's necessary. The fambly is probably not too broken up.



Chimp Detester
01-29-2022, 03:13 PM


Jannie Perry, you hideous stinking sub-cockroach mega-turd crap-beastie sowrilla: I koon-gratulate you for doing the right thing with your worthless sprog. You have now earned a huge bucket of the colonel's finest.


And now, if we can only get you released quickly back into the manure pile (a.k.a. niggerhood, a.k.a. koon-munity) and have you named as the Ape-ficial Mentor of Maternal Behavior for all sheboon mammie sows. the tax-payers will save millions...

01-30-2022, 10:47 AM


Jannie Perry, you hideous stinking sub-cockroach mega-turd crap-beastie sowrilla: I koon-gratulate you for doing the right thing with your worthless sprog. You have now earned a huge bucket of the colonel's finest.


And now, if we can only get you released quickly back into the manure pile (a.k.a. niggerhood, a.k.a. koon-munity) and have you named as the Ape-ficial Mentor of Maternal Behavior for all sheboon mammie sows. the tax-payers will save millions...

Wif purple drank!!

01-30-2022, 10:52 AM
Partially charred? Didn't that niggerpotamus know that you ruin ghetto lobster if you wash it first?

01-30-2022, 01:54 PM
Partially charred? Didn't that niggerpotamus know that you ruin ghetto lobster if you wash it first?

And you never cook them from frozen!

01-30-2022, 03:45 PM
Rug munching Mayor Lightfoot wants to hook up with it.

01-30-2022, 04:11 PM
Remember, they're not really screaming. That's just the air escaping when they hit the boiling water.

01-30-2022, 06:11 PM

Tar Remover
01-30-2022, 08:29 PM
A little late to try thawing it out, you dumbass nigger.......

01-30-2022, 10:27 PM


Now put that sow's face on one of the lobsters and put the shheeeit nigger's head on another and turn the nigglet's skin black!

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.yoddler.com%2FSite.svc%2FREST% 2FGetQuoteImage%2FQuoteID%2F300%2FImageSize%2F3%2F AsAttachment%2Ffalse%2F%3FFileName%3DYoddler_300_L ARGE.jpeg&f=1&nofb=1

Whitey Ford
01-30-2022, 11:10 PM
A (nigger) Song of Fire and Ice :lol

01-31-2022, 12:23 AM

Now put that sow's face on one of the lobsters and put the shheeeit nigger's head on another and turn the nigglet's skin black!

Okay. :lol


01-31-2022, 06:46 AM
Okay. :lol



Jim Crow
01-31-2022, 08:59 AM
Too bad niggs don’t have guilt and remorse. Would’ve been nice to see a murder suicide! Now tax payers have to feed and house the sow in NU till it dies!

01-31-2022, 12:10 PM
Too bad niggs don’t have guilt and remorse. Would’ve been nice to see a murder suicide! Now tax payers have to feed and house the sow in NU till it dies!

Well, I guess we have to look at it this way: The sow won't get any muh dik in NU = felon factory shut down, so the taxpayers will save millions on the absence of the many hundreds of future felons, welfare leeches, and single mammies down the line.

Small consolation, I know, but better than nothing I guess.

I aint bin dun did dat!
01-31-2022, 11:59 PM
A (nigger) Song of Fire and Ice :lol

Jim Crow
02-01-2022, 09:20 AM
Well, I guess we have to look at it this way: The sow won't get any muh dik in NU = felon factory shut down, so the taxpayers will save millions on the absence of the many hundreds of future felons, welfare leeches, and single mammies down the line.

Small consolation, I know, but better than nothing I guess.
Felon factory shut down? Better think again! I’m sure there’s some nigger buck prison guard who would muh dick it and get it pregnant! Manny prison sows have gotten pregnant by buck guards!

02-01-2022, 09:25 AM
Felon factory shut down? Better think again! I’m sure there’s some nigger buck prison guard who would muh dick it and get it pregnant! Manny prison sows have gotten pregnant by buck guards!

I was worrying about the same thing. Haven't we had a couple of posts about niggerpotamuses behind bars that suddenly wind up with a ghetto lobster in the oven?

02-01-2022, 12:13 PM
Felon factory shut down? Better think again! I’m sure there’s some nigger buck prison guard who would muh dick it and get it pregnant! Manny prison sows have gotten pregnant by buck guards!

This is true - I forgot that prisons now let bucks guard sows, which is utter madness with predictable results. All sows should be spayed, both in and out of prison.

02-01-2022, 09:44 PM
I was worrying about the same thing. Haven't we had a couple of posts about niggerpotamuses behind bars that suddenly wind up with a ghetto lobster in the oven?

It's not just the guards anymore. All a sexual predator has to do now is declare itself a woman to be spared the likelyhood of getting made good in a men's prison. He won't get to muh-dikk any kiddies there, but he can have his pick of other victims and I'm betting they are probably less likely to shank his sorry ass due to his size.


02-02-2022, 12:42 AM
It's not just the guards anymore. All a sexual predator has to do now is declare itself a woman to be sparred the likelyhood of getting made good in a men's prison. He won't get to muh-dikk any kiddies there, but he can have his pick of other victims and I'm betting they are probably less likely to shank his sorry ass due to his size.


There's a story about a man in drag, in terminally woke England who declared he identified a woman, so the sheeple Libtards, fearful of being labeled "transphobic' put him in a women's prison where he proceeded to rape female inmates.

A “predatory and controlling” rapist has been jailed for life after she attacked vulnerable women in female prisons.

Karen White,( Stephen Terence Wood)52, who was described as being a danger to women and children (https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/oct/11/karen-white-how-manipulative-and-controlling-offender-attacked-again-transgender-prison), admitted sexually assaulting women in a female prison and raping another two women outside jail.

Note: They continue to call it "she", this thing with a record of violent crimes against women and children.

Call me hard-hearted but whenever I hear of prisoners complaining about the food, the treatment, the lack of freedom, etc I can't help thinking I have a great solution for those who feel they might not enjoy prison: Don't commit crimes. I've done that my whole life and have managed to stay out of the slammer since I'm convinced I would hate it there, especially if I got rapist lunatics in dresses put in my cell.


02-02-2022, 01:55 AM
Call me hard-hearted but whenever I hear of prisoners complaining about the food, the treatment, the lack of freedom, etc I can't help thinking I have a great solution for those who feel they might not enjoy prison: Don't commit crimes. I've done that my whole life and have managed to stay out of the slammer since I'm convinced I would hate it there, especially if I got rapist lunatics in dresses put in my cell.


That story is infuriating. It left me with more questions than answers.

How does a pregnant woman get her drink spiked with vodka and not notice? To the point of passing out? Were there ruffies involved? Unless there were, I can't say I blame the husband for not believing her. My wife never touched the stuff while pregnant even once and would know instantly if someone tried to slip her something. I'm trying to believe the victim here, but I can understand the husband's disbelief.

How does a rapist violently rape another woman a half dozen times over the course of a year? Why didn't she call the cops the first time? I'm lost over this one.

Then there is the fact that he molested those kids and wasn't in prison forever over it. 18 months?

“The prosecution say that because there is smattering of evidence in this case that the defendants approach to transition has been less than committed,” he added.

It took them that long to figure out that this rapist might not really want his rape tool turned inside out?

I don't know which country's criminal justice system is more F'd up - theirs or ours. It's like there is some kind of competition for the title.

Jim Crow
02-02-2022, 08:36 AM
This is true - I forgot that prisons now let bucks guard sows, which is utter madness with predictable results. All sows should be spayed, both in and out of prison.

Why not just let the penalty be a one way ticket to the mutha land! i think niggs would be much happier having natural birth nigglets in the jungles of Afrika thousands of miles away from YT,I know I’d be happier knowing they were there!