View Full Version : Niggers kill beloved restaurant manager in Baltimore

01-25-2022, 09:32 PM
I have been to this restaurant several times and it is fantastic. Some niggers carjacked him and shot him to death, the cops haven't caught the suspects, but let's be realistic, it was almost certainly teenapers. One of the hosts on the local sports talk radio show is former Baltimore police commissioner Ed Norris, he was going off on the libtard nigger mayor and city council this morning.

I aint bin dun did dat!
01-25-2022, 10:26 PM
Manwhile news oulets are still littered with hate crime trial for Ahmaud Arbery while these niggers just kill people all over the country.

01-25-2022, 11:08 PM
I have been to this restaurant several times and it is fantastic. Some niggers carjacked him and shot him to death, the cops haven't caught the suspects, but let's be realistic, it was almost certainly teenapers. One of the hosts on the local sports talk radio show is former Baltimore police commissioner Ed Norris, he was going off on the libtard nigger mayor and city council this morning.

Ba Mo' is a NIGGER FUXATED shit hole. I used to live 42 miles south of it. It the late 70's and early 80's they started cleaning up the area in the inner harbor but niggers have turned the city into $HI+!!

Ray Cizzums
01-25-2022, 11:43 PM
What a great place Baltimore would be, if all the niggers were cleaned out of there. Considering what a great
harbor it is, it would make a perfect spot to load up the back to Africa barges, and get them the fuck out of our
great country. And don't you worry about the voyage taking only three days, round trip - leave it to the professionals...

01-25-2022, 11:53 PM
The cops need to wall off the nigger ghettos and let them police themselves. It sounds like this guy was killed in a mostly human area, Little Italy/Fells Point.

01-27-2022, 09:37 AM
What a great place Baltimore would be, if all the niggers were cleaned out of there. Considering what a great
harbor it is, it would make a perfect spot to load up the back to Africa barges, and get them the fuck out of our
great country. And don't you worry about the voyage taking only three days, round trip - leave it to the professionals...


Ray Cizzums
01-31-2022, 04:53 PM
You know I was just thinking, if we were able to dropped them off back in Africa, do you think they would be able to survive back in the "Muddaland"?
Think about it, we know what kind of nigger that arrived over here in North America hundreds of years ago but what kind of nigger would be going back?
A domesticated, chicken eating, grape drank drinking, "gibs me dat", crap music listening to, pavement ape.
Would they be able to survive back in Africa or would they be preyed upon by the indigenous niggers over in Africa like they have been preying upon the people over here in the U.S.?

Just like farm raised hogs go feral in several months, reverting to their wild boar origins, our two-legged
livestock would go ape in short order. The older and fatter sows would get picked off by hyenas and lions,
as would the stupider bucks and sheboons. The devolution wrought by the US welfare system
would be halted immediately. Niggers with white ancestors would rule the roost by default, with no changes
in priority - muh dikk, chaos, murder and complete dysfunction. The natives would seek to out-nigger the
repatriated boons, with bloodshed and savagery on a massive scale.

Ray Cizzums
01-31-2022, 07:16 PM
Interesting take.

What do you think would be the result over here in the states after they were gone?
A slow recovery, and rebuilding of some areas recently blighted by the wooly schvugger.
But bouncing back from a metastasized cancer of this scale would be a long process.
However, the sky is the limit, when it comes to the motivation that would accompany
our country's renewed optimism, once these social parasites have been eradicated.

02-02-2022, 12:01 AM
Animals have instincts that can't be completely bred out. A dog or cat can go pretty wild if left on its own in the woods, and even in comfortable American living, the laziest Precious-type niggerpotamus can turn the most peaceful event into Battlesow Galactica. So back in their proper home, they'd start attacking and eating each other when food wasn't readily available. And who knows, a lot of them might eat each other even with abundant true food right there, because a lot of niggers have an instinct to eat each other and humans. They just don't do it very often in the U.S., if they have any intelligence to not get caught. Sometimes they do, and those are the really, really dumb niggers.

Then what happens when a few niggers are left for 100 miles and can't eat each other, can't farm, can't catch animals? Would they eventually die out to predators like the big cats? This is an interesting niggerology experiment that must be conducted immediately. For best results, you know, to have enough data that we're sure about outliers, we'll have to send every last North American nigger back to their cherished continent.