View Full Version : Georgia group to give nigresses 850 dollars a month

01-17-2022, 07:35 PM
A nigger loving group in Atlanta is going to give a lucky 600 or so nigresses 850 dollars a month in guaranteed income. My questions this… how much free money do these people get? They get endless amounts of welfare and free stuff but, remain in poverty. It’s never gonna do any good because these people wish to remain on the bottom of the barrel. I would post a link but I don’t wanna get tracked. The article is on yahoo right now.

01-18-2022, 04:13 AM
It won't work and the organization will have wasted it's money foolishly. The money will only further incentivize nigger laziness. When the money money runs out, the sheboons will hold their paws out and say, "Gibs muh moo." Then, they'll get angry and blame the ebil YT when there's no more.
This is why I don't give to organized charity. It gets wasted on undeserving people or niggers. The best way to keep poverty alive is to just give stuff to lazy underserving people who didn't, and won't, lift a finger to earn it.