View Full Version : Epic nigger fails at Burger Kang

01-17-2022, 07:09 PM

A teenaper who was working the drive-thru at a Milwaukee Burger Kang when she was shot and killed in an apparent robbery, which she staged with her best friend and her best friend's father who acted as the robber, court documents allege.

Investigators initially believed the nigger in the red hoodie who had demanded the cash, had shot and killed the 16-year-old. But when they reviewed surveillance footage taken from another camera within the fast food joint, they discovered the 'robber' never opened fire. Instead, the shot was fired from within the Burger Kang, and Milwaukee police are now searching for Harris-Brazell's co-worker, Derrick Ellis, 34, who apparently tried to shoot at the robber and inadvertently hit Harris-Brazell.

During the ensuing investigation, police discovered Mariah's father, Antoine, was the nigger in the red hoodie. He cooncocted the robbery with Harris-Brazell and his daughter.

Antoine, 41, is now facing charges of felony murder, intentionally contributing to the delinquency of a niglet with death a consequence and possession of a firearm by a felon, while Ellis is facing murder charges.

In the ensuing investigation, police found other surveillance footage from inside the fast-food joint showing Ellis responding to Harris-Brazell's call for help, pulling out a gun and firing two shots at the thief. He was then seen scrambling to pick up the shell casings from he floor, and was filmed running to the store manager who helped him stow the weapon in the store's safe before he fled. He has not been seen since.

The store manager reportedly told authorities that Ellis usually comes to work with a weapon, and they helped him hide it because he is a convicted felon who is not allowed to possess a gun.

So much fail, so many niggers. But then again, there was one good nigger, so it's not a total failure.

01-17-2022, 10:23 PM
We wuz Burger Kangs an sheeit!

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.electricferret.com%2Fstatic%2 Fimages%2Fcbub%2Fcbub_contender_image%2F8%2F1030%2 F1030.jpg&f=1&nofb=1

Nigger Wrangler MZ66WZ
01-17-2022, 11:29 PM

So much fail, so many niggers. But then again, there was one good nigger, so it's not a total failure.

You can sum this up in one word...


01-18-2022, 12:32 AM
This reminds me of that "Scream" parody movie where the two killers are afraid to stab each other. But niggers always take Epic Fail a level higher.

The store manager reportedly told authorities that Ellis usually comes to work with a weapon, and they helped him hide it because he is a convicted felon who is not allowed to possess a gun.

The store manager is probably a nigger too. This should be an easy charge of accessory to murder.

01-18-2022, 04:59 AM
The store manager reportedly told authorities that Ellis usually comes to work with a weapon, and they helped him hide it because he is a convicted felon who is not allowed to possess a gun.

The store manager is probably a nigger too. This should be an easy charge of accessory to murder.

The manager should also be charged with other crimes. I'm pretty sure knowingly letting a felon possess a gun and aiding him to hide it is a crime by itself. Aiding to hide it after it was used to commit murder also makes it accessory to murder.

I'm pretty sure it's against Burger King corporate policy to allow employees run around armed in the store while on or off duty. The corporation should cancel its franchise license agreement with the owner. If the owner wants to stay open, he'd have to do it without the Burger King name or products.

This just adds to the reasons I haven't been to a fast food place in many years. Back in the day, those jobs were for high school kids just entering the working world and nary a nigger was seen. Now, I'd be worried about intentional food contamination/poisoning simply because I'm human being served by animals who think they're underpaid by ebil YT and just hate them in general. A few more reasons I don't go are that the food isn't particularly healthy, nigger chimpouts are common at fast food places and now I have to worry about getting shot by either staff or thugs with paw guns.

Tar Remover
01-18-2022, 06:19 AM
This reminds me of that "Scream" parody movie where the two killers are afraid to stab each other. But niggers always take Epic Fail a level higher.

The store manager is probably a nigger too. This should be an easy charge of accessory to murder.

Or Accessory to Nigger........:lol

Tar Remover
01-18-2022, 06:20 AM
Great idea! Let a nigger run around the place with a gun. You can be assured that he won't hit anything but a bystander during a robbery attempt. At least he only capped a 'boon.....

Jim Crow
01-18-2022, 08:45 AM
Another well laid genius nigger plan goes to shit!LOL!

01-18-2022, 09:16 AM
Or Accessory to Nigger........:lol

That should be a NEW classification of crime!!

01-18-2022, 09:17 AM
Or Accessory to Nigger........:lol

There really should be a law on the books to make that a charge. Accessory to TNB!

01-18-2022, 09:55 AM
There really should be a law on the books to make that a charge. Accessory to TNB!

Antifa would protest if they threatened to make that a law because the only reason they exist is to either engage in TNB or enable TNB. :lmao

In my opinion, Antifa is like that retarded kid that isn't self aware and doesn't know he is mentally challenged, except everyone hates him because he goes out of his way to piss everyone off and commit crimes. Granted, not everyone with a low IQ is a criminal, but it's probably safe to say that most people in prisons aren't the brightest bulbs.

I don't have anything in particular against the intellectually deficient, unless they are engaging in behavior that is detrimental to human society. I mean, prisons and mental institutions exist so we can keep people and coloreds locked up and away from society, if they don't feel like playing by the rules for whatever reason, and the system considers them a big enough threat.

On an unrelated note, I'm not saying we should be like the UK and send our criminals to Australia, but would it really be so bad if we sent our niggers to Africa? :)

I aint bin dun did dat!
01-18-2022, 11:04 AM
“The well laid plans of mice and men…. And niggers”