View Full Version : "God" attacks young, innocent Asian woman throwing her to her death on Times Square subway tracks

Whitey Ford
01-16-2022, 07:19 PM
Unhinged homeless man Simon Martial admits to deadly Times Square subway shove, declares himself ‘God’

The nigger attacks against the Asian community continue and yet the media covers it up. And then try to blame Trump supporters.

“Go f— yourself,” Simon Martial, 61, yelled at reporters as he was escorted out of the Midtown South precinct wearing a white Tyvek suit, a cloth mask, slippers and a jacket.

“Yeah because I’m God. Yes I did. I’m God, I can do it,” Martial shouted to a gaggle of reporters, adding “she stole my f—ing jacket, that’s why,” when asked about his motive.

Unprovoked attacks on Asian Americans by niggers soared in New York City during the coronavirus pandemic amid anti-Chinese political rhetoric spewed by niggers, and were up 368 percent in 2021, according to police data.

Some advocates said they also feared that nigger hate criminals were emboldened by more forgiving law enforcement policies, including the state’s bail reform law and new lenient sentencing guidelines implemented by new incompetent nigger Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

“People are afraid because we know [Bragg] is going to let violent [nigger] criminals go free and Asians around the city will be the victims,” said Wong, 55, a Queens businessman and political activist.


Whitey Ford
01-16-2022, 07:31 PM
He looks like the U Gonna Get Raped nigger. LOL


01-16-2022, 07:34 PM
He looks like the U Gonna Get Raped nigger. LOL


It's doppelganger!!

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
01-16-2022, 10:26 PM
Unhinged homeless man Simon Martial admits to deadly Times Square subway shove, declares himself ‘God’

The nigger attacks against the Asian community continue and yet the media covers it up. And then try to blame Trump supporters.


Oh how I long for a time when reporting will be accurate like Whitey"s edited version. Considering it seems to be getting worse instead of better and I'm 57 years old, I'm sure I won't witness it within my lifetime. I just hope people can see through what these stories DON'T report and recognize the fact that it's ALWAYS Niggers committing these hate crimes against the Asian community.

01-16-2022, 11:11 PM
That's one "yous git'n rape" nigger.

01-17-2022, 11:57 AM
I had my suspicions when this story first broke. A delay in releasing the identities could only mean one thing. A nigger murdered a human. Once the victim was identified and there was no article about anti-Asian hate crime, that sealed the deal with 100% positivity it was a nigger.

01-18-2022, 01:56 AM
It's doppelganger!!


But then they pretty much all look alike, don't they?

01-18-2022, 02:03 AM
Hey! He's obviously having a mental health crisis and can't get the help he needs because of the disparity in the level of care between YT and POC.

Tar Remover
01-18-2022, 04:07 AM
And the Nutty Nigger will get away with it. A couple years in the Whack Shack at worst.

01-18-2022, 05:34 AM
Blasphemous and murderous nigger. Death penalty mandatory. Burning in hell also mandatory. Evil, evil black bastard.

01-18-2022, 08:53 AM

But then they pretty much all look alike, don't they?

Tru Dat-sum beez skinny n' sum beez fat!! Actually these days most beez fat from frahd chiggun n' grape drank and sitting on their simian @$$e$ all day, GNOMESAYIN'?!

01-18-2022, 07:18 PM
If a white man had pushed a black woman in front of a train, how would things have been different?

O.M.G. Planet of the Apes incoming. YT ass-kissing news networks expressing how shocked and appalled they are by this senseless and horrific act of violent White Supremacy and blab about horrible slavery 250 years ago and lynching 80 years ago! Looting, burning, rioting, and massive theft of flatscreens and clown shoes from coast to coast and 5" headlines on the Mail.co.uk site. A trial that would be televised 24/7 and the maximum sentence for the YT for the despicable, shocking hate crime against the poor, innocent neegrow. Justice and GIBS dispensed.

A nigger does it, again (and again and again)? Err...okay, so what? Don't talk about it. Not nice to be mean to niggers with mental health problems and PTSD from slavery.

01-18-2022, 11:39 PM
I so hate it when one of these subhuman hell spawn demonic shitburgers calls itself God. They are so narcissistic they call themselves gawdz, kangz and kweenz when the aren't even dirt

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
01-19-2022, 07:56 AM
And the Nutty Nigger will get away with it. A couple years in the Whack Shack at worst.

No doubt. Especially since the new nigger DA there is decriminalizing everything there.

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
01-19-2022, 08:03 AM
O.M.G. Planet of the Apes incoming. YT ass-kissing news networks expressing how shocked and appalled they are by this senseless and horrific act of violent White Supremacy and blab about horrible slavery 250 years ago and lynching 80 years ago! Looting, burning, rioting, and massive theft of flatscreens and clown shoes from coast to coast and 5" headlines on the Mail.co.uk site. A trial that would be televised 24/7 and the maximum sentence for the YT for the despicable, shocking hate crime against the poor, innocent neegrow. Justice and GIBS dispensed.

A nigger does it, again (and again and again)? Err...okay, so what? Don't talk about it. Not nice to be mean to niggers with mental health problems and PTSD from slavery.

Talk about nailing it right on the head! Perfectly put.

Jim Crow
01-19-2022, 08:11 AM
I have to go to CT to take care of family business soon.That area is a planet of the apes too. I’m driving up, and I’m going to conceal,even though my ccw license is invalid up there. I always do. And I don’t go out after dark. I only stick to the areas that I know are somewhat safe. Totally going to keep out of New York City!

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
01-19-2022, 08:26 AM
I have to go to CT to take care of family business soon.That area is a planet of the apes too. I’m driving up, and I’m going to conceal,even though my ccw license is invalid up there. I always do. And I don’t go out after dark. I only stick to the areas that I know are somewhat safe. Totally going to keep out of New York City!

I just consider my CCP the 2nd Amendment. I know legally my vision of this theory is just a pipedream anymore. It used to be whether you had a CCP or not, if you shot someone in defense of your life, the charges would be dropped. Now, probably not. Especially if you shot and killed some nigger. Then you'd be crucified for being a "White Supremacist" from the President on down and put to death by lethal injection for killing an upstanding nigger career criminal.

Jim Crow
01-19-2022, 08:33 AM
I just consider my CCP the 2nd Amendment. I know legally my vision of this theory is just a pipedream anymore. It used to be whether you had a CCP or not, if you shot someone in defense of your life, the charges would be dropped. Now, probably not. Especially if you shot and killed some nigger. Then you'd be crucified for being a "White Supremacist" from the President on down and put to death by lethal injection for killing an upstanding nigger career criminal.

I’d rather be judged by 12 than carried by six! I’m not going to act like Charles Bronson in Deathwish. I won’t be going out after dark. And it will only be to take care of business or supermarket. So, more than likely it would have to be a nigger breaking in to where I’m staying. I also know how to handle myself with a K bar.

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
01-19-2022, 08:50 AM
I’d rather be judged by 12 than carried by six! I’m not going to act like Charles Bronson in Deathwish. I won’t be going out after dark. And it will only be to take care of business or supermarket. So, more than likely it would have to be a nigger breaking in to where I’m staying. I also know how to handle myself with a K bar.

Yep. Me too. I always carry. I don't look for trouble, but am always prepared to protect myself.

Jim Crow
01-19-2022, 08:57 AM
Yep. Me too. I always carry. I don't look for trouble, but am always prepared to protect myself.
It’s cold up there, and I’ll be wearing my combat boots. I keep a Vietnam era Gerber dagger in my right boot. I’ve practiced with it for years. I can have it out and in someone’s throat and a matter of seconds if need be. Training with sharp weapons is something I enjoy!

01-19-2022, 10:17 AM
It’s cold up there, and I’ll be wearing my combat boots. I keep a Vietnam era Gerber dagger in my right boot. I’ve practiced with it for years. I can have it out and in someone’s throat and a matter of seconds if need be. Training with sharp weapons is something I enjoy! Nig Haven and Cooneticut are both niggerfuxxated to the max.

Jim Crow
01-19-2022, 03:59 PM
Nig Haven and Cooneticut are both niggerfuxxated to the max.

You can pull up “New Haven Register crime watch”. You’ll see that 90% of the crime is committed in nigger sections.Dixwell ave.Sherman ave.Winchester ave.Grand ave.Ect…There’s several shootings/stabbings every day of the week. I used to live off grand Avenue in the 80s. I was serenaded by the sounds of police sirens 24/7

Tar Remover
01-20-2022, 07:20 AM
I have to go to CT to take care of family business soon.That area is a planet of the apes too. I’m driving up, and I’m going to conceal,even though my ccw license is invalid up there. I always do. And I don’t go out after dark. I only stick to the areas that I know are somewhat safe. Totally going to keep out of New York City!

Stay safe, brother!

Jim Crow
01-20-2022, 08:24 AM
Stay safe, brother!
Plan to do exactly that!I am leaving tomorrow w/Amtrack autotrain out of Sandford FL. It’s a direct trip to Lawton Virginia,no stops.From there I will have a 5 hour drive to CT in daylight. I won’t carry a firearm on the train. I leave it locked up in the truck. But I do carry a blade I’m handy with,always!
Train ride is always quiet. And since there are no stops,no train stations. Just point A to point B. And it’s always on time!. For the price, it saves me wear n tear on my vehicle and lowers chance of break downs or other risks..Not many niggs either! I’ve been doing this for over 20 years.Always a good trip!
I know where to go and we’re not to in New Haven Connecticut. The only problem is wherever you park your vehicle, they may try to break in to steal.So,I have to be careful.No fitness walks or runs at night. Unless you wanna a violent run in with a shiner. They roam around the streets looking for victims to rob when sun goes down.
My sister‘s home is in a decent area. But it’s still in New Haven .She has an alarm and the cameras on her property. But, niggers still try to steal. I think now that my mom is gone, my sister and her husband are thinking about relocating. It sucks having to always have to look out for niggers 24/7!

Tar Remover
01-20-2022, 12:05 PM
Plan to do exactly that!I am leaving tomorrow w/Amtrack autotrain out of Sandford FL. It’s a direct trip to Lawton Virginia,no stops.From there I will have a 5 hour drive to CT in daylight. I won’t carry a firearm on the train. I leave it locked up in the truck. But I do carry a blade I’m handy with,always!
Train ride is always quiet. And since there are no stops,no train stations. Just point A to point B. And it’s always on time!. For the price, it saves me wear n tear on my vehicle and lowers chance of break downs or other risks..Not many niggs either! I’ve been doing this for over 20 years.Always a good trip!
I know where to go and we’re not to in New Haven Connecticut. The only problem is wherever you park your vehicle, they may try to break in to steal.So,I have to be careful.No fitness walks or runs at night. Unless you wanna a violent run in with a shiner. They roam around the streets looking for victims to rob when sun goes down.
My sister‘s home is in a decent area. But it’s still in New Haven .She has an alarm and the cameras on her property. But, niggers still try to steal. I think now that my mom is gone, my sister and her husband are thinking about relocating. It sucks having to always have to look out for niggers 24/7!

No shit, they need to leave those niggers FAR behind.
Sounds like a fun trip!

Jim Crow
01-20-2022, 10:00 PM
No shit, they need to leave those niggers FAR behind.
Sounds like a fun trip!
When I go in the summer,it’s fun.I usually go to Yankee stadium a few times.This trip is to settle my mom’s estate.No fun.I wanted to put this trip as far off as I could’ve,maybe ten years!