View Full Version : Libtards force beautiful human judge to resign after she says the dread "N-word".

01-02-2022, 02:12 PM
Lafayette Judge Michelle Odinet has submitted her resignation to the Louisiana Supreme Court after she was heard using racial slurs on a video, Odinet's attorney confirmed.>>The video does not show any of the speakers heard during the clip, but multiple voices repeatedly say “n-----” while watching footage of the attempted burglary.

"We have a n-----. It's a n-----, like a roach," a female voice adds.

:lol Yeah, like no one else would say or even think that. They just didn't get caught.


Jim Crow
01-02-2022, 09:25 PM
Obunghole and it’s tranny husband were blatantly racist against whites. But liberals are OK with whatever their pets do!

01-02-2022, 09:37 PM
Obunghole and it’s tranny husband were blatantly racist against whites. But liberals are OK with whatever their pets do!

I seem to recall Mike using the word "Whitey". Imagine if Trump had openly spoken of "Blackie"? The sky would have fallen.

01-03-2022, 12:35 PM
Nigger commits burglary, whitey comments about it accurately, and libtards consider whitey the villain. Nothing wrong with burglary, as long as it's a nigger, the most privileged species on earth, doing it!

This is why every other group on earth, even the ones that libtards consider their pets (like Muslims), secretly hates libtards and will be the first to dance on their graves when the corrupt and unsustainable libtard system comes crashing down.