View Full Version : NYC nigger robs senior in elevator

12-28-2021, 11:01 AM
The unabated nigger crime epidemic in New Nig City continues furiously. With a nigger mayor about to take over, the city is doomed beyond recovery. Watch this crazy coon drag the lady from the elevator and steal her bag. Niggers know they are riding the untouchable train and will cruise this free ride to the last stop.


Niggers do not wish to reside in a successful and fruitful society. Their deep inferiority ensures they will continue to adjust their environment until it matches their low intellectually capabilities...or incapabilities I should say.

12-28-2021, 11:15 AM
The unabated nigger crime epidemic in New Nig City continues furiously. With a nigger mayor about to take over, the city is doomed beyond recovery. Watch this crazy coon drag the lady from the elevator and steal her bag. Niggers know they are riding the untouchable train and will cruise this free ride to the last stop.


Niggers do not wish to reside in a successful and fruitful society. Their deep inferiority ensures they will continue to adjust their environment until it matches their low intellectually capabilities...or incapabilities I should say.

Tru Dat!!

Jim Crow
12-29-2021, 08:37 AM
Fuck NYC! They got exactly what they want.A city filled with vicious savage apes roaming free! I once lived in the Bronx. But like any sensible human being, I moved the fuck out!

Ray Cizzums
12-29-2021, 04:26 PM
Is there any evidence in history of man of niggers bring an area up as apposed to bringing it down?

Co2 produced by niggers can stimulate plant growth, but that's about it....

Jim Crow
12-29-2021, 05:43 PM
The Bronx? Oh, boy. I'm sure you have stories.

When I was around 21 in summer 1983 I drove a yellow cab for a while.Picked up a nigger and it held a little 22 Jennings firearm to the back of my head and told me to drive to Jerome ave.I blew the light on 114 and we were T boned right on the driver’s rear door where monkeyman was sitting holding it’s peashooter.
Anyway,nigger was taken by amb-lance to hospital , then arrested for robbery.I decided to find another job.I also worked as a plumber’s assistant servicing appt buildings.The niggs and spiggs would fornicate and defecate in the hallways.And when the elevators broke,I had to walk up and smell it!

12-29-2021, 05:51 PM
When I was around 21 in summer 1983 I drove a yellow cab for a while.Picked up a nigger and it held a little 22 Jennings firearm to the back of my head and told me to drive to Jerome ave.I blew the light on 114 and we were T boned right on the driver’s rear door where monkeyman was sitting holding it’s peashooter.
Anyway,nigger was taken by amb-lance to hospital , then arrested for robbery.I decided to find another job.I also worked as a plumber’s assistant servicing appt buildings.The niggs and spiggs would fornicate and defecate in the hallways.And when the elevators broke,I had to walk up and smell it!

Jesus James.....you've been to the belly of the nigger beast ! My condolences my friend.

12-29-2021, 06:20 PM
When I was around 21 in summer 1983 I drove a yellow cab for a while.Picked up a nigger and it held a little 22 Jennings firearm to the back of my head and told me to drive to Jerome ave.I blew the light on 114 and we were T boned right on the driver’s rear door where monkeyman was sitting holding it’s peashooter.
Anyway,nigger was taken by amb-lance to hospital , then arrested for robbery.I decided to find another job.I also worked as a plumber’s assistant servicing appt buildings.The niggs and spiggs would fornicate and defecate in the hallways.And when the elevators broke,I had to walk up and smell it!

Good lord. I guess you're lucky to be alive to tell the tale. :eek:

I'm really surprised the Mail.uk is reporting this, although they act as though niggers have nothing to do with the skyrocketing crime levels and I see the comments on this story are "moderated" so they can delete in case anyone dares to mention the nigger problem.

In 2021, crime statistics published by the NYPD show that nearly all types of crimes, including shootings, murders and auto grand larceny, have all nearly doubled in the Big Apple since pre-pandemic times

OH, it's because of the pandemic, not because feral niggers know they are now free to do anything, up to and including murder and get a slap on the wrist if even that.

Jim Crow
12-30-2021, 05:53 PM
Every NYC cab driver has been robbed at least once! I think you have to be nuts to take on that job! Anyway, I’ve gotten my revenge against niggers many times over.I just can’t tell those tales online.LOL!