View Full Version : Nigger-loving cuck's Saint George painting pisses off Catholics

12-26-2021, 12:46 PM
If enough people get pissed over niggers maybe the mass insanity of worship of the filthy beasts can start declining.

A Painting of George Floyd Roils Catholic University

He’d (faggot neckbeard race traitor nigger ass-kisser, Kelly Latimore) paint the Virgin Mary and Jesus with gold halos encircling their heads — and both would be Black.Also, his image of Jesus would resemble Floyd, a Black man who had been killed by a white police officer in Minneapolis.


Latimore, who has painted inspirational Black figures such as the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., abolitionist Frederick Douglass and civil rights activist and congressman John Lewis

Like all pathetic libtards he probably thinks niggers will be grateful to him. Set him down in Detroit on Saturday night and he'll see just how grateful and "inspirational" they are.


Ray Cizzums
12-26-2021, 01:28 PM
A Catholic University is the only place you could hang that painting, without someone taking it down,
and dropping a deuce on Saint Floyd's face. I can understand how communists take over the American
Library Association, or The Salvation Army, but how the fuck do they get control of the Catholic church,
charities and universities ? Commies are sworn enemies of all religions. WTF ? Why aren't some good
Catholics mopping the floor with that soy boi's face, then kicking him down the stairs ?

animal mother
12-26-2021, 02:29 PM
A Catholic University is the only place you could hang that painting, without someone taking it down,
and dropping a deuce on Saint Floyd's face. I can understand how communists take over the American
Library Association, or The Salvation Army, but how the fuck do they get control of the Catholic church,
charities and universities ? Commies are sworn enemies of all religions. WTF ? Why aren't some good
Catholics mopping the floor with that soy boi's face, then kicking him down the stairs ?

It’s easy to understand, given that the pope is a fucking communist. The pedo faggot priests pretty much killed most of the Catholic Church and this Marxist prick of a pope finished it off. I’m speaking as a long lapsed catholic.

Ray Cizzums
12-26-2021, 04:45 PM
It’s easy to understand, given that the pope is a fucking communist. The pedo faggot priests pretty much killed most of the Catholic Church and this Marxist prick of a pope finished it off. I’m speaking as a long lapsed catholic.

Same here. I said hello the priest at our local church, at one of the all-too-frequent wakes happening lately.
I asked him to say a prayer for my cousin Bill's liver, which they both got a kick out of. He mentioned that
he never sees me at mass, and I told him that I despise communists, and the church has been taken over
by them. Besides that, if there was a God, wouldn't scum like Hillary and Biden have been hit with lightning
a long time ago ? And instead of my friend, who's now in a casket, wouldn't Chuck Schumer be in one ?
I can't bash the Jews, even though the majority of them are Marxists first, Jews second, because it's no
different with many so-called Christians. I said "Father, if Hillary gets barbecued alive somehow, I'll be in
church every Sunday, without fail. Work on it".

12-26-2021, 06:07 PM
A Catholic University is the only place you could hang that painting, without someone taking it down,
and dropping a deuce on Saint Floyd's face. I can understand how communists take over the American
Library Association, or The Salvation Army, but how the fuck do they get control of the Catholic church,
charities and universities ? Commies are sworn enemies of all religions. WTF ? Why aren't some good
Catholics mopping the floor with that soy boi's face, then kicking him down the stairs ?

I'm totally non-violent and a heathen, but I just want to punch that nu-male's face in.