View Full Version : Boon with 2k food stamps

12-21-2021, 03:12 AM
Boon gets 2k in food stamps. Money fell from the sky for this boon.
Hey, boon, where does that money come from?


I aint bin dun did dat!
12-21-2021, 09:00 PM
According to some libtard data i just looked up as finding the real data may be more daunting than I care to find at this time, 43% of all welfare recipients are white and 23% are black. The funny part is, there are 5 times as many whites than blacks in this country. Niggers are overrepresented in welfare gibs the same way they are in virtually every crime statistic. I have argued this with niggers in comment sections before but “da wypipo bes at foty free puhcent and da blapipo bes at thuty free puhcent”. Trying to explain per capita, ratios, percentage, etc. to niggers is the most frustrating thing anyone can try to do.

12-21-2021, 10:00 PM
According to some libtard data i just looked up as finding the real data may be more daunting than I care to find at this time, 43% of all welfare recipients are white and 23% are black. The funny part is, there are 5 times as many whites than blacks in this country. Niggers are overrepresented in welfare gibs the same way they are in virtually every crime statistic. I have argued this with niggers in comment sections before but “da wypipo bes at foty free puhcent and da blapipo bes at thuty free puhcent”. Trying to explain per capita, ratios, percentage, etc. to niggers is the most frustrating thing anyone can try to do.

Don't rely on MSNBC, Huffpo or any liberal sites. They lie. Plain and simple, they lie.

Niggers on food stamps were always a higher percentage for their percentage of the population, but about 10 years ago they undeniably exceeded whites in absolute percentages, something like 39% to 37%.

I aint bin dun did dat!
12-21-2021, 10:16 PM
Don't rely on MSNBC, Huffpo or any liberal sites. They lie. Plain and simple, they lie.

Niggers on food stamps were always a higher percentage for their percentage of the population, but about 10 years ago they undeniably exceeded whites in absolute percentages, something like 39% to 37%.
Even with the numbers they gave me, anyone with a slight understanding of simple mathematics would know this still makes niggers look very bad.

12-24-2021, 08:07 AM
Are they're any statistics in existence that make niggers look good?

Chicago homicide rates?

I aint bin dun did dat!
12-24-2021, 11:16 AM
Are they're any statistics in existence that make niggers look good?
Dey bes can jump 48 inches in da air n sheeeit.

Whitey Ford
01-01-2022, 10:32 PM
“Check that number. If I tell you I won the lottery, you would think I did,” @cam_kamera said about her newfound food stamp card funds.

LOL The NEW nigger lottery. :lol


01-01-2022, 10:47 PM
Are they're any statistics in existence that make niggers look good?

Well, they rockfish more often than YT. I guess you could call that success.

Niggers use Sec08 and food skamps as money-making enterprises. They rent out rooms in their charity nests to other useless, lazy niggers and sell, deal, and trade in food stamps. Nice to know you are subsidizing their bidnesses.

Jim Crow
01-02-2022, 10:51 AM
Libs is trying to push they nigga pets! So you can’t believe any of their polls or stats. All I know is that when I look on the crime page, all I see is niggs.When I go to the gov complex to pay my business license and permits,I look accross the way to the courthouse,all I see is niggs.And when I pass by the welfare building, all I see is niggs.Prison road work,niggs! When I see cops in front of Walmart, I’ll more than likely to see them walking out w/a nigg.

01-02-2022, 12:26 PM
According to some libtard data i just looked up as finding the real data may be more daunting than I care to find at this time, 43% of all welfare recipients are white and 23% are black. The funny part is, there are 5 times as many whites than blacks in this country. Niggers are overrepresented in welfare gibs the same way they are in virtually every crime statistic. I have argued this with niggers in comment sections before but “da wypipo bes at foty free puhcent and da blapipo bes at thuty free puhcent”. Trying to explain per capita, ratios, percentage, etc. to niggers is the most frustrating thing anyone can try to do.

There's no way something as complex (for niggers) as percentages will ever get through a nigger's thick, nappy-headed skull. You may as well try to teach calculus to a sheep.

01-02-2022, 01:39 PM
According to some libtard data i just looked up as finding the real data may be more daunting than I care to find at this time, 43% of all welfare recipients are white and 23% are black. The funny part is, there are 5 times as many whites than blacks in this country. Niggers are overrepresented in welfare gibs the same way they are in virtually every crime statistic. I have argued this with niggers in comment sections before but “da wypipo bes at foty free puhcent and da blapipo bes at thuty free puhcent”. Trying to explain per capita, ratios, percentage, etc. to niggers is the most frustrating thing anyone can try to do.

Even if 43% of welfare recipients are white, and that is a big if, three questions remain. One, were the numbers fudged by including things like farm subsidies? My maternal grandparents were farmers and they received some state money for growing certain crops. I don't know much else about it, I was a teenager when they passed. Two, and this is the big one, how many of that 43% are coal burners raising a niglet? Coalburners are merely albino niggers. Third, is that 43% temporarily inflated due to all the humans who normally hold jobs being laid off or furloughed due to Covid?

Ray Cizzums
01-02-2022, 06:32 PM
According to some libtard data i just looked up as finding the real data may be more daunting than I care to find at this time, 43% of all welfare recipients are white and 23% are black. The funny part is, there are 5 times as many whites than blacks in this country. Niggers are overrepresented in welfare gibs the same way they are in virtually every crime statistic. I have argued this with niggers in comment sections before but “da wypipo bes at foty free puhcent and da blapipo bes at thuty free puhcent”. Trying to explain per capita, ratios, percentage, etc. to niggers is the most frustrating thing anyone can try to do.
Those are libturd lies. Whites made up 39 % of welfare recipients, where blacks were 38%.
There are 5 times the number of whites, not to mention that whites pay all the taxes that pay for welfare,
and whites only use it as a safety net, getting off it in a year or two. Blacks see it as an entitlement, and
collect for multiple generations.

I aint bin dun did dat!
01-02-2022, 07:08 PM
Even if 43% of welfare recipients are white, and that is a big if, three questions remain. One, were the numbers fudged by including things like farm subsidies? My maternal grandparents were farmers and they received some state money for growing certain crops. I don't know much else about it, I was a teenager when they passed. Two, and this is the big one, how many of that 43% are coal burners raising a niglet? Coalburners are merely albino niggers. Third, is that 43% temporarily inflated due to all the humans who normally hold jobs being laid off or furloughed due to Covid?
That is an excellent point with the mudsharks.

I aint bin dun did dat!
01-02-2022, 07:09 PM
Those are libturd lies. Whites made up 39 % of welfare recipients, where blacks were 38%.
There are 5 times the number of whites, not to mention that whites pay all the taxes that pay for welfare,
and whites only use it as a safety net, getting off it in a year or two. Blacks see it as an entitlement, and
collect for multiple generations.
Imagine the murder rate if niggers comprised the same population percentage as whites. It wouldn’t be 5 times as much. It would likely multiply a hundred fold as niggers act even more savage in packs.

01-02-2022, 08:06 PM
Even if 43% of welfare recipients are white, and that is a big if, three questions remain. One, were the numbers fudged by including things like farm subsidies? My maternal grandparents were farmers and they received some state money for growing certain crops. I don't know much else about it, I was a teenager when they passed. Two, and this is the big one, how many of that 43% are coal burners raising a niglet? Coalburners are merely albino niggers. Third, is that 43% temporarily inflated due to all the humans who normally hold jobs being laid off or furloughed due to Covid?

Excellent point. The vast majority, if not all, burners with mutt niglets are on welfare since the absent buck baby daddies didn't marry them or come through with the child support as expected.

01-03-2022, 09:03 AM
America is the new failing Holy Roman Empire. There's no escaping it. The nation as it stands is beyond salvation. Looking forward to its demise to tell you the truth. A new nation will be born from the wreckage. Christian values will be dominant. Bring it on and let's cut to the chase. I want no part of this shitshow anymore.