View Full Version : MSM ignoring nigger-on-human crimes, including parade massacre

11-25-2021, 01:54 PM
Just found this site. Interesting.


The 32 whites whose killings by blacks were reported in October got nothing, as usual. Besides the continuing toll of white women killed by black husbands/ lovers/ ex-lovers, I note at least five home invasions. This may be a new trend, as black criminals get increasingly confident they won’t be resisted or punished.

A trend I've certainly noticed.

We don't care about the mudsharks sent to their final rewards by their nigger pets, but a lot of other human deaths perpetrated by niggers are virtually ignored.


LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
11-27-2021, 04:51 AM
Just found this site. Interesting.


A trend I've certainly noticed.

We don't care about the mudsharks sent to their final rewards by their nigger pets, but a lot of other human deaths perpetrated by niggers are virtually ignored.


Thosr fuckers went all-in with the Kyle Rittenhouse shit though huh. Typical nowadays. No matter how terrible the crime, they will protect their nigger pets. I'm glad that innocent kid Kyle beat those charges so he can sue the shit out of MSM. I hope he goes for Bidens dumb ass as well. He's lucky he didn't shoot three niggers though. He'd be locked up for life.

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
11-28-2021, 01:45 AM
There was a fair bit of the Waukesha attack in the uk but no mention of it being a nigger and Kyle Rittenhouse isn't safe yet the bastards are trying to get Federal charges against him.

They can try, but it's not in their jurisdiction. That little fat fuck Nadler needs a straight up ass whoopin for even suggesting that shit. Kyle has waaay too much support on this. It's not like the Rodney Kang verdict where Libtards AND alot of stupid Republicans thought the cops were wrong. Kyle's just lucky he didn't blast 3 boons or the outcome could have been very different considering how protected they are now.

I aint bin dun did dat!
11-28-2021, 01:59 AM
Tis article made me sick to my stomach. I wonder how many sows this 58 IQ nigger buck shot his load into. The world will be blessed by his even smarter offspring shortly.


LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
11-28-2021, 07:31 AM
I just hope you are right he doesn't deserve anymore shit.

No, he certainly doesn't need anymore shit from those assholes. I hope he becomes a multi-millionaire suing the shit out of all those MSM outlets who slandered him. Including that demented old corpse Joe Biden and especially that ugly ass Gorilla lookin nigger sow Joy Reid at MSNBC. I never thought I'd see the day when niggers would be so coddled and protected by MSM and liberal politicians as they currently are. They literally refuse to report accurately on nigger crime anymore. This country's so fucked up right now I can hardly believe it.