View Full Version : A small sample of your hard-earned tax dollars at work.

11-24-2021, 07:31 PM
This is Ms. Pillar, with the totally rachet wig, on Hot Bench. This massive, masculine, Sumo-like 400lb Sec8 battlesow needed a place to live, so YOU are obligated to pay for it. No mediocre digs for this sowpotomus. She needs a 2K/month lovely place that had just been renovated with wood floors and granite countertops. Gee, I don't even have granite and I worked my whole life.

Anyway, she is suing the landlords because they kept her 2600$ damage deposit (that YOU paid) and the place had mice, roaches, and bedbugs she says, and she's terrified of bugs. No one else in the building complained about vermin. SHE didn't cause this because she cleaned the place with bleach. It was so unlivable she stayed for only two years.

The landlords say she brought the vermin in, and cracked the granite in two places, put holes in the walls, covered the kitchen in grease, and ruined the new wood floors.
The landlords sent an exterminator, but Ms.Pillar's big fat breeder sow/single mammy sister was there with HER bunch of niglets and wouldn't let him in.

Poor malnourished sowzilla couldn't move even with the terrible conditions in this slum. She has THREE di$abled niglet$ at home, all of whom YOU support.

Even the nigger judge, when looking at the landlord's pics says the place was left filthy. Well, of course. Imagine what a zoo it was with that monstrous lazy sow and her three retarded niglets. I swear I could smell this behemoth through my screen.

So, yeah. Don't worry. Your money is being put to good use, helping the disadvantaged niggers. I would really like to see the buck who wanted to muh dik this over and over, but he's probably in NU and yeah, we know niggers aren't really particular about where they shove their AIDS sticks.

The sneaky camera operators kept showing the rear view of the wide-load sherilla. :lol Sow got nothing.


Ray Cizzums
11-24-2021, 08:17 PM
$2600 ? That comes no where near replacing the countertops alone. Blimp-zilla made sure she did $15K in damages,
before she added insult to injury, by ooking about her security deposit. I worked for a contractor that was fixing three
townhouses that were only 16 months old. One needed paint, some trim replaced, and a new range, the other two
were completely trashed by niggers, to the point that they needed floors and new drywall. ALL appliances were either
ruined or missing - same for light fixtures, sinks and toilets. These units were intentionally wrecked. I suggested they
install 1/2" plywood behind the sheetrock, just to stop the next niggers from knocking holes in it. The niggers that did
it dindu nuffin, don't know nuffin 'bout any a dat. They are just handed another apartment to wreck.

11-24-2021, 08:56 PM
$2600 ? That comes no where near replacing the countertops alone. Blimp-zilla made sure she did $15K in damages,
before she added insult to injury, by ooking about her security deposit. I worked for a contractor that was fixing three
townhouses that were only 16 months old. One needed paint, some trim replaced, and a new range, the other two
were completely trashed by niggers, to the point that they needed floors and new drywall. ALL appliances were either
ruined or missing - same for light fixtures, sinks and toilets. These units were intentionally wrecked. I suggested they
install 1/2" plywood behind the sheetrock, just to stop the next niggers from knocking holes in it. The niggers that did
it dindu nuffin, don't know nuffin 'bout any a dat. They are just handed another apartment to wreck.

What is the deal with niggers? Is that they are genetically only used to mud huts and cannot live in human dwellings? I continue to be amazed at the damage they do - doors knocked off the hinges when they lose their keys and just kick the door in, smashed toilets, broken cabinet doors and counters, massive holes punched in walls, ovens destroyed, melted microwaves, BB holes all over, and chiggun grease on the CEILINGS.

I lived in an apartment for 4 years and nothing was trashed. I don't get it. I'd rather have a herd of wild boars living in my place than niggers.

What are poor landlords to do? They can't refuse niggers or they'll be crucified so they have to allow their premises to be wrecked by filthy, destructive sub-simians. Hardly seems fair. The landlords in my post were more than fair to the giant tub of shit and were only charging 20% of the cost of fixing the granite but that wasn't good enough for the hippo. She dindu nuffin!

Ray Cizzums
11-24-2021, 11:26 PM
People who trash the property of others have certain traits in common :

They are incapable of cleaning anything, nor do they want to learn how, or be expected to do so.
Insisting that they do will result in damage to whatever they attempt to clean. That is intentional.

They are incapable of building, installing or repairing anything. People with those skills have respect
for property, and the work and expense of developing and maintaining it.

They are incapable of paying for building, installing, repairing or cleaning anything. They exist in a
perpetual state of insolvency, where there's no point in pursuing a financial settlement. There is
no income, no bank account, nothing. They are professional deadbeats, in a perfect defensive posture.

11-25-2021, 01:00 AM
People who trash the property of others have certain traits in common :

They are incapable of cleaning anything, nor do they want to learn how, or be expected to do so.
Insisting that they do will result in damage to whatever they attempt to clean. That is intentional.

They are incapable of building, installing or repairing anything. People with those skills have respect
for property, and the work and expense of developing and maintaining it.

They are incapable of paying for building, installing, repairing or cleaning anything. They exist in a
perpetual state of insolvency, where there's no point in pursuing a financial settlement. There is
no income, no bank account, nothing. They are professional deadbeats, in a perfect defensive posture.

Which is why Detroit looks like Warsaw at the end of WWII.

They never actually live anywhere. They just "stay" in places. They don't own anything, as their hoopties are always in someone else's name. They can't give an address because they all pile into a Sec8 nest illegally or they go from place to place and squat. Can't have bank accounts because that would mess up the sow's welfare "pay" and the bucks might get hit with chile support or they're dodging warrants.

I saw one sow who rented out beds in her Sec8 apartment that she was only paying about 50$/month for. So by collecting rent from these nigger tenants, and getting welfare she actually made a profit every month. She probably made more of a profit from your money than you do!


I aint bin dun did dat!
11-25-2021, 01:17 AM
I thought about renting my last home instead of selling it but I thought about potential nigger tenants. Then I thought, well I just won’t rent to niggers but then I thought, hell i will be all over the news as the racist that won’t rent to niggers. Sold the house. Cant even not deal with niggers without dealing with niggers. Ya know what I mean? Fuck niggers!

11-25-2021, 09:05 AM
So much for the "we bilt Merrica" lie they love to ook.

Chimp Detester
11-25-2021, 09:55 AM
Sub-cockroach mega-turd niggers are all 100000% destructive. Look at what the putrid simian Barry the Fairy Insane Ohomo did to America, which is, of course, being koon-tinued by demented president-alleged Beijing Biden. Niggers never designed nor built anything.


11-25-2021, 10:37 AM
This is Ms. Pillar, with the totally rachet wig, on Hot Bench. This massive, masculine, Sumo-like 400lb Sec8 battlesow needed a place to live, so YOU are obligated to pay for it. No mediocre digs for this sowpotomus. She needs a 2K/month lovely place that had just been renovated with wood floors and granite countertops. Gee, I don't even have granite and I worked my whole life.

Anyway, she is suing the landlords because they kept her 2600$ damage deposit (that YOU paid) and the place had mice, roaches, and bedbugs she says, and she's terrified of bugs. No one else in the building complained about vermin. SHE didn't cause this because she cleaned the place with bleach. It was so unlivable she stayed for only two years.

The landlords say she brought the vermin in, and cracked the granite in two places, put holes in the walls, covered the kitchen in grease, and ruined the new wood floors.
The landlords sent an exterminator, but Ms.Pillar's big fat breeder sow/single mammy sister was there with HER bunch of niglets and wouldn't let him in.

Poor malnourished sowzilla couldn't move even with the terrible conditions in this slum. She has THREE di$abled niglet$ at home, all of whom YOU support.

Even the nigger judge, when looking at the landlord's pics says the place was left filthy. Well, of course. Imagine what a zoo it was with that monstrous lazy sow and her three retarded niglets. I swear I could smell this behemoth through my screen.

So, yeah. Don't worry. Your money is being put to good use, helping the disadvantaged niggers. I would really like to see the buck who wanted to muh dik this over and over, but he's probably in NU and yeah, we know niggers aren't really particular about where they shove their AIDS sticks.

The sneaky camera operators kept showing the rear view of the wide-load sherilla. :lol Sow got nothing.


Worthless SHERILLA!!

Ray Cizzums
11-25-2021, 12:59 PM
I thought about renting my last home instead of selling it but I thought about potential nigger tenants. Then I thought, well I just won’t rent to niggers but then I thought, hell i will be all over the news as the racist that won’t rent to niggers. Sold the house. Cant even not deal with niggers without dealing with niggers. Ya know what I mean? Fuck niggers!
Hang up a simple For Rent sign in the NY/NJ/CT area, and there's a good chance that shills, sent by shyster lawyers,
will attempt to ensnare you in a 'skriminations lawsuit. Real estate agencies are also risky, as they take money from
our department of social services, to place registered sex offenders into peoples homes and neighborhoods. They
did it to my neighbor, charged him their usual fee, then said there's nothing they can do about it. He was then
threatened with arrest by state police, if he did anything to the level 3 child rapist living 50 feet away from his
grandchildren. He finally flooded out the apartment and got him to leave.

Jim Crow
11-25-2021, 02:39 PM
As Ray mentioned, $2600 is nowhere near what new granite counters cost. And that’s just the kitchen!. I’m sure the nasty Nigger blimp destroyed much more than that.My sister and I had to fix one of our CT rentals after my sister rented it to a nigger fambly. She used an agency, because she was overwhelmed and I live 1,000 mi away!
Anyway,i did most of the labor for free.Half the cost was material.Anyway the damage(this was 10 Years back)was at least double $2600. In today’s economy, I would say that the landlord possibly has over $10,000 damage, if he’s lucky! Niggers destroy everthing!They are good for nothing vermin!

I aint bin dun did dat!
11-25-2021, 04:45 PM
Hang up a simple For Rent sign in the NY/NJ/CT area, and there's a good chance that shills, sent by shyster lawyers,
will attempt to ensnare you in a 'skriminations lawsuit. Real estate agencies are also risky, as they take money from
our department of social services, to place registered sex offenders into peoples homes and neighborhoods. They
did it to my neighbor, charged him their usual fee, then said there's nothing they can do about it. He was then
threatened with arrest by state police, if he did anything to the level 3 child rapist living 50 feet away from his
grandchildren. He finally flooded out the apartment and got him to leave.
Yea… that sounds about right. I wouldn’t ever rent a tv to a nigger let alone my home. They wont pay the rent or take care of your property.

12-23-2021, 11:55 PM
The landlords say she brought the vermin in, and cracked the granite in two places, put holes in the walls, covered the kitchen in grease, and ruined the new wood floors.
The landlords sent an exterminator, but Ms.Pillar's big fat breeder sow/single mammy sister was there with HER bunch of niglets and wouldn't let him in.

You can bet there's a lot more damage that was edited out for TV, either for content or time constraints. Where was this? NY is filled with niggers that live for years, often several decades, in rent-stabilized apartments. Sure, there are some scumbag landlords, but more often than not, landlords of rent-stabilized units lose money trying to fix the damage from nigger/spigger/wigger tenants. Then they get blamed for not making repairs lickety-split.

12-23-2021, 11:57 PM
He was then
threatened with arrest by state police, if he did anything to the level 3 child rapist living 50 feet away from his
grandchildren. He finally flooded out the apartment and got him to leave.

Things like that make me so angry, I could hire Klansmen to come drive out a fucker like that. And you guys know I detest the KKK for what they did to Catholics and Jews, among whom are most of my ancestors.

Up is down, left is right, niggers are victims, and landlords are evil for not wanting to go broke.

12-24-2021, 12:20 PM
This is what I love about Chimpout everyone hates niggers and mossie's but leave everyone else alone, it took me a while of lurking just to check things out because of my heritage, now I know I'm amongst friends.

We are specifically not a white supremacist site. We used to have an animated smilie "Stormfront is that way," for those who think we're like those illiterate assholes. A long time ago we had rules about not bashing Muslims (unless they were part nigger) and not posting solely about coalburners (wastes time), to keep us focused on niggers. I'm glad those rules loosened up so we can talk about the vilest of humanity as well as niggers.

Earlier this year we had two new registrants, possibly the same one, who started talking about "who owns this site" and "the joos." One even started flaming a new member who's Chinese, accusing him of being part nigger. Guess how long he lasted.

12-24-2021, 12:40 PM
Things like that make me so angry, I could hire Klansmen to come drive out a fucker like that. And you guys know I detest the KKK for what they did to Catholics and Jews, among whom are most of my ancestors.

Up is down, left is right, niggers are victims, and landlords are evil for not wanting to go broke.

Not Klansmen. Do what Tony Soprano did and hire a bunch of niggers to go in and clear them out. Niggers have no qualms about attacking or killing each other, BLM not withstanding, and that way no libtards can squawk.

Ray Cizzums
12-24-2021, 02:34 PM
You can bet there's a lot more damage that was edited out for TV, either for content or time constraints. Where was this? NY is filled with niggers that live for years, often several decades, in rent-stabilized apartments. Sure, there are some scumbag landlords, but more often than not, landlords of rent-stabilized units lose money trying to fix the damage from nigger/spigger/wigger tenants. Then they get blamed for not making repairs lickety-split.
There's old mill towns in upstate NY, some that were thriving places back in the '80s, but that lost their primary
industries due to our ridiculous property taxes, and astronomically expensive workmen's compensation racket.
The powers that be (Democrat scum), bought up houses cheap, relaxed all qualification requirements for welfare,
and started breeding generations of trash. These motherfuckers call the fire department when a lightbulb burns out,
or a smoke detector has a dead battery. School teachers, municipal and highway crews, social workers and cops
are the tax base, who's job-and-benefits-for-life existence cannot be sustained indefinitely. It's amazing how
many banks, churches and firehouses are for sale. It's sad to watch the slow death of our once great state.

12-27-2021, 11:38 PM
Not Klansmen. Do what Tony Soprano did and hire a bunch of niggers to go in and clear them out. Niggers have no qualms about attacking or killing each other, BLM not withstanding, and that way no libtards can squawk.

I love that Sopranos scene. I think that was the first episode I ever saw, and part of what got me hooked was the accurate portrayal of niggers. Even the outwardly clean councilman was corrupt as hell.

I couldn't find the scene and looked back to find who recently did, and you did! This time I have to remember to bookmark it. :D


12-28-2021, 01:45 AM
I love that Sopranos scene. I think that was the first episode I ever saw, and part of what got me hooked was the accurate portrayal of niggers. Even the outwardly clean councilman was corrupt as hell.

I couldn't find the scene and looked back to find who recently did, and you did! This time I have to remember to bookmark it. :D


:lol I have a feeling David Chase is not a big fan of the coloreds. Never once does he try to show them as poor, underprivileged victims of discrimination. He always portrayed them accurately right down to the sideways gun thing. This scene is so realistic it looks like something you'd see on a surveillance video.

Meadow is asking Chris to get her drugs. He refuses so she says she'll go to "Jefferson Avenue" to get them. Chris tells her "those moulinyans will rob you, rape you, and leave you on the side of the road." At least one thing he said made sense.

Whitey Ford
12-28-2021, 11:22 PM
Not Klansmen. Do what Tony Soprano did and hire a bunch of niggers to go in and clear them out.

And then send Christopher and his crew to whack the niggers you paid and take back your money! Genius.


12-29-2021, 01:48 AM
And then send Christopher and his crew to whack the niggers you paid and take back your money! Genius.


"Werd". Bitching about Kiesha, baby momma, and chile support. Oh, and stupid. Really stupid. No magic niggers in this show. :lol