View Full Version : Thomas Jefferson removed from NYC city hall

11-23-2021, 10:10 AM
One of the great founders have been removed from Nig York Shitty shitty hall.
Thomas Jefferson was a great man. He was a brilliant man.
This is a disgrace.


11-23-2021, 01:16 PM
Maybe they can replace it with a statue of some great nigger, like St. George da Brefless.

Jim Crow
11-23-2021, 02:23 PM
Liberals erasing history once again!

11-23-2021, 05:42 PM
Liberals erasing history once again!

They wish. Thomas Jefferson whupped his slaves, arbitrarily. There is no way that T Jefferson will be forgotten. The nigtards can spew all the shit they want, and take down statues, and it still doesn't mean shit, because WE will remember and pass that on to our generations. Fucking niggers and libtards virtue signaling at its finest.