View Full Version : Beloved high school bakkaball niggers use their free time to rob and kill a white man

11-18-2021, 09:30 AM
A visitor's post alerted me to this. My blood pressure's through the roof and it's going to take me all damn day to calm down.

There's national coverage anytime a nigger "muh feelz bad maign" because of a YT "microaggression," but the real crime, nigger crime, is hardly ever mentioned. Two white teens killing a black man? CNN couldn't give enough airtime to the NAACP and Ben Crump.

ALPHARETTA, Ga. — Two high school student-athletes have been arrested in connection to the murder of an Alpharetta man last month, police say.

Alpharetta police say 17-year-old Cameron Walker and 18-year-old Jonathan Murray were arrested Wednesday night in the robbery and murder of 24-year-old Connor Mediate.

Police say Mediate was shot several times in the apartment community’s parking lot.

Investigators say an intense, month-long investigation into the murder led to Walker and Murray being identified as suspects. The two play varsity basketball at Milton High School, according to the team roster.



Guess which of these pictures represents my species. Take a wild guess.

God damn it, there should have been a party already with a couple of sturdy ropes, a heavy duty pickup, maybe a cobblestone road too. Those vile beasts are not anything close to being my "equals." Both don't care what they did, because they'll get to live a long life at NU. One has the classic donnow nuffins stupid ape look, the other glares with pure evil.



Whitey Ford
11-19-2021, 05:32 PM
That nigger on the right gots him some Epicanthic Fold going on there. Asians- stop mixing with niggers, Goddamnit!
With Six (crimes) You Get Eggroll!


Ray Cizzums
11-19-2021, 06:41 PM
A Puerto Rican girl we know, who lives in Brooklyn, told us Asian girls should not go with black men,
because their kids turn out ugly. I kept my trap shut. My wife knew I was dying to mention that
all races are uglied up when they mate with blacks.

11-19-2021, 06:52 PM
That nigger on the right gots him some Epicanthic Fold going on there. Asians- stop mixing with niggers, Goddamnit!

Is that really an Asian trait it kept? I looked at its mugshot and was simply disgusted by it being an evil nigger.

11-19-2021, 07:03 PM
A Puerto Rican girl we know, who lives in Brooklyn, told us Asian girls should not go with black men,
because their kids turn out ugly. I kept my trap shut. My wife knew I was dying to mention that
all races are uglied up when they mate with blacks.

When I was a kid, the coalburner next door was a 300-lb. land whale who would have never won a prize even at a size 2, and the three devil's spawn she shit out were as ugly as you'd expect.

There's just something about nigger genes that make it a dominant trait to be ugly, so niggers keep getting uglier, no matter what humans they breed with. Attractiveness genes in humans, though, tend to be dominant, so attractive humans with so-so humans will have good looking children.


I remember one of my cousins had a thing for the Baldwin brothers when she was young. She always liked handsome Irish guys, Pierce Brosnan too.



And then we have the infamous abominations, with the youngest niglet ready to rape and murder the photographer (didn't matter if a man or woman).


Ray Cizzums
11-19-2021, 10:19 PM
When I was a kid, the coalburner next door was a 300-lb. land whale who would have never won a prize even at a size 2, and the three devil's spawn she shit out were as ugly as you'd expect.

There's just something about nigger genes that make it a dominant trait to be ugly, so niggers keep getting uglier, no matter what humans they breed with.
And then we have the infamous abominations, with the youngest niglet ready to rape and murder the photographer (didn't matter if a man or woman).

Di Niro jerked off in the ugly tree alright. His sheboon looks pretty hefty, and those kids look retarded.
In the age of HD television, the close ups on today's jigs are horrendous. Before there was welfare and section ape,
that kind of ugly would die out, like god intended. Watch The First 48, and look at the fambly members the cops talk to.
We are talking 3 generations of eyeball-scorching backwards evolution. A: Why would they want to have kids, that are almost
guaranteed to be even worse ? Does it ever occur to them that life is not kind to such fugly chilluns ? And B: Niggers - ffs,
is there any creature that you would not have raw dog intercourse with ? Break the chain, STOP Fucking these monsters !!!

11-19-2021, 11:50 PM
Oh, come on! Those two bucks are just "teens" who made a mistake. I'm sure they're sorry they murdered this guy. Maybe he disrespekted them or racially profiled them.

My blood pressure's through the roof and it's going to take me all damn day to calm down.

Yeah. I need to take a pill.

11-20-2021, 12:08 AM
Wow. so being a good bakkaball playa doesn't turn the niggers into good solid high character people?

Whitey Ford
11-20-2021, 10:19 PM
Wow. so being a good bakkaball playa doesn't turn the niggers into good solid high character people?

In the clown world we currently live in a Medical Scientist could come along and find a cure for cancer and heart disease, then extend the human life time by 40 years and he would still be no where near as famous or important as whatever bakkabaw nigger is currently making $50 million a year dribbling a basketball and screwing one of the Kartrashian mudsharks. honk honk! :pepenig

Coon Club Road
11-20-2021, 10:44 PM
"...Why would they want to have kids, that are almost
guaranteed to be even worse ?..."

It's all about the muh-dikk! Those coons breed like farm animals... bucks don't think ahead any farther than that hard on lasts.

And nine months later when mammy's poop wad plops out, cha-ching! Free gubmint gibbs while it looks for the next buck to muh-dikk jimmy shimmy it into moe money!

11-24-2021, 04:41 PM
This is exactly what I mean when I say I've had it with the Atlanta metro area.
Milton (Northern Fulton county) is a white, safe community with huge homes over a million. My doctor sends her kid there.
Milton high school was always highly rated but now that the people of north Fulton County had their taxes jacked up to pay for the spooks in Apelanta and South Fulton who don't pay, the city decided to bus these worthless niggers to the north to attend better schools. Here is the result.
These teenapers should stay south of the 20 where they belong. Stay the he'll out of my neighborhood. I'm tired of paying exorbitant amounts of taxes every year for these shitskins who are less than worthless.
Any suggestions as to where I should move are welcome. I'm so fed up with this area. Not even rich white suburbs are safe.
Also, too many northerners moved into Fulton County and they brought in their politics. These damn liberals voted in bussing and all the other bullshit we contend with. Fulton County is now blue.

06-27-2024, 03:55 AM
...These damn liberals voted in bussing and all the other bullshit we contend with...Like pouring a cup of sewage into a barrel of wine, resulting in getting a barrel of sewage, bussing White Peepoe into innercity skoows didn't help much, if at all


06-27-2024, 08:38 AM
Integration = government oppression.