View Full Version : Chinese teacher instructs students to talk like cool niggers

11-17-2021, 03:32 PM
Just great. Now they can sound like illiterate runaway slaves, just like the groids.

“Firstly, cool people in America like to say ‘finna’ instead of ‘about to,’” he says in Chinese. He also tells his student to say the expression pronounced as “shiet bro” before reading the phrase.

'I'm finna go sleep'

'I'm finna go sleep': TikToker teaches native Chinese speakers English hacks to sound more American (yahoo.com) (https://news.yahoo.com/im-finna-sleep-tiktoker-teaches-232001939.html)

11-17-2021, 06:46 PM

11-17-2021, 08:52 PM
I guess Chigger would be the Chinese equivalent to Wigger, lol.

11-17-2021, 11:58 PM
I guess Chigger would be the Chinese equivalent to Wigger, lol.IT is also a nasty little mite.
Trombiculidae; commonly referred to as chiggers, but also known as berry bugs, harvest mites, red bugs or scrub-itch mites, are a family of mites. Chiggers are often confused with jiggers - a type of flea.

Coon Club Road
11-18-2021, 12:16 AM
Chigger-Jigger and Nigger.

Sounds like a great name for a shyster nigger lawyer outfit!

11-18-2021, 01:05 AM
Chigger-Jigger and Nigger.

Sounds like a great name for a shyster nigger lawyer outfit!


11-18-2021, 01:38 AM
Chigger-Jigger and Nigger.

Sounds like a great name for a shyster nigger lawyer outfit!

Reminds me of an old one:

A Chinese man walks into a bar and tells the bartender "HEY NIGGER - POUR ME A JIGGER!"

The nigger behind the counter says "I'm not serving you because you're a racist."

The Chinese man reacts with confusion and states that he hasn't been in the states very long and doesn't fully understand the language or what the problem is.

The nigger bartender asks the Chinese man how he would feel if someone made fun of his race. Still visibly confused, the patron is told by the nigger bartender to swap places behind the bar and he would show him by him pretending to be the bartender and the nigger pretending to be a customer. Perhaps then he would feel some empathy for the bartender, he thought.

The Chinese man walks behind the bar and proceeds to clean the bar and stow away glasses when the nigger walks up and says "HEY CHINK! POUR ME A DRINK!"

The Chinese man looks at the nigger and says - "Fuck off. We don't serve niggers here!"

Jim Crow
11-18-2021, 08:58 AM
He needs to realize that dumbing himself and others down isn’t cool. Niggers are the most worthless useless parasites on the planet. Acting like a nigger is stupid. All it does is allow others to know how fucking stupid you are!

11-18-2021, 12:25 PM
Reminds me of an old one:

A Chinese man walks into a bar and tells the bartender "HEY NIGGER - POUR ME A JIGGER!"

The nigger behind the counter says "I'm not serving you because you're a racist."

The Chinese man reacts with confusion and states that he hasn't been in the states very long and doesn't fully understand the language or what the problem is.

The nigger bartender asks the Chinese man how he would feel if someone made fun of his race. Still visibly confused, the patron is told by the nigger bartender to swap places behind the bar and he would show him by him pretending to be the bartender and the nigger pretending to be a customer. Perhaps then he would feel some empathy for the bartender, he thought.

The Chinese man walks behind the bar and proceeds to clean the bar and stow away glasses when the nigger walks up and says "HEY CHINK! POUR ME A DRINK!"

The Chinese man looks at the nigger and says - "Fuck off. We don't serve niggers here!"

Good one!!


I aint bin dun did dat!
11-18-2021, 12:55 PM
I be finna rob dis sto
I finna rape dis bitdge
I finna gets muh gibs

cmon chinese, teach em the rest