View Full Version : NY Nig convicted of Attacking Cop, Attacks Another Cop and is Freed on Bail

SC Anemia
11-17-2021, 01:52 PM
An ex-con who once tried to kill a Queens cop was arrested this week for randomly attacking another NYPD officer — only to be freed without bail, authorities and police sources said Monday.

Accused repeat cop-attacker Isus Thompson, 38, could have been forced to cough up bail before being released from custody after his latest alleged assault on an officer.

But a judge instead cut him loose after Bronx prosecutors failed to seek bail in the case — prompting an angry response from NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea in a tweet Monday.

What kind of Bizzaro World has NY devolved into? Seriously WTF?

This shine:


Thompson had previously served two years of a five-year prison sentence after pleading guilty to second-degree attempted murder for stabbing a cop in Forest Hills in 2008.


EDIT: misspoke in the headline, this spook was released this last time WITHOUT bail.

animal mother
11-17-2021, 02:57 PM
Sadly, NU is no deterrent to nigger crime. They get three hots and a cot plus all the down low muh dik they can handle. A better solution would be the old whipping post, fifty lashes and cup of salt to rub in afterward. I'd make Toby's whipping in Roots look like a three year old's spanking. Then they can enjoy their stay at NU.

11-18-2021, 10:16 AM
Sadly, NU is no deterrent to nigger crime. They get three hots and a cot plus all the down low muh dik they can handle. A better solution would be the old whipping post, fifty lashes and cup of salt to rub in afterward. I'd make Toby's whipping in Roots look like a three year old's spanking. Then they can enjoy their stay at NU.

Better yet, what we've come to say: that nigger should not have been taken alive.

Even brutal treatment doesn't seem to deter a lot of niggers, because they don't have the brains to comprehend, so the only solution is to cull the herd one by one.

11-18-2021, 12:23 PM
What kind of Bizzaro World has NY devolved into? Seriously WTF?

This shine:



EDIT: misspoke in the headline, this spook was released this last time WITHOUT bail.

Thank OIL DRILLER dumblasio for that!!

Ray Cizzums
11-18-2021, 01:11 PM
Better yet, what we've come to say: that nigger should not have been taken alive.

Even brutal treatment doesn't seem to deter a lot of niggers, because they don't have the brains to comprehend, so the only solution is to cull the herd one by one.
Deterrence is a word thrown around when discussing crime and punishment, but it doesn't work for morons with a 50 point IQ.
The consequences of getting caught just do not occur to the bush negro, due to a walnut-sized brain, and 2 second attention span.
A Rodney Kang-style beating ? That is the first step, in reaching their cause-and-effect understanding. Years in a cage with other
jaboons hasn't worked, since hard labor sentences were eliminated. The Angola work farm in Louisiana should be scaled up,
nationwide, with the movie Cool Hand Luke being used to train the guards.

Nig Zero
11-18-2021, 01:22 PM
Thank OIL DRILLER dumblasio for that!!

Now that a down-low veganigger is going to take over in January, any sane Whites, if any remain, in NYC need to get the hell out now.

11-18-2021, 01:54 PM
Now that a down-low veganigger is going to take over in January, any sane Whites, if any remain, in NYC need to get the hell out now.


SC Anemia
11-18-2021, 03:46 PM
The Angola work farm in Louisiana should be scaled up,
nationwide, with the movie Cool Hand Luke being used to train the guards.

Absolutely. Having worked in a state prison for several years, I was always disgusted by the sloth, laziness, and ungrateful attitude among other things.

Some of those niggers were cashing in on commissary day better than my wife did grocery shopping. The exception being that I worked hard for my pay. To this day i still have no idea where the spooks were coming up with all the cash in their accounts. All they ever did was sleep, watch TV and jerk-off 24/7.

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
11-18-2021, 04:31 PM
Looks as if they've discovered the missing link with that nigger. The link between Nigger and Howler Monkey that is.

11-18-2021, 05:43 PM
The Angola work farm in Louisiana should be scaled up,
nationwide, with the movie Cool Hand Luke being used to train the guards.

You know I've never seen the movie? But I know the famous line, and with niggers there is always a failure to communicate.

SC Anemia
11-18-2021, 08:54 PM
You know I've never seen the movie? But I know the famous line, and with niggers there is always a failure to communicate.

Aw man, you really should see Cool Hand Luke. It took me 20 years to stomach hard boiled eggs after CHL. :lol

Ray Cizzums
11-18-2021, 10:16 PM
Absolutely. Having worked in a state prison for several years, I was always disgusted by the sloth, laziness, and ungrateful attitude among other things.

When I first went in the army, I was surprised how some of the trainees acted like they'd never been fed before.
This makes me wonder if prison life is a step up for the funky soul brothers, who's buffarilla mammies let the
school do the feeding, while they were home breeding. The slammer is like summer camp for the negro, with
tranny girl scouts for entertainment.

Ray Cizzums
11-18-2021, 10:28 PM
You know I've never seen the movie? But I know the famous line, and with niggers there is always a failure to communicate.

Some old movies don't hold up, but Cool Hand Luke is so gritty, and so well acted, that it's got to be seen.

Coon Club Road
11-19-2021, 12:49 AM
Sadly, NU is no deterrent to nigger crime. They get three hots and a cot plus all the down low muh dik they can handle. A better solution would be the old whipping post, fifty lashes and cup of salt to rub in afterward. I'd make Toby's whipping in Roots look like a three year old's spanking. Then they can enjoy their stay at NU.

Whipping Post :lol

That would make a great name for a visiting Chimper when they join up!

11-19-2021, 07:27 PM
Aw man, you really should see Cool Hand Luke. It took me 20 years to stomach hard boiled eggs after CHL. :lol

I love eggs, so I may never see the movie in my life, now that you mention that!

11-19-2021, 08:06 PM
Looks as if they've discovered the missing link with that nigger. The link between Nigger and Howler Monkey that is.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Except the Howler Monkey is more ELOQUENT than the nigger's "Bix Nood!!"