View Full Version : Nigger bites off cops ear...

11-16-2021, 01:33 AM
Human they say...

Midder Peenud Hayed
11-16-2021, 02:10 AM
When I read the headline, before I even saw the perp's ugly muzzle, I knew this was a sow!

There is simply no upper limit of the violence your garden-variety battle sow is capable of!

11-16-2021, 08:45 AM
Was KFC closed?

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Popeyes, Bojangles and Churches too!!

11-16-2021, 09:56 AM
Nigger Mike Tyson strikes again.


11-16-2021, 12:11 PM
Nigger Mike Tyson strikes again.


OMG, I was just to say that sowzilla looks just like Mike Tyson.

I'd rather spend a night alone in a jungle than face an enraged battlesow. Those things are dangerous.

Coon Club Road
11-16-2021, 09:09 PM
Who was it that said they are "just like us"?

Coon Club Road
11-17-2021, 01:19 PM
Violent and cannibalistic, yeah just like us I can't pass an ear without thinking yummy.


Ray Cizzums
11-17-2021, 04:15 PM
Why break up a buffarilla battle in the first place ? The one summer I bounced at my cousin's bar, I got hit a few times,
but it didn't hurt a bit, as most guys can't throw much of a punch. But the ladies, they find a way to put some new lumps
on you, while you're just trying to get wedged in between people fighting each other. They'll sneak up and brain you with
a bottle, or the heel of a shoe, but they're girls, so it's okay. However, buffarillas do NOT qualify as female. A couple of NYC
cops told me "Don't hold back, they can eat your best shot", a fact borne out by many a video clip. 200+ pounds, tree trunk
legs, and a low center of gravity. And they bite, with a mouth full of STDs, monkey pox, and ebola.

SC Anemia
11-17-2021, 05:02 PM
. They'll sneak up and brain you with a bottle, or the heel of a shoe, but they're girls, so it's okay.

I got blasted once in a Spookbook post (I think) about some chick punching a guy in the face.
Let me be clear, human or nigger...if you're gonna step-up on me, ball up a fist and hit me like a man would, you're going to get punched right back.

I came home from grade school once all scratched to shit from some pissed off girl. My mother asked me why I didn't fight back and I said "because you said we don't hit girls" it was then that she told me that when they stop acting like ladies is when you stop treating them like ladies.

Fortunately, as an adult that has never happened and I hope it never does.

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
11-17-2021, 07:12 PM
Everything tastes like chiggun to those beasts I guess.


Ray Cizzums
11-17-2021, 07:25 PM
I got blasted once in a Spookbook post (I think) about some chick punching a guy in the face.
Let me be clear, human or nigger...if you're gonna step-up on me, ball up a fist and hit me like a man would, you're going to get punched right back.

I came home from grade school once all scratched to shit from some pissed off girl. My mother asked me why I didn't fight back and I said "because you said we don't hit girls" it was then that she told me that when they stop acting like ladies is when you stop treating them like ladies.
Fortunately, as an adult that has never happened and I hope it never does.
Me being over 6'7" back then allowed me to stay out of range of damn near anyone, but sneaky bitches did manage to
bush-wack ole' Ray. Hitting the customers was not my job, so I'd just carry them outside, then not let them back
inside. Good times. My cousin was losing money, the first month he was open, despite the place being packed. Then
he fired the bartenders, and half the waitresses, and brought in all family members. He made $5,000 on Friday and
Saturday night alone, and averaged $15K to 20K a week for the rest of the summer, which was big bucks in the '80s.

11-18-2021, 10:14 AM
I came home from grade school once all scratched to shit from some pissed off girl. My mother asked me why I didn't fight back and I said "because you said we don't hit girls" it was then that she told me that when they stop acting like ladies is when you stop treating them like ladies.

Back in middle school there was white trash that slapped me once. She started mouthing off about something, I dished it back, and I will say it was a pretty good slap for a fat girl. But I didn't hit her back because it was stupid Zero Tolerance across the entire school district, where any fighting got both suspended. I'd already been suspended for a week, which Sandman Sr. didn't care about, except that it hurt my straight A grades.

We wound up in the principal's office anyway, and I learned that the new principal was setting things right. He didn't punish either of us, but he called the girl by her last name and said something like, "You'd better cut it out, because I'm not going to do anything if you get hit back."

I don't know about anyone else, but I myself never had a problem with her again.