View Full Version : Taxi driver locks car doors. Asslifter blown to smithereens.

11-15-2021, 09:40 PM
One hell of a Muzzie roast! :lol No one will even find its stinking ashes in that inferno.

Heroic taxi driver prevents terrorist from attacking hospital
It’s been reported that a taxi driver taking a passenger to a women’s hospital in Liverpool spotted that the passenger had a bomb. The driver jumped out and locked the car doors and the passenger blew himself up inside the car.

Maybe taxi drivers wouldn't have to risk their lives and be heroes if the government would just roll up the "Welcome Migrants" signs. Whoever let that muzzie in should have to buy the guy a new taxi.


11-15-2021, 10:21 PM
One hell of a Muzzie roast! :lol No one will even find its stinking ashes in that inferno.

Maybe taxi drivers wouldn't have to risk their lives and be heroes if the government would just roll up the "Welcome Migrants" signs. Whoever let that muzzie in should have to buy the guy a new taxi.


My sentiments, EXACTLY!!

11-16-2021, 08:36 AM
I feel bad for the taxi. Next time you see an asslifter, just slice somewhere.

Whitey Ford
11-17-2021, 02:58 PM
Hero British taxi driver 'locked suicide bomber in his car' as friends say he only needed stitches and is already home: Cops confirm blast outside Liverpool hospital WAS terror incident

Wouldn't be a lot easier to just not let this sandnigger trash into the country in the first place?


A hero taxi driver has been credited with saving many lives after locking an alleged suicide bomber inside his cab just moments before the vehicle blew up outside a hospital in what police and MI5 are now probing as a Poppy Day terror attack.

The explosion turned David Perry's cab into a fireball outside the Liverpool Women's Hospital, seconds before the 11am minute's silence was due to take place yesterday.

The male passenger, who had asked to go to the city's Service of Remembrance at Liverpool's Anglican Cathedral less than a mile away where 1,200 military personnel, veterans and families of the fallen had gathered, was the only person killed.


11-17-2021, 03:35 PM
I posted this a couple days ago. Maybe they could be combined? Flame-broiled Muzzie? :lol

Taxi driver locks car doors. Asslifter blown to smithereens. (chimpout.org) (http://www.chimpout.org/forum/showthread.php?42125-Taxi-driver-locks-car-doors-Asslifter-blown-to-smithereens)

Chimp Detester
11-17-2021, 05:14 PM
40 virgins were not waiting for it in the here after. And the sub-cockroach mega-turd Mud Slime no longer believes in its moon god Allah, but oops!! Too late!!


11-17-2021, 11:43 PM
We just need to give the ass lifters their own cars.

Polo. Small but tough. - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZlktJu6Khs)

Tar Remover
11-19-2021, 10:53 PM
AWESOME! Good work, human Taxi guy!

Tar Remover
11-19-2021, 10:54 PM
40 virgins were not waiting for it in the here after. And the sub-cockroach mega-turd Mud Slime no longer believes in its moon god Allah, but oops!! Too late!!


And THAT is a fact!

11-22-2021, 11:14 AM
it looks like it was retaliation for UK declaring Hamas a terrorist group. imagine how pissed the muzzies would be if the whole of islam was declared a terrorist group which it is.

11-24-2021, 03:29 PM
it looks like it was retaliation for UK declaring Hamas a terrorist group. imagine how pissed the muzzies would be if the whole of islam was declared a terrorist group which it is.

So the response from the Religion of Peace to being called terrorists is to...go try to blow people up in an act of terrorism!

Funny, the most the major Lame Stream Media reported on this was an "accidental explosion" in a taxi that's "under investigation." I knew right away it was jihad.


11-25-2021, 08:54 AM
definitely dont let them in no matter how "racist" it appears. just would like to add that even the ones who dont blow themselves up or break the law are so full of hate towards the non believer and so sympathetic to the "radical" muslims and to their political ideology/cult... I just mean to say that even the ones who are supposedly "moderate" are such a pain in the ass... just dont let any of them in.. halal sucks, muslims suck, islam sucks ...

how can any towel head who covers their head to hide who they are/their thoughts etc, hates Israel, capitalism and demands halal be considered as a moderate?

SC Anemia
11-25-2021, 09:01 AM

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