View Full Version : Greece throwing nigger/Muzzie transporters in prison

11-15-2021, 04:53 PM
But these are not violent criminals, even according to their trial verdicts. They were convicted for steering inflatable dinghies carrying them and other migrants after they say smugglers abandoned them in the Aegean Sea between Turkey and Greece.

“I didn’t think saving people is a crime,” said Hanad Abdi Mohammad, 28, a soft-spoken Somalicoon charged as a smuggler after arriving in Greece last December and sentenced to 142 years. :lol

I hope the stinking Somalicoon rots in prison. Saving people is not a crime. You are not saving them. You are assisting them in their illegal invasion of a country that doesn't want them. And they're not "people" either. They are a species of violent, insidious parasites.

Tar Remover
11-15-2021, 06:43 PM
AND a walking bio-hazard. They should also be charged with terrorist crimes.

11-15-2021, 09:31 PM
Saving rapefugees should be classified as a category N felony.