View Full Version : Criminiggers Stealing Wheels

11-12-2021, 08:15 PM

I was shocked to see niggers carjacking vehicles in Detoilet. That is so typical niggers. I fucking hate them. Muh-dik and steal...that is their entire culture. FUCK YOU NIGGERS. May a huge hole open in the earth and swallow all of you and NOT puke it back up.

11-12-2021, 08:31 PM
Niggers have stealing in their DNA so feel justified doing this, as though they have an unalienable right to steal. I recall one court case where a nigger dragged a woman out of her car. She protested, so he threw her on the ground. He was indignant that she complained - after all, he threw her on the grass and not the pavement which was very considerate of the nigger. If only she hadn't kicked up a fuss about him stealing her car and her purse she wouldn't have been hurt. It was her fault. He dindu nuffin!!

11-14-2021, 12:16 PM
DNA - Detect - Niggers - Avoid !!

Never forget !