View Full Version : Niggeress dies after having to use loaner wheelchair on a plane, fambly sure to sue

11-07-2021, 06:27 PM
Disability activist Engracia Figueroa tragically passed away on Oct. 31 after suffering complications from injuries she sustained after her custom wheelchair was reportedly destroyed by United Airlines.

Figueroa, who worked with an organization called Hand in Hand championing for domestic workers rights, was traveling back from Washington D.C. with her friend Christine Lang, following their speech at the Can’t-Wait rally in support of home care system rights, the organization’s website said. Figueroa was shocked to discover that United Airlines had completely destroyed her $30,000 custom wheelchair while going through cargo, leaving her no choice but to use a traditional wheelchair while onboard the 5-hour long ride. “Her struggle to maintain her balance over that length of time in the faulty device led to the development of a pressure sore,” Hand in Hand wrote in a statement about the incident. “When she was finally able to return home, she experienced acute pain, and was admitted to the hospital shortly after.”

Eventually, United Airlines agreed to fully replace Figueroa’s chair, but unfortunately during her legal battle, the Los Angeles native was forced to use a loaner chair that did not meet the needs of her disabilities. It further exacerbated her pressure sore, causing it to become infected. Figueroa died following complications from emergency surgery.


Bullshit, bullshit and even more bullshit. What else can we expect from niggers?

It got an infection from anything but the loaner wheelchair. You don't get a pressure sore from just five hours in a wheelchair, otherwise we'd have a lot of humans dying all the time in hospitals. Take Christopher Reeve as an example. A couple of my family were pretty close to the Reeves, and after he sadly died, they told me how he had repeat problems with infections. I didn't know you could get badly infected sores like that. But he still didn't die just because he had to sit in a wheelchair for five hours, and he probably didn't die from his last infection.

So clearly the niggeress had the sore already, probably from a buck trying to muh dikk it, and the niggeress definitely die from the infection. It died from some unspecified problem with the surgery. Well hey, whatever doctor messed up, he should get a medal.

Thirty grand on a wheelchair so a one-legged nigger can travel around talking about "workers rights." Now it has its batwings, making it worth more dead than alive to the fambly. They already have a lawyer, so is it Ben Crump? What a bullshit world this planet's turned into.

In the first pic, it's a dead ringer for the worst boss I ever had, a niggerpotamus I wasted a year working for.



11-07-2021, 07:02 PM

Bullshit, bullshit and even more bullshit. What else can we expect from niggers?

It got an infection from anything but the loaner wheelchair. You don't get a pressure sore from just five hours in a wheelchair, otherwise we'd have a lot of humans dying all the time in hospitals. Take Christopher Reeve as an example. A couple of my family were pretty close to the Reeves, and after he sadly died, they told me how he had repeat problems with infections. I didn't know you could get badly infected sores like that. But he still didn't die just because he had to sit in a wheelchair for five hours, and he probably didn't die from his last infection.

So clearly the niggeress had the sore already, probably from a buck trying to muh dikk it, and the niggeress definitely die from the infection. It died from some unspecified problem with the surgery. Well hey, whatever doctor messed up, he should get a medal.

Thirty grand on a wheelchair so a one-legged nigger can travel around talking about "workers rights." Now it has its batwings, making it worth more dead than alive to the fambly. They already have a lawyer, so is it Ben Crump? What a bullshit world this planet's turned into.

In the first pic, it's a dead ringer for the worst boss I ever had, a niggerpotamus I wasted a year working for.



I'll bet da' fambly has already called SHYSTER ben crump!!

Ray Cizzums
11-07-2021, 07:22 PM
"Pressure sore" ? From weighing in at 300+ pounds on-the-hoof ? Gravity is not kind, to the fat, black and ugly.
United Airlines should have loaded the sow onto the ramp of a C-5 Galaxy , and rolled her off with the same
5 parachutes used for an Abrams main battle tank, over the darkest recesses of the Congo, of course.

11-07-2021, 07:26 PM
What an ugly coon.
And how many tax payers worked overtime for that wheelchair?

SC Anemia
11-07-2021, 07:39 PM
A standard, no-frills wheelchair costs $150-$200. Motorized chairs can go for almost 3k.

What sort of magical wheelchair costs 30k? Bullshit is right. Straight up lotto attempt.


If it were up to me, I'd have strapped the ho to a hand truck like Hannibal Lecter.

Coon Club Road
11-07-2021, 08:08 PM
A standard, no-frills wheelchair costs $150-$200. Motorized chairs can go for almost 3k.

What sort of magical wheelchair costs 30k?

Bullshit is right. Straight up lotto attempt.


If it were up to me, I'd have strapped the ho to a hand truck like Hannibal Lecter.

Rheeums, sound system, wrap, hydraulics, tint = 30 K

11-08-2021, 01:13 AM
A standard, no-frills wheelchair costs $150-$200. Motorized chairs can go for almost 3k.

What sort of magical wheelchair costs 30k? Bullshit is right. Straight up lotto attempt.


If it were up to me, I'd have strapped the ho to a hand truck like Hannibal Lecter.


Is this one of the worst, most uppity nigger cash grabs yet? Pressure sores from a wheelchair its black ass occupied for 5 hours? Of course, when you're disabled AND a nigger it's automatic lottery time.

Goddam GIMMEGIMMEGIMME niggers!!:mad:

I aint bin dun did dat!
11-08-2021, 01:29 AM
Ok, go ahead, pay the nigger fambly as we know will happen anyways. They will all be broke within a year and pass on the expense to the average airline rider. Now, make a policy that no more disabled niggers can ride on your planes. Sorry niggers, this one fucked you all.

11-08-2021, 01:30 AM

11-08-2021, 09:14 AM
Ghetto lotto fer shure.

11-08-2021, 12:04 PM
Barf what a nigrette

11-08-2021, 01:28 PM
We have a Martin Baker as a gaming chair I would love to put wheels on it and donate it to any disabled nigger, fully functioning of course.


Most civilians don't know what that is!

I had the extreme displeasure of sitting down in one a few years back to program waypoints into the mission computer only to find that the butterbar forgot to pin the seat. I've never seen an ass chewing like that guy got from the XO before in my life. I almost felt bad for the guy - almost...

Odin's balls
11-08-2021, 01:43 PM
“Her struggle to maintain her balance over that length of time in the faulty device led to the development of a pressure sore,”

Bullshit. The nigger was obviously acting up, fidgeting and being uppity demanding its rights or some such shit and probably made a dirty protest in its drawers.

Sitting in feces for five hours is what gave the even more useless than the average nigger those sores.

11-08-2021, 02:03 PM
We have a Martin Baker as a gaming chair I would love to put wheels on it and donate it to any disabled nigger, fully functioning of course.

I looked it up. :lol Yes, send disruptive, "gimme" niggers into orbit!


Ray Cizzums
11-08-2021, 02:16 PM
I looked it up. :lol Yes, send disruptive, "gimme" niggers into orbit!

:lol Every nigger should have to sit in an ejection seat, on planes, buses and trains, and in classrooms. :lol

SC Anemia
11-08-2021, 04:33 PM
We have a Martin Baker as a gaming chair I would love to put wheels on it and donate it to any disabled nigger, fully functioning of course.


I've had the opportunity to sit in many Martin Bakers. AFTER ensuring all the safety pins were in place.
Just curious, how in the hell did you come to own that and does it still have the rocket motors?

SC Anemia
11-08-2021, 06:37 PM
It's intact except for the rocket motors but my husband and his God daughter build rockets as a hobby, the biggest one so far was about 6ft and 2 stage so it's possible. We bought it from a military surplus supplier near Derby it had been one of a pair taken from a Buccaneer bomber, we've mounted it on a six wheel office type chair with hydraulic height adjustment, it just looks like it's ready to go.

That sounds like all kinds of badass. Now I want one.

11-08-2021, 06:48 PM
A tank transporter is needed to haul that 20 ton sow of ugly.

11-08-2021, 11:53 PM

I've had the opportunity to sit in many Martin Bakers. AFTER ensuring all the safety pins were in place.
Just curious, how in the hell did you come to own that and does it still have the rocket motors?

Yeah, I learned the hard way that just because you see the flag sticking out in place doesn't mean he pushed the pin in all the way or at all. It might mean he got distracted before he finished the job. Leave the cell phone in the lockers, guys.

Here's a couple of sea stories for you guys. Remember, fairy tales start with once upon a time. Sea stories start with this is no shit: On of my instructors at Lemoore had recently done a tour at an FF18 Squadron out of Oceana. While on det, one of the mechs got one of those dear Johns from his fiance. Seems they were in some sort of weird ass 3 way situation and she decided that the other girl meant more than he did. He climbed into the hangar queen and punched out straight into the roof. No one could figure out what happened until they found his suicide letter a week later.

Anyone who served in the USN/USMC from the 80's thru the 90's might remember the Safetygrams as they were called. It was in message traffic format from The Naval Safety Center in Norfolk. It had a series of Admirals in charge and some might remeber a few in particular that had some rather biting wit and commentary. They covered aircraft mishaps, off duty accidents, etc. The instructor shared this one with us. It was the only one I ever read where they never had anything sarcastic to say about the idiot behind the mishap.

Sadly, I found myself in the an eerily similar situation a few years later before I retired from NAS NOLA. My number one guy got himself in a real mess with his soon to be widow. It seemed that they were swingers (her idea from what I was told) and it was all fun and games until she decided to let him do his twilight tour in NOLA while she stayed behind in Florida. She apparently decided to bang niggers while he was away. Now, all of a sudden it wasn't so much fun anymore for him as he wasn't there to cuck in person, I suppose. He decided to put a .45 to his head while arguing on the phone with her about the whole thing. My duty section had to clean up the mess and I had to fly to his funeral since I was his supervisor. Getting that phone call from the duty office that night will haunt me for the rest of my life. I never knew he had any problems, much less those kinds of problems. He kept his private life very private except for the laptop full of porn filth that he would regularly try to show off at work. The guy was my right hand man and otherwise a top notch sailor. I think I was more mad at him than sad because of what he did.

That whore didn't even want any of his personal possessions except for the gun.

He took a permanent fix to a temporary situation.

Teach your children well.