View Full Version : Destructive, property wrecking nigger drives poor landlord insane

Whitey Ford
11-07-2021, 08:13 AM
Damn. I can only wonder what kind of monkeyshines this nigger must've put this guy through to get this kind of reaction. But the media is making it look like a crazed whitey is terrorizing a poor, Saintly dindu that dindu nuffins. Wow, just wow.
Portland Landlord Pleads Guilty to Pulling Gun on Black Tenant, Calling Him N-Word



Portland landlord reportedly pleaded guilty on Thursday to pulling a gun on a Black tenant who he called the n-word.

The August 2020 incident caught on video showed Leon Drennan using racial slurs and pointing a handgun at Torrance Hunter, a resident at the Stewart Hotel in downtown Portland, Oregon, local news station KTVB reported. Drennan owned the hotel at that time.


Whitey Ford
11-07-2021, 08:23 AM
This hotel this guy partially owns is a shithole full of niggers and malcontents it would appear.
Living amid mold, pests and filth, Stewart Hotel tenants sue bankrupt landlord

Mark Allison and his wife moved into the Stewart Hotel about six years ago.

It’s not a choice most people would have made, but then choice had little to do with it.

“It’s hard for us to get a place because of our criminal background, so every place we went to we were turned down,” Allison said. “Someone told us to come to the Stewart. No screening. Just give them the money.”

All he had to do was pay $600 for the first month’s rent and an $80 deposit and he and his wife had a room just big enough for a bed and a sink, with a bathroom and shower down the hall, and a laundry room off the stairwell.

There was more — black mold, faulty wiring, holes in walls, bedbugs and cockroaches. But it was better than the previous four years he spent homeless, Allison said.

Truly shocking” is how the tenants’ attorney, Michael Fuller, described the Stewart’s living conditions.

“I saw blood on pillows from bedbug bites,” Fuller said. “I saw trash in sinks. I saw holes in walls. It’s just disgusting. So we’re going to sue them all.”

The “all” includes the owners, Drennan Properties LLC, created in 2018 by Leon Drennan, and his wife, Pamela. It also includes Penny Narver, the wife of the former Stewart landlord Mike Narver, and owner of Westwind Inc.

The lawsuit also names Income Property Management Corp., which manages the first-floor commercial property in the building, home to the famous Mary’s Club, reputed to be the oldest strip club in Portland.

Westwind paid Drennan Properties $3,850 a month to master lease the top two floors of the building, leaving Westwind to clear about $12,000 each. During that time, tenants experienced inhabitable conditions, including fire hazards, defective windows and doors, leaking ceilings, holes in walls, cockroach infestations, lack of heat, persistent and potentially dangerous mold, broken washers and dryers, inadequate plumbing and bed bugs, according to the complaint.

“We don’t even drink the water here,” Allison said.


11-07-2021, 09:58 AM
I honestly don't know what these niggers expected with criminigger backgrounds, no money/credit and only $600.

This is what I would expect from a nigger hovel. Make better choices - afford better digs, niggers.

Maybe the place could have been fixed up and made worth living in at one time but once a landlord makes the choice to rent to niggers, it's over. Bedbugs are like herpes. The only way to get rid of them for sure is fire!
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tenor.co%2Fimages%2F40ce1ab 467a2a3ab54a8a241c238a96b%2Fraw&f=1&nofb=1

Once you go black - we won't take you back. It's not just for mud sharks. It's also for real estate.

Come to think about it... Hell, it's for all nouns!

Coon Club Road
11-08-2021, 03:02 AM
Fuller said. “I saw trash in sinks"...

Nigger please!

If tribesmen use the sink for a rubbish can... go figure.

11-08-2021, 10:37 AM
This hotel this guy partially owns is a shithole full of niggers and malcontents it would appear.
Living amid mold, pests and filth, Stewart Hotel tenants sue bankrupt landlord


So it was a typical nigger nest?

Ray Cizzums
11-08-2021, 12:00 PM
The mold, pests and filth filed a complaint, that it had to live with niggers....

My friend got hired by an old guy, who owned a building in Far Rockaway. This guy made the mistake
of letting a sheboon, who grew up in his neighborhood, move into one of his apartments. She quit paying
rent right away, then called the cops and made up a story about being assaulted. They arrested the landlord,
and she got a restraining order that prohibited him from going in his own building. Her shyster then filed a
lawsuit, alleging that lead paint chips made her sprog retarded. The landlord was going on 3 years of no rent,
and constant irritation from this toxic sheboon, at the time I heard about this....

Coon Club Road
11-08-2021, 03:27 PM
The mold, pests and filth filed a complaint, that it had to live with niggers....

My friend got hired by an old guy, who owned a building in Far Rockaway. This guy made the mistake
of letting a sheboon, who grew up in his neighborhood, move into one of his apartments. She quit paying
rent right away, then called the cops and made up a story about being assaulted. They arrested the landlord,
and she got a restraining order that prohibited him from going in his own building. Her shyster then filed a
lawsuit, alleging that lead paint chips made her sprog retarded. The landlord was going on 3 years of no rent,
and constant irritation from this toxic sheboon, at the time I heard about this....

That's how niggers roll! A big all teef smile telling you the rent will be there on the first...

Next month you are sitting up and begging for your cash and they aints gots any!
Fucking niggers!

SC Anemia
11-08-2021, 06:45 PM
The mold, pests and filth filed a complaint, that it had to live with niggers....

My friend got hired by an old guy, who owned a building in Far Rockaway. This guy made the mistake
of letting a sheboon, who grew up in his neighborhood, move into one of his apartments. She quit paying
rent right away, then called the cops and made up a story about being assaulted. They arrested the landlord,
and she got a restraining order that prohibited him from going in his own building. Her shyster then filed a
lawsuit, alleging that lead paint chips made her sprog retarded. The landlord was going on 3 years of no rent,
and constant irritation from this toxic sheboon, at the time I heard about this....

And that's when you call a guy who knows a guy, who knows a guy. That or make sure your fire insurance is paid up and take your chances.
BTW, when I moved into my current apartment back in June, they did a credit check, a background check and charged me a massive security deposit. This apartment is no palace either, they just don't want niggers and deadbeats in here. Fine by me because it also means the landscaping mexicans are here weekly. Mowing, edging, leaf blowing and generally keeping the place looking nice.

Ray Cizzums
11-08-2021, 07:49 PM
And that's when you call a guy who knows a guy, who knows a guy. That or make sure your fire insurance is paid up and take your chances.
BTW, when I moved into my current apartment back in June, they did a credit check, a background check and charged me a massive security deposit. This apartment is no palace either, they just don't want niggers and deadbeats in here. Fine by me because it also means the landscaping mexicans are here weekly. Mowing, edging, leaf blowing and generally keeping the place looking nice.

The American dream has been dead for a long time here in NY state. Renting out apartments is the original mom & pop business
venture, but it's been thoroughly ruined by the courts. who invariably side with deadbeat tenants. I know people who've gone
years without seeing a cent of rent, while being threatened with arrest if they shut off utilities, which cost thousands a year.
My pal, who I warned, had to dump a house for a loss, with a non paying tenant who he could not dislodge. At the same time,
he rented out the downstairs of his own home, to a mother and daughter. They stopped paying rent immediately, two boyfriends
and 3 kids moved in, 4 cars total - one year to get them evicted. He had to gut the entire 1st floor after they left. I have a beautiful
house that sits empty, rather than attempt to rent it out. A sad state of affairs....

11-08-2021, 10:11 PM
The mold, pests and filth filed a complaint, that it had to live with niggers....

My friend got hired by an old guy, who owned a building in Far Rockaway. This guy made the mistake
of letting a sheboon, who grew up in his neighborhood, move into one of his apartments. She quit paying
rent right away, then called the cops and made up a story about being assaulted. They arrested the landlord,
and she got a restraining order that prohibited him from going in his own building. Her shyster then filed a
lawsuit, alleging that lead paint chips made her sprog retarded. The landlord was going on 3 years of no rent,
and constant irritation from this toxic sheboon, at the time I heard about this....


Really, what is a landlord supposed to do? They are forced to rent to niggers, which of course means their property will be utterly destroyed and not fit for any human habitation. I'm still amazed at the destruction left in the paths of niggers and only dynamite can get them out.

Niggers should live in tents and mud huts, not in any dwelling meant for human beings.

Ray Cizzums
11-08-2021, 11:26 PM

Really, what is a landlord supposed to do? They are forced to rent to niggers, which of course means their property will be utterly destroyed and not fit for any human habitation. I'm still amazed at the destruction left in the paths of niggers and only dynamite can get them out.
The worst thing you can do is advertise a rental, because shysters, who specialize in 'scriminations" lawsuits, will send
their shills at you. Real estate agencies will fuck you too, taking your money, and money from the social services department,
who are trying to place convicts anywhere they can. But the biggest threat is "Professional tenants", who know the game,
and play the system like a fiddle. You can win all the judgements you want - these zero-dollar losers have nothing to get.

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
11-11-2021, 06:53 PM
The mold, pests and filth filed a complaint, that it had to live with niggers....

My friend got hired by an old guy, who owned a building in Far Rockaway. This guy made the mistake
of letting a sheboon, who grew up in his neighborhood, move into one of his apartments. She quit paying
rent right away, then called the cops and made up a story about being assaulted. They arrested the landlord,
and she got a restraining order that prohibited him from going in his own building. Her shyster then filed a
lawsuit, alleging that lead paint chips made her sprog retarded. The landlord was going on 3 years of no rent,
and constant irritation from this toxic sheboon, at the time I heard about this....

You got me with this one Ray. I spit my coffee when I read your comment that she blamed her retarded sprog on lead chips. Stupid fuckin Niggers SMH. Their sprog are predetermined to be retarded at birf, they'll just never get it.


LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
11-11-2021, 06:55 PM
During the pandemic the UK government banned evictions now every day there is a landlord on the radio news saying some tenants have paid nothing for 18 months, from what they say the biggest problems are in nigger and mossie areas, no surprise there then. That hotel sounds like it's due for a nigger barbecue.

Well of course it's the Niggers and Muzzies. I'm sure the landlords could barely get rent out of the fuckos pre-pandemic.

Ray Cizzums
11-11-2021, 09:22 PM
You got me with this one Ray. I spit my coffee when I read your comment that she blamed her retarded sprog on lead chips. Stupid fuckin Niggers SMH. Their sprog are predetermined to be retarded at birf, they'll just never get it.
One problem with the sheboon's lawsuit - the building was put up long after there was any lead paint
for sale, and the place was trimmed with a wood-look resin product, so there's no paint chips of any kind
for the little bastard to eat. Not to mention, wouldn't you move out if the place was so toxic ? Her shyster
took one look at her retard, and figured he'd hit a home run.

11-12-2021, 11:54 AM
The American dream died when niggers were given rights.

Tar Remover
11-17-2021, 12:02 AM
The American dream has been dead for a long time here in NY state. Renting out apartments is the original mom & pop business
venture, but it's been thoroughly ruined by the courts. who invariably side with deadbeat tenants. I know people who've gone
years without seeing a cent of rent, while being threatened with arrest if they shut off utilities, which cost thousands a year.
My pal, who I warned, had to dump a house for a loss, with a non paying tenant who he could not dislodge. At the same time,
he rented out the downstairs of his own home, to a mother and daughter. They stopped paying rent immediately, two boyfriends
and 3 kids moved in, 4 cars total - one year to get them evicted. He had to gut the entire 1st floor after they left. I have a beautiful
house that sits empty, rather than attempt to rent it out. A sad state of affairs....

Come move up here with US Ray! We can go to POW and hunt bears! We can hate niggers, and shoot bears!

Ray Cizzums
11-17-2021, 09:57 AM
Come move up here with US Ray! We can go to POW and hunt bears! We can hate niggers, and shoot bears!

I'm too old and worn down to start anew, and my wife can barely handle NY winter weather. I almost moved to Alaska
back in the early '80s, to take a job on a fishing boat. The six men to one woman ratio was a deal breaker at the time.
I'm leery of moving down south, where the blackest, stupidest niggers are in abundance, and getting bolder by the day.
Up here in NY, they stay in their 'hoods, and are hesitant to fuck with whitey. They're also less inclined to pack AKs,
and Glocks with 30 round mags, around where I'm at. I lived out west for a few years, and I found that they just didn't
have the same sense of humor as I'm used to, and as horrible as we are, I missed my fellow NYers.