View Full Version : Batwings For Five In Illinois House Fire, Mammy Arrested, TNB Galore

Ray Cizzums
11-06-2021, 01:54 PM
This "Tragedy" is so loaded with TNB, words cannot describe it all. The pics alone are comedy gold.
Sabrina Dunigan, jungle bat mammy of the year, let her 5 retards - Loy-El, Jabari, Heaven, Neveah and De'onte,
burn up in her one bedroom nigger nest, while she was out catting around at 3AM. One look at this tatted-up,
mickey mouse-haired moron, duck-lipping for the camera, explains it all. Check out the coffin artwork, and the
ridiculous outfits at the "fooneral". :lol

SC Anemia
11-06-2021, 03:27 PM

Only a nigger.


Ray Cizzums
11-06-2021, 04:34 PM

Only a nigger.
Only a nigger could find a way to make a goddamn coffin into a clown show. They have no shame.
The mammy's hysterics are due to her losing all those wayafair and EBT benefits. At least the
state won't have to find a foster family while she's locked up. I guarantee she'll be pregnant the
day they sentence her.

11-06-2021, 04:46 PM
Only a nigger could find a way to make a goddamn coffin into a clown show. They have no shame.
The mammy's hysterics are due to her losing all those wayafair and EBT benefits. At least the
state won't have to find a foster family while she's locked up. I guarantee she'll be pregnant the
day they sentence her.

Tru Dat!!

11-06-2021, 04:57 PM
[QUOTE=SC Anemia;196997]18076

Only a nigger.

Please tell me this was photo shopped...

BTW: Thank Baby Jeebus you are doing well after your bed tumble.

11-06-2021, 05:12 PM
Only a nigger could find a way to make a goddamn coffin into a clown show. They have no shame.
The mammy's hysterics are due to her losing all those wayafair and EBT benefits. At least the
state won't have to find a foster family while she's locked up. I guarantee she'll be pregnant the
day they sentence her.

I wonder who paid for the clown coffins? Disney? Is someone trying to pretend the sow had some attachment to her sprogs, when she says she checked on them every couple of WEEKS? Excuse me while I hurl. Sows don't give a shit about their crotch droppings, only how much they can make off them.

(The sow) continued to receive government assistance on his behalf even after he was allegedly beaten to death by her retarded driller boyfriend, a prosecutor said Friday.

Her lawyer, Neal Davis III, shameless, amoral amberlamps chaser, says:

"Williams was “not really sophisticated” and that she didn’t fully comprehend the severity of the charges she is facing.
“I think there’s more to this case than what meets the eye,” Davis said.

The hideous sowpotomus was sophisticated enough to know exactly how to suck up as much money as possible from the taxpayers.

SC Anemia
11-06-2021, 07:04 PM
[QUOTE=SC Anemia;196997]18076

Only a nigger.

Please tell me this was photo shopped...

BTW: Thank Baby Jeebus you are doing well after your bed tumble.

Thanks for that!

Ray Cizzums
11-07-2021, 12:00 AM
I wonder who paid for the clown coffins? Disney? Is someone trying to pretend the sow had some attachment to her sprogs, when she says she checked on them every couple of WEEKS? Excuse me while I hurl. Sows don't give a shit about their crotch droppings, only how much they can make off them.
You must be referring to a different ratchet mammy - this one's name is Sabrina Dunigan. All she did was step out
for an all night muh-dikkin', and her 5 shitlings burnt up in their one bedroom nigger-nest. Check out her pic, and
the ones of their burnt up roach motel, and "fooneral". You might want to contribute to her GoGibsMuh. :lol


Coon Club Road
11-07-2021, 12:05 AM
Duck lipping for the camera? Why do boot lipped coons duck lip?

In fact... why do white chicks do that? Why do they want to look like a boot lipped jigaboo?

11-07-2021, 12:26 AM
You must be referring to a different ratchet mammy - this one's name is Sabrina Dunigan. All she did was step out
for an all night muh-dikkin', and her 5 shitlings burnt up in their one bedroom nigger-nest. Check out her pic, and
the ones of their burnt up roach motel, and "fooneral". You might want to contribute to her GoGibsMuh. :lol


I have indeed got my rachet single sow mammies who caused niglet deaths mixed up, although I'm not sure how I did that. Duh. I can't keep track of them. :lol

But, yeah, she's some looker!


OH, please. Stop with the dramatics, but I guess she really is distraught at the thought of all those welfare checks going into the ground.

"Oh, lawdy jeebus!!! Mah babies!!"

Guess I'll mosey on over to GoGibs. I'm sure the mammy could use a cash infusion what with the little meal tickets reduced to mere crisps now.

Jim Crow
11-07-2021, 08:41 AM
Best thing the sow in it’s life ever did was leave those 5 shitlets to face a blazin end at the crib! Just think! It spared the white man from having to house future felons and support more shitlets and felon factories! I think mCGruff the crime dog should shake the sow’s hand for taking a bite out of crime!LOL!

Nig Zero
11-07-2021, 10:34 AM
[QUOTE=SC Anemia;196997]18076

Only a nigger.

Please tell me this was photo shopped...

This is the photo posted in the news. Apparently not photoshoped. It's like a mass-clown grave or something. Just dig a big hole and dump the niglets in it.

SC Anemia
11-07-2021, 11:14 AM
Guess I'll mosey on over to GoGibs. I'm sure the mammy could use a cash infusion what with the little meal tickets reduced to mere crisps now.

Jesus Diva :rofl between you and Ray, my morning coffee doesn't stand a chance. Bwahahahaha :lol

11-07-2021, 12:50 PM

This is the photo posted in the news. Apparently not photoshoped. It's like a mass-clown grave or something. Just did a big hole and dump the niglets in it.

They wouldn't need a very big hole to dump those incinerated niglets. They'd all fit in one biodegradable Hefty Bag.

SC Anemia
11-07-2021, 01:05 PM
My money says it was something like this that caused the fire. I remember reading a story about 4-5 nigger nests all drawing power from a single nest. Not that uncommon for cheap-ass niggers to "piggyback" from a single source with extension cords so there's no utility bill (those eat into the weed and Hennessy budget).


animal mother
11-07-2021, 04:23 PM

Only a nigger.


Such a waste of real estate to use for DNS. They could have just swept up the crispy critters into one hefty bag and threw it into the nearest dumpster.

Ray Cizzums
11-07-2021, 04:33 PM
My money says it was something like this that caused the fire. I remember reading a story about 4-5 nigger nests all drawing power from a single nest. Not that uncommon for cheap-ass niggers to "piggyback" from a single source with extension cords so there's no utility bill (those eat into the weed and Hennessy budget).

I know a guy who worked for Broadway Maintenance, maintaining streetlights in NYC. They'd roll up on light pedestals
that had the access door removed, with romex wire niggered across the sidewalk, up stairways and down hallways,
in shitbox nigger tenements. They were tapping 277 volts, which will kill you dead if you get between it and a ground.
There's no way niggers are smart enough to step it down to 120, so he couldn't figure out how they could use it. All
he knew was that the second they disconnected the hookup, nigger tribesman would come boiling out of the nest.
Sometimes they were successful, as the new covers had locks. But the dope lookouts eventually learned to signal
the tribe before they cut the power, and they'd have to retreat.

11-07-2021, 04:38 PM
Such a waste of real estate to use for DNS. They could have just swept up the crispy critters into one hefty bag and threw it into the nearest dumpster.

What I said. GMTA! :lol

Coon Club Road
11-08-2021, 02:46 AM
I know a guy who worked for Broadway Maintenance, maintaining streetlights in NYC. They'd roll up on light pedestals
that had the access door removed, with romex wire niggered across the sidewalk, up stairways and down hallways,
in shitbox nigger tenements. They were tapping 277 volts, which will kill you dead if you get between it and a ground.
There's no way niggers are smart enough to step it down to 120, so he couldn't figure out how they could use it. All
he knew was that the second they disconnected the hookup, nigger tribesman would come boiling out of the nest.
Sometimes they were successful, as the new covers had locks. But the dope lookouts eventually learned to signal
the tribe before they cut the power, and they'd have to retreat.

You can actually purchase (steal) 277 bulbs that are configured to fit many 120v lamp applications.

Now how they kept their foadies cold in the fridge still needs to be answered!

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
11-10-2021, 01:07 AM
I have indeed got my rachet single sow mammies who caused niglet deaths mixed up, although I'm not sure how I did that. Duh. I can't keep track of them. :lol

But, yeah, she's some looker!


OH, please. Stop with the dramatics, but I guess she really is distraught at the thought of all those welfare checks going into the ground.

"Oh, lawdy jeebus!!! Mah babies!!"

Guess I'll mosey on over to GoGibs. I'm sure the mammy could use a cash infusion what with the little meal tickets reduced to mere crisps now.

Damn, you can practically hear that bitch screeching through the picture. "LAWDY JEEBUS, HOW COME YA DONE DID ME SO WRONG. MUH KEEDS BE DET ". Stupid ass Mickey Mouse ears Hurr-do havin beyotch. Those fuckin coffins look like they were purchased at Toys R Us (WE B TOYS). One sow, 5 keeds, three baby daddies. Yep, lots of TNB in this one.