View Full Version : 5 reasons I wish were true that niggeresses are quitting corporate America

10-31-2021, 03:01 PM
When I stepped out on my own as an entrepreneur earlier this year, I decided to pay it forward and offer free one-on-one career coaching sessions. I threw up a link to a form on Instagram and within 48 hours, more than 200 applications poured in.

The vast majority of the bunch were Black women and a whopping 90% said they were looking to quit their jobs by the end of the year. Now, I’m the first to admit this survey sample is far from nationally representative. My social media following comprises largely women of color between the ages of 25 and 44 and since the majority of them know me from my podcast Brown Ambition, they tend to be an especially career-driven group.

But, with some additional research, I realized my rudimentary survey was really a snapshot of a much larger trend in corporate America: Black women really are leaving traditional 9-to-5 jobs at staggering rates. Here’s why.


As usual, niggers don't understand statistics, or themselves. Of course niggers are always looking to quit. They always ook "Uh beez discrimminitted agin!" and "Uh don beez gittin enuffins!" I actually had a nigger buck complain that when of course it was the one causing me problems. I was getting a new pair of pants at the old Syms, and I wanted cuffs. The nigger for some reason wanted to "make sure" I wanted cuffs. WTF? It actually ooked, "Wuh you got on nowz, you got cuffs?" I got angry because I had a train to hurry to, and I said it didn't matter, I wanted these pants to have cuffs. It kept on going, and I finally yelled, "Cuffs! Cuffs! I want them with cuffs!" So it filled out the order, and I could hear it ook, "Uh done git pid enuffs foh dis!" I was so pissed that the next day I called to cancel my order, and I said they were never getting my business again. It was a year or two later that Syms closed for good.

The unfortunate reality is that niggers keep invading corporate America as more companies adopt affirmative action policies. A major company I used to work for recently hired not just any nigger, but a tranny niggerpotamus as the Vice President of Inclusion, Diversity and Fairness. And for something different, this is a niggeress claiming it's a buck. I've heard from my friend that the nigger goes around wearing neckties and men's shoes. But I told my friend it could really be Andre The Buck, just an incredibly ugly one with udders to mistake for a female. He's not a Chimper but knows what I mean.

Ray Cizzums
10-31-2021, 04:56 PM
Watch who quits corporate jobs, when ratchets, sheboons and buffarillas are put in charge. Wholesale mutinies are
commonplace in all workplaces, when idiots are at the helm. Getting "Booted upstairs" is a phenomenon employed
to avoid firing incompetents, which depends on their subordinates abilities to get the job done, regardless of who's
in charge. But that's assuming they're allowed to, as absolute power corrupts, absolutely - and the idiots can't resist
fucking with their betters. The chain reaction of talent exiting the building often results in the firing of the dolt they
promoted, and the ones who promoted them. Competitors then feast on the depleted remains....

11-03-2021, 08:32 AM
Niggers should only be occupying positions in Hell

Coon Club Road
11-03-2021, 08:43 PM
Whenever the word nigger and work is used in the same sentence, be suspect!

Odin's balls
11-04-2021, 03:30 PM
A nigger entrepreneur is just a nigger involved in a pyramid scam.

When niggers buy into a pyramid scam, they instantly think 'I'm a bidnizman in charge of muh own bidniz'.

Niggers couldn't run a bath, let alone a profitable company.