View Full Version : Nigger followers a winner from casino home and kills him.

Cat fur allergic
10-29-2021, 06:13 PM
Pharma executive is murdered by would-be robber who saw him win $10k at casino: Killer 'followed victim for 50 MILES then shot him dead in his home as wife and kids slept upstairs'


People should be more careful when out at any place that has alot of money. Niggers love to follow people home.

10-29-2021, 09:02 PM
just saw this. I've been to the Parx before and it's quite a big casino. You can smoke in there, so I would never go back. I'm surprised the victim didn't notice that the nigger was on his tail. I thought most New Jersians were ' ready ' for nigger crime and are highly observant of their surroundings. The nigger was in a casino full of security cameras and its catching was assured. It's damn hard to own a gun in NJ, so nigger pickings are easy. Just another day in niggerdise...or this case, Nigger dice !

Coon Club Road
10-29-2021, 10:07 PM
"...Just another day in niggerdise...or this case, Nigger dice !

One Liner Award Winner of the Day!

10-30-2021, 02:54 AM
I love in the article where the neighbor says, "I can't believe he would kill him. Why would he kill him?" Or something along those lines. Yes, stupid. Believe it. Jesus. These people fucking live in a bubble. The victim looked Hindu. Maybe he didn't see the nigger following him. I thought they were more nigger wise than idiot whites where it's a fate worth than death being called racist. Who knows. Anyways, RIP.

10-30-2021, 04:21 AM
Whenever I withdraw money from the ATM or walk out with a purchase from a place like the Apple store, I'm obsessively careful about not being followed. Stories like this will only reinforce that attitude.

Las Vegas now has a problem with the homeless (mostly niggers) walking into casinos, waiting for someone to get a big win on a machine, sucker-punching them, grabbing their winning ticket, and cashing it in. There are also homeless niggers that go up to people who have just won and demand gibs.