View Full Version : Nigerian News: How does pedophilia work among the savages?

10-29-2021, 03:31 PM
Sorry, but I love this shit. The usual incisive reporting:

I have my doubts about Baba's guilt, however. Is it possible to rape or molest sows/sowlets no matter how young?

In the video played in court, the alleged victim, who is underaged, narrated how Baba Ijesha allegedly assaulted her 7 years ago when she was just 7 years old, and how he tried again recently after she turned 14.
She said that Baba Ijesha visited the house where she was staying with her guardian, comedienne sow Oluwadamilola Adekoya, better known as Princess, and brought out his muh dik stick then asked her to sit on his lap.

She said she was engrossed in the cartoon she was watching on television so she sat on his lap until she felt something wet on her body.
She said in the video played in court: “I didn’t make a sound after seeing his private part. I sat on his laps myself and removed my pant because of my concentration on the cartoon I was watching.”

Must have been some great cartoon.

“He parked his car away from his house and that was where he inserted his car key into my private part while trying to kiss me,” she alleged.
“When he inserted the car key, I felt some type of way.”

Mating habits of wild niggers are impossible to understand.


Ray Cizzums
10-29-2021, 05:16 PM
Muh car key ? That nigger must have thought that she was booby-trapped.
Seven is about par for African asslifters, where US jigs sometimes wait until age eight.

11-01-2021, 09:30 AM
"I sat on his laps myself and removed my pant because of my concentration on the cartoon"

The niglet couldn't have worded that itself. That's what the prosecutor told the niglet to say, after the buck refused to bribe the prosecutor, after the buck refused to pay the willing niglet.

Muh car key ? That nigger must have thought that she was booby-trapped.
Seven is about par for African asslifters, where US jigs sometimes wait until age eight.

Niggers don't have to be taught muh dikk. Their disgusting species gets hormones flowing at a really young age, and it's not just a primal urge to reproduce like when humans hit our teenage years. At the same age when little human boys and girls think each other have cooties, there's something in niglets that they just go muh dikk muh dikk, muh poosie muh poosie.

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