View Full Version : The 500 Fortune 500 Companies Have 5 Spook CEO's!

Coon Club Road
10-27-2021, 04:08 PM
Mrs. CCR told me the other day she had heard a certain company had a spook CEO.

I checked it out, found it to be true and told her the company will be bankrupt within a year or two.

I did a little research and found that only 5 out of 500 companies listed as Fortune 500 companies have brohammies in the top spot! :lol

What does that tell you about the caliber of spook CEO's?

And to top this off, the article noted no increase in CEO coons after the Curious George Fentanyl Floyd fiasco.

Did business niggers suddenly get smarter after the demise of Curious George? Do business niggers deserve more CEO positions after Curious George?

Apparently in the board room big business knows the fastest way to bankruptcy is by placing a boobah at the top!


10-27-2021, 06:55 PM
What a fucking nigger loving site. Articles of George Nigger, mudsharks, how they're oppressed, etc. Rewarding those that don't deserve anything, but only by their shitskins and ugly faces. How did it come to this?

10-28-2021, 10:36 PM
When McDonald's appointed a nigger CEO, the investors that shorted McNigger's stock made a lot of money. True story.

Whitey Ford
10-29-2021, 02:14 PM
When McDonald's appointed a nigger CEO, the investors that shorted McNigger's stock made a lot of money. True story.

A long time ago on the original incarnation of chimp out, I jokingly suggested starting a mini-fund called ChimpCo and betting against stocks of companies with nigger CEOs, board members, etc. And the companies I watched actually did do a lot worse under negroid mismanagement. But, this kind of thing has been well know for a long time and their have even been papers written about it.
Examining investor reactions to appointments of Black top management executives and CEOs

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/350950982_Examining_investor_reactions_to_appointm ents_of_Black_top_management_executives_and_CEOs

10-29-2021, 05:31 PM
When McDonald's appointed a nigger CEO, the investors that shorted McNigger's stock made a lot of money. True story.

For sure go short any company that puts a nigger in a position of power. You're sure to make a killing.

Coon Club Road
10-30-2021, 03:16 AM
UPDATE: Big pharma shine retires!

PHILADELPHIA -- Merck CEO Kenneth Frazier, who is was currently one of the few Black CEOs of a Fortune 500 company, is retiring in June, retired, ending a nearly 30-year run with the company.

I'm not even going to research it but I'm sure he was a typical minority hire, mail room jigaboo dick washer promoted by diversity for 30 years.

Now there are 4 spook Fortune 500 CEO's.

Niggers can't drive nor successfully run a Fortune 500 company.

They couldn't even wash dicks successfully!

Odin's balls
10-30-2021, 04:20 AM
John Lewis, one of our oldest and most respected High end department store chains in the UK has put an AA nigger in the top spot and this year alone 16 stores have closed their doors forever.

Does anyone see a pattern emerging here?

10-30-2021, 08:46 AM
I'm sure he was a typical minority hire, mail room jigaboo dick washer promoted by diversity for 30 years.

:lol Now ain't that the truth

11-01-2021, 09:19 AM
When McDonald's appointed a nigger CEO, the investors that shorted McNigger's stock made a lot of money. True story.

For sure go short any company that puts a nigger in a position of power. You're sure to make a killing.

John Lewis, one of our oldest and most respected High end department store chains in the UK has put an AA nigger in the top spot and this year alone 16 stores have closed their doors forever.

Does anyone see a pattern emerging here?

This nigger brought Merrill Lynch to insolvency a year before the financial crisis, when most financial companies could throw darts at a board and get high yields for their clients.


Basically ML went woke 20 years before woke became a thing. Top executives thought they could work with the nigger and even control it, while ML spun their "diversity." Then the nigger betrayed them all, like the financial industry's version of an African military coup. It took several years for the buck to wreak its damage, but it did, bringing down one of the great financial names. I don't know what the prices were, but I'd bet at one point you could have bought really cheap put options, then made a fortune in 2008. I have to wonder how many insiders saw what the nigger was doing and used their secret offshore accounts.

The stories are true of the nigger acting as the big massah, including demanding its exclusive personal elevator. But what else do you expect of a nigger in the top spot?

An in-house ML recruiter had contacted me a couple of years before the financial crisis, for a job a step up and more money. I was lucky I didn't take it. Whenever the grass looks greener at a new company, my big worry is always that if there are layoffs, a new guy is likely among the first to go. I could be very senior, but bye-bye nonetheless if I didn't have enough friends and connections. At the job I had then, I wasn't 100% secure, but still very secure and very comfortable.