View Full Version : Nigger Willie finally batwinged.

10-27-2021, 02:02 PM
Po' Willie got juiced. What a shame.

His lawyers, according to the ruling, said that due to Smith having “significant cognitive deficiencies” — they cited an IQ between 64 and 72 —

And that makes him different from other niggers how?

Bye, Willie. You've fed at the public trough long enough.

Willie has been sitting on his useless black ass in NU since 1991, after the cruel, savage murder of a human being.

Let's worry about poor "intellectually disabled" Willie being deleted. Who gives a shit about her?



10-27-2021, 05:08 PM
A shotgun to the back of his head would have been more appropriate, but also more messy.

Ray Cizzums
10-27-2021, 05:41 PM
A shotgun to the back of his head would have been more appropriate, but also more messy.

Make the next death row convict in line clean it up. Back in the good old days, they fried both of the Rosenbergs
at Sing Sing 15 minutes apart. They should just get 'er done, same as they once did, with at least a "twofer"
every time.

10-27-2021, 06:49 PM
Willie was executed with no pain, so it's not fair at all. That bullet headed nigger should have been shot to death upon arrest.

animal mother
10-27-2021, 06:53 PM
This took 30 years when it should have taken 30 minutes behind the courthouse. The Jim Crow era was American’s finest hours.

10-27-2021, 07:36 PM
Willie was executed with no pain, so it's not fair at all. That bullet headed nigger should have been shot to death upon arrest.

If there was any justice, the nigger would have been thrown into the trunk of a car, driven around for a few hours, sick and terrified, then been shot in its haid. He's been living it up at NU, never had to earn a dime for 30 years while a beautiful young human who probably had a productive, worthwhile life ahead of her, has been rotting in a grave.

The fact that amoral shyster lawyers argued for keeping that subhuman beast alive makes me wish they'd all be shoved into car trunks and blown away as well. :mad:

Coon Club Road
10-27-2021, 07:38 PM
A shotgun to the back of his head would have been more appropriate, but also more messy.

That's OK, the FD probably wasn't doing much, they could have come by and hosed the mess down the storm drain.

10-27-2021, 07:59 PM
That's OK, the FD probably wasn't doing much, they could have come by and hosed the mess down the storm drain.

Nope. Make the street sweeping niggers do it. Better yet, make the family of the criminigger do it and charge them for the cost of the ammo like China does. Maybe they'll pass the word along about what a mess it makes. Maybe, just maybe, some of them will take the message and learn something from it.

I also noticed something that barely made it into the story:

“Sharma Ruth Johnson was abducted at gunpoint, threatened while in the trunk of the car, terrorized, assaulted, and ultimately, Willie B. Smith, III brutally killed her,” Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey said in a statement issued after the execution.

Of course you know what this means. This nigger raped her as well even if the paper didn't call it that.

30 years.
This nigger lived another 30 YEARS!

Nig Zero
10-27-2021, 08:11 PM
Nigger Smith had a shotgun when he abducted 22-year-old Sharma Ruth Johnson...He ... then took her to a cemetery and shot her in the back of the head.

Pastor Robert Wiley appeared to pray with Smith ... as the lethal injection procedure began.

One of his attorneys held his fist up to the witness room glass in an apparent sign of support.

Well I hope that Pastor was praying "Finally we are rid of this sticking murderous nigger, God damn this nigger to hell".

And I bet that "attorney" was a sticking nigger too.

RIP Sharma.

10-27-2021, 08:16 PM
Nope. Make the street sweeping niggers do it. Better yet, make the family of the criminigger do it and charge them for the cost of the ammo like China does. Maybe they'll pass the word along about what a mess it makes. Maybe, just maybe, some of them will take the message and learn something from it.

I also noticed something that barely made it into the story:

Of course you know what this means. This nigger raped her as well even if the paper didn't call it that.

30 years.
This nigger lived another 30 YEARS!

She was also the sister of a cop. I don't know how that Kong-beast sucked in oxygen as long as it did.

One of his attorneys held his fist up to the witness room glass in an apparent sign of support

Too bad the ambulance chasing ghoul wasn't there to give support to this girl as she suffered so horribly at the paws of his nigger buddy.

Chimp Detester
10-27-2021, 08:40 PM

Good riddance, you useless stinking mega-turd crap-beast nigger son of Obummer! And say hi to Marchin Lucifer Koon, Trayboon Martin and Fantanyl Floyd. And may your entire fambly -- no, make that all the manure pile (niggers) -- soon be in your company.

I aint bin dun did dat!
10-27-2021, 09:05 PM
A shotgun to the back of his head would have been more appropriate, but also more messy.
Wouldn’t have been any brains in it. Probably just would’ve needed to call in the rock quarry team to clean up its skull fragments,

10-27-2021, 09:33 PM
Willie should have been given good ole' rope therapy.



10-28-2021, 11:07 PM
The fact that amoral shyster lawyers argued for keeping that subhuman beast alive makes me wish they'd all be shoved into car trunks and blown away as well. :mad:

Well I hope that Pastor was praying "Finally we are rid of this sticking murderous nigger, God damn this nigger to hell".

And I bet that "attorney" was a sticking nigger too.

RIP Sharma.

The only way the nigger's lawyer and that "pastor" should be in the same room is because they were being put in the same gas chamber, pumped full of mustard gas or phosgene.

They want to defend a nigger, then they can die with the nigger.

10-30-2021, 04:38 AM
Make the next death row convict in line clean it up. Back in the good old days, they fried both of the Rosenbergs
at Sing Sing 15 minutes apart. They should just get 'er done, same as they once did, with at least a "twofer"
every time.

The communist traitor Rosenbergs being fried was one of the last acts of real justice in America, at the end of the era when this country was controlled by actual Americans.

Ray Cizzums
10-30-2021, 01:36 PM
The communist traitor Rosenbergs being fried was one of the last acts of real justice in America, at the end of the era when this country was controlled by actual Americans.
My dad tells me how the commies rallied around Ethel Rosenberg back in the '50s, concocting various stupid narratives
about her having no role in the espionage, that she was framed, that it was anti-Semitism, etc.. The release of the Venona
intercepts proved she was an integral part of the plot, as well as vindicating Joe McCarthy, who they're still whining about,
even though he was proven right about commies in Hollywood and our government.

10-30-2021, 03:37 PM
My dad tells me how the commies rallied around Ethel Rosenberg back in the '50s, concocting various stupid narratives
about her having no role in the espionage, that she was framed, that it was anti-Semitism, etc.. The release of the Venona
intercepts proved she was an integral part of the plot, as well as vindicating Joe McCarthy, who they're still whining about,
even though he was proven right about commies in Hollywood and our government.

She beez framed! She dindu nuffins!

Those communist turds protected their own like she was a nigger. Well, tried and failed. LOL

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
10-30-2021, 05:55 PM
Po' Willie got juiced. What a shame.

And that makes him different from other niggers how?

Bye, Willie. You've fed at the public trough long enough.

Willie has been sitting on his useless black ass in NU since 1991, after the cruel, savage murder of a human being.

Let's worry about poor "intellectually disabled" Willie being deleted. Who gives a shit about her?



Oh poor disabled Nigger. Well the fucker was coherent enough to realize that if he stole the poor girls ATM card he could use it to steal money. Coherent enough to drive a car. Coherent enough to (assault) the poor girl so he could get his muh-dik on. Too bad the poor family of that girl had to wait so long for this to be carried out. Like having a Pastor present is going to save this Nigger from the bowels of Hell. Have fun taking Satans fiery pole up your ass Nigger!

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
10-30-2021, 05:57 PM
This took 30 years when it should have taken 30 minutes behind the courthouse. The Jim Crow era was American’s finest hours.

Finest hours only to be outdone by a time when Niggers were slaves and knew their place.

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
10-30-2021, 06:07 PM
Wouldn’t have been any brains in it. Probably just would’ve needed to call in the rock quarry team to clean up its skull fragments,

Exactly. Just a few very thick skull fragments and a pea-sized brain to mop up. Maybe no brain at all.


10-30-2021, 07:44 PM
The release of the Venona intercepts proved she was an integral part of the plot, as well as vindicating Joe McCarthy, who they're still whining about, even though he was proven right about commies in Hollywood and our government.

Joe was and still is one of the most maligned heroes in American history. He was murdered for his fight against communism, his name besmirched forever in the so called history books which are written by the same group that poisoned him.

I would love to see the results of a proper autopsy of his remains to see exactly how they did it but I'm sure it wasn't hard. Liver failure can happen from any number of easy to find toxins and they ensured him a horrifically painful death. They would claim he died from alcoholic hepatitis or liver cirrhosis which was a complete lie according to everyone that knew him well. He was well known for his sobriety, falling just short of a teetotaler. He already suffered from hepatitis in his younger days which prevented him from drinking more than a long nursed drink and then only at social gatherings. No autopsy was allowed despite the pleas of family and friends.

He was right about everything. Hollywood should have been nuked and every communist bastard in this country should have been lined up against a wall and shot.

Hey, it's not too late.

10-30-2021, 09:39 PM
Damn, that is one black ass nigger.

10-30-2021, 09:44 PM
Another cone head nigger?
A nigger with an IQ of 64-72 is a genius. Their average IQ is less than 50.

Ray Cizzums
10-30-2021, 11:26 PM
Joe was and still is one of the most maligned heroes in American history. He was right about everything. Hollywood should have been nuked and every communist bastard in this country should have been lined up against a wall and shot.
Hey, it's not too late.
Tailgunner Joe should have been lionized, and we should have begun rooting out every last communist while we had the chance.
Mulatta mongrels like Obama would never have been born.
Communists are a cancer, that's now fully metastasized throughout our society.