View Full Version : Harvard sheboon flunks out of Pre-Med- immediately screams racisms and white supremacy

Whitey Ford
10-26-2021, 01:26 AM
This is the editorial that the niggress wrote for the Harvard student paper The Crimson after FAILing pre-med. What a delusional she boon bitch.
A Pre-Med Letter of Resignation, With (Self) Love & Liberation


To students, teachers, peers, and the Harvard community: This is my official farewell to the pre-medical track here at Harvard. I hope it finds you well.
While this isn’t just another story about the toxicity of pre-med culture, getting weeded out, or leaving my academic path for some earth-shattering love of another aspiration, it is a story of how white supremacy lives and breathes in each of our bodies, spreading between each of us — body to body — like contagion. It is a story of trying to mitigate chronic pain to create the possibility for genuine healing and recovery. A story of a great act of resistance: a Black woman choosing herself.

I took an inorganic chemistry exam the same day that a grand jury failed to charge two police officers with the murder of Breonna Taylor. That day, my body inhaled molecules of white supremacy as they seeped out of my computer from that proctored Zoom room. They entered my bloodstream and catalyzed a metabolism that would allow for the invasion of my body by a violently infectious life form. A chronic pain, caused by the perpetuation of lethally unjust practices and compounded by the silence and avoidance between myself and my educators when it comes to Black women’s lives, would make its way through and onto neighboring cells within my physical being. The presence of the germ of white supremacy would cause a steric hindrance within me, slowing down and even preventing the reactions of learning and healing that I desperately needed for myself and from others in that moment. The exam began, and I haven’t been able to show up mentally or emotionally in a science class since.


10-26-2021, 01:31 AM
Boo hoo nigger, try simian biology instead.

10-26-2021, 11:40 AM
That sheboon used a lot of big words, but it was still a bunch of bix nood gibberish.

Odin's balls
10-26-2021, 12:54 PM
In other words, it realised that studying is hard and a life as a five star burger turner would better suit its intellectual capacity.

But blames YT anyway.

Ray Cizzums
10-26-2021, 02:17 PM
Breonna Taylor ? The neighborhood cum dumpster/drug mule/money launderer/gun moll, who her drug dealing nigger boyfriend
hid behind, while opening fire on police, who were raiding a well known drug trap house ? That's why you can't pass a test ?
Sheboon, please !

Nig Zero
10-26-2021, 02:32 PM
That sheboon used a lot of big words, but it was still a bunch of bix nood gibberish.

Exactly! WTF does, "A story of a great act of resistance: a Black woman choosing herself" even mean? That is crazy talk. Shut your mouth nigger. God damn all niggers to hell.

10-26-2021, 06:27 PM
I took an inorganic chemistry exam the same day that a grand jury failed to charge two police officers with the murder of Breonna Taylor. That day, my body inhaled molecules of white supremacy as they seeped out of my computer from that proctored Zoom room. They entered my bloodstream and catalyzed a metabolism that would allow for the invasion of my body by a violently infectious life form. A chronic pain, caused by the perpetuation of lethally unjust practices and compounded by the silence and avoidance between myself and my educators when it comes to Black women’s lives, would make its way through and onto neighboring cells within my physical being. The presence of the germ of white supremacy would cause a steric hindrance within me, slowing down and even preventing the reactions of learning and healing that I desperately needed for myself and from others in that moment.

O.M.G. Nigger is too stupid to pass an exam and the result is this verbal explosive diarrhea of bullshit and excuses? White supremacy is to blame for her failures? She needs to go to Africa, where she would pass, no problem, no matter how incompetent.


Ray Cizzums
10-26-2021, 08:20 PM
I love how niggers concoct these wild excuses, desperately grasping for anything that hides their painfully obvious
inadequacies. This sheboon knows she'd get a pass at a "HBCU", just for showing up. Did white students get excused,
when the OJ Chimpson verdict was announced ? Were they "triggered", when every nigger on campus jumped for joy,
and danced in the street ? Please niggers, what passes in Africa for a medical professional is your true calling....


10-26-2021, 10:34 PM
I love how niggers concoct these wild excuses, desperately grasping for anything that hides their painfully obvious
inadequacies. This sheboon knows she'd get a pass at a "HBCU", just for showing up. Did white students get excused,
when the OJ Chimpson verdict was announced ? Were they "triggered", when every nigger on campus jumped for joy,
and danced in the street ? Please niggers, what passes in Africa for a medical professional is your true calling....


Yeah, let her go to Africa to practice medicine and see how far her tears get her there.


10-27-2021, 06:55 PM
Her potential future patients dodged a bullet there.

Coon Club Road
10-27-2021, 07:21 PM
Harvard? Medical Doctor? Niggers failed at washing dicks FFS... what makes them think they could succeed in college?

Ray Cizzums
10-27-2021, 07:30 PM
Harvard? Medical Doctor? Niggers failed at washing dicks FFS... what makes them think they could succeed in college?

Obama washed those libturd beta-boi dicks - then brushed his teeth with them.
His master's thesis was blowing Big Mike in front of the faculty.

Whitey Ford
10-28-2021, 04:03 AM
Her potential future patients dodged a bullet there.

Totally. This apefirmative action is going to get scary when nigger 'Doctors' get graduated with diminished requirements.

Doctor: I'm sorry to inform you that you have a brain tumor.
Patient: Is there anything that can be done?
Doctor: Yes, I recommend an operation to remove it.
Patient: Am I gonna be OK?
Doctor: I'm going to call Dr. Darquavious LeJackson to schedule this procedure immediately.
Patient: Holy fucking shit! NOoooooooooooooooooooo!

DR Spook
10-30-2021, 01:25 PM
Niggers are completely incompetent. Thank goodness this thing won’t be a doctor! Reminds me of years ago when I had knee surgery. I went in a few weeks prior to donate blood. The hospital staff said I didn’t have to because they had enough of a supply. I said I needed to donate my own blood to ensure I didn’t receive any nigger blood, I actually liked to work! The look on their faces was priceless!

Ray Cizzums
10-30-2021, 03:10 PM
Totally. This apefirmative action is going to get scary when nigger 'Doctors' get graduated with diminished requirements.

Doctor: I'm sorry to inform you that you have a brain tumor.
Patient: Is there anything that can be done?
Doctor: Yes, I recommend an operation to remove it.
Patient: Am I gonna be OK?
Doctor: I'm going to call Dr. Darquavious LeJackson to schedule this procedure immediately.
Patient: Holy fucking shit! NOoooooooooooooooooooo!
That is unfortunately the reality we face hereabouts. My uncle, who lives in the exclusive Main Line area of Philadelphia,
had his ambulance diverted to the nigger hospital, and was about to be cut open by Dr. Spook, when he was recognized
by a nurse who worked there. She called my niece, and said "Get your dad the fuck outta here right now". They actually
had security guards block the family from exiting the facility. My uncle's doctor had to show up, with a private ambulance,
and demand he be released. They were about to do a completely unnecessary heart operation on him, which was in reality
a cash-ectomy, on his top-of-the-line medical insurance. They might have killed him while doing so, BTW.