View Full Version : Niggers kidnap missionaries in Haiti

animal mother
10-17-2021, 12:15 PM

Liberal do gooders get what they deserve.


Coon Town
10-17-2021, 01:42 PM
Likely they'll get muh dikked, killed, and eaten....not necessarily in that order.

Send more libtards.

10-17-2021, 06:14 PM
When have missionaries done a bit of good anywhere? They need to mind their own damned business. They choose to take themselves to countries filled with blood-thirsty savages so let them get themselves out of their mess without any taxpayers' money.

Haiti, eh? The same Haitians that were permitted to storm the US border for "humanitarian causes" recently? Why yes, I do believe it's the same species.

"This is a special prayer alert," the one-minute message said. "Pray that the gang members would come to repentance."

Yes, I'm sure that will work. :lol :lol

P.S. Comments under this story are mostly excellent.

Coon Town
10-17-2021, 11:39 PM
When have missionaries done a bit of good anywhere? They need to mind their own damned business. They choose to take themselves to countries filled with blood-thirsty savages so let them get themselves out of their mess without any taxpayers' money.

This is exactly the point I've tried to make to every bleeding heart that I've ever dealt with.

Nig Zero
10-18-2021, 10:48 AM
Missionaries have always been terminally stupid and those comments are golden. Importing the third-world only turns us into the third world. I suppose the question is; in the near future how will White Americans reform their country and what will it look like geographically and culturally.

10-18-2021, 11:19 AM
Is that your "Position" on that Diva?

Which part? About missionaries being fanatical, clueless nutjobs who have always only stirred up trouble and got themselves in messes? Or that prayer might not work to make primitive savages repent, have a "I see the light!" moment and see the error of their ways?

Yeah, these have always been my opinions.

Coon Club Road
10-18-2021, 02:54 PM
Serving as a missionary in a third world shithole country is like playing Russian Roulette.

Somehow I'm thinking before leaving for missionary work, they make you sign a pile of docs the size of the Cleveland white pages acknowledging you may not be coming back.

(White Pages) Shines probably think the phone book be racist!

10-24-2021, 04:24 PM
To help raise the $17 million ransom, Christian missionaries started going all over the country in person, soliciting donations. Two went into a Deep South town, arranging to meet at sunset.

"Did you get anything?"
"Nope, not a cent! How about you?"
"Well, I kinda got something."
"Really! What were you saying!"
"That the kidnappers were going to burn up the missionaries if we didn't collect $17 million dollars."
"And some people gave you money?"
"Well, no, a guy gave me this 5-gallon can of gasoline."

(This really didn't happen, of course, just my twist on an old joke.)