View Full Version : "Homeless" animal rapes woman on train - witnesses do nothing

10-16-2021, 02:52 PM
A wild nigger raped a woman on a train in full view of riders who dindu/dindseez nuffins. I'm going to go ahead and assume the victim was a nigger due to the fact that she was on a public train in Filthadelphia and described by the poleese as being
"on the mend." (and) an "unbelievably strong woman" (while police) commended her bravery for speaking with (them) about the assault.


What the exact fuck is wrong with niggers that they would all sit idly by and do nothing while a rape is going on at their damn feet?

10-16-2021, 03:35 PM
A wild nigger raped a woman on a train in full view of riders who dindu/dindseez nuffins. I'm going to go ahead and assume the victim was a nigger due to the fact that she was on a public train in Fithadelphia and described by the poleese as being


What the exact fuck is wrong with niggers that they would all sit idly by and do nothing while a rape is going on at their damn feet?

I used to live in the "city of brotherly shove!!" Trust me, those philthy primates are BARBRIC even by nigger standards!! "Ba' Mo" niggers are pretty savage too!!

10-16-2021, 04:31 PM
I used to live in the "city of brotherly shove!!" Trust me, those philthy primates are BARBRIC even by nigger standards!! "Ba' Mo" niggers are pretty savage too!!

I had a teacher from Philly who told us how horrible his high school was. Real cops patrolling the halls with guns, not just "school safety officers," because of attempted rape and murder. And that was years ago before it got really niggerfuxxated.

All the other "passengers" were probably (hopefully) other niggers, some even wanting to wait their turn. There might have been some non-wigger humans who couldn't do a thing about it, wanting to but held back and threatened themselves.

10-16-2021, 07:15 PM
A vile snake headed shitskin nigger scumbag (well is there any other type? ) openly raped a woman ( human suspected ) on a Philadelphia commuter rail train. Other riders did nothing and failed to even call 911.


This string headed bastard needs to swing and just for being called Fiston if anything.

Police say the suspect, 35-year-old Fiston Ngoy, is facing rape and several other charges. Investigators say the sexual attack happened while others were standing around on the train and “did nothing.

Why do we keep niggers....anyone?

make sure you read the RT news comments. They do not seem to moderate truthful commentary.

Coon Club Road
10-16-2021, 08:47 PM
"... Why do we keep niggers....anyone?..."

Good question... If I was mayor or president, I would sign an executive order... the "No Niggers Allowed" executive order.

At re-election time, I wouldn't even have to campaign!

10-16-2021, 08:48 PM
You'd be my president CoonClub !

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co.
10-16-2021, 09:04 PM
Fiston NIGBOY! Figures. I'd of gutted that Nigger like a fish. Must of been the SOUL TRAIN. Full of retarded niggers. Just something they see everyday I guess, no reason to make a fuss about to them. But hey, they're just like us SMH.

10-16-2021, 09:14 PM
“Somebody should have done something,”

IF someone had done something before all these vile africoons were imported, coddled, and allowed to free range, this wouldn't have happened. This is how they do it in the Muddaland, so don't interfere in their culcha and this is the result - niggers who have zero inhibitions about acting on their urges and instincts even on a crowded train.

I hope Fiston will get to enjoy some good old fashioned "Fistin'" in NU.

I'd of gutted that Nigger like a fish.
And get charged with murder.:mad:


Ray Cizzums
10-16-2021, 09:59 PM
:lol I'm always ready to cut a motherfucker ! :lol

10-16-2021, 10:10 PM
I had a teacher from Philly who told us how horrible his high school was. Real cops patrolling the halls with guns, not just "school safety officers," because of attempted rape and murder. And that was years ago before it got really niggerfuxxated.

All the other "passengers" were probably (hopefully) other niggers, some even wanting to wait their turn. There might have been some non-wigger humans who couldn't do a thing about it, wanting to but held back and threatened themselves.

More than LIKELY!! Philthy SUCKS!!

10-17-2021, 06:01 AM
Both West Philly and Upper Darby are niggerfuxxated.

10-17-2021, 08:15 AM
Both West Philly and Upper Darby are niggerfuxxated.

Only those parts? The entire city seems niggerfuxxated now

10-17-2021, 10:54 AM
I had a teacher from Philly who told us how horrible his high school was. Real cops patrolling the halls with guns, not just "school safety officers," because of attempted rape and murder. And that was years ago before it got really niggerfuxxated.

All the other "passengers" were probably (hopefully) other niggers, some even wanting to wait their turn. There might have been some non-wigger humans who couldn't do a thing about it, wanting to but held back and threatened themselves.

I've been thinking about this. Why did no one lift a finger to help, or even call 911?

If the passengers were human - fear of being shanked or bitten by the rabid, lust-crazed nigger?

Afraid of being arrested themselves if they laid hands on and hurt a member of the Protected Species?

Couldn't look away from their screens long enough?

If the passengers were niggers, they just yelled "Whirl Stah!" and started filming it to post online?

Apathy from seeing nigger violence day after day and niggers getting away with their crimes?

If the victim was a sow, and the other riders human maybe they figured this was normal sow/buck mating?

Everyone thought someone else would call 911?

I'm stumped.

10-17-2021, 12:10 PM
If the passengers were human - fear of being shanked or bitten by the rabid, lust-crazed nigger?

Afraid of being arrested themselves if they laid hands on and hurt a member of the Protected Species?

If the victim was a sow, and the other riders human maybe they figured this was normal sow/buck mating?

The last one is what I hope happened. If not, and it was a human woman being raped, any humans could find themselves sent to the hospital or morgue for trying to help. I won't say that humans should never be brave, but I can't blame humans when outgunned (and literally in a gun control city), and probably outmanned also. What are you going to do when you're one of two humans there, and two dozen niggers are ready to serve you up next if you give them an excuse?

10-17-2021, 02:15 PM
Remember the mass chimpout when a manager in a downtown Philly Starbucks threw out a couple of mooching dead beat niggers? One would think they ate the niggers.

Ray Cizzums
10-17-2021, 02:37 PM
Everyone thought someone else would call 911?
I'm stumped.

Probably a train full of niggers, and not one alpha dog male in sight. You can't even count on on an on-duty police officer to expose himself to danger
in a one-on-one situation anymore. "White knights" get shit on half the time by the women they try to protect, as most city girls have bought into
the left's "Blacks are harmless" narrative. Add to that the absence of any kid of weapon, or ability to use one, and the Game-of-Thrones female ninja
mindset, where they think they're equal to men in a fight. It's a swirling miasma of idiocy and willful ignorance, propagated by the MSM since most of
us were born.

10-17-2021, 03:00 PM
I've been thinking about this. Why did no one lift a finger to help, or even call 911?
If the passengers were human - fear of being shanked or bitten by the rabid, lust-crazed nigger?
Afraid of being arrested themselves if they laid hands on and hurt a member of the Protected Species?
Apathy from seeing nigger violence day after day and niggers getting away with their crimes?
If the victim was a sow, and the other riders human maybe they figured this was normal sow/buck mating?

I have to seriously doubt that there was a single human on that train. At least I hope this to be the case. If not, we're all doomed.

Ask yourself if you would get on the chimp car of the circus train and be the only one there. I wouldn't. I can't imagine being caught in a position where I would have to make that choice but I do realize that some may very well be stuck in that shithole because of circumstances beyond their control. I can't imagine being an elderly human with no family and no way out. If something like this was the case, I can understand the fear and cannot fathom the horror that they must go through being there - basically imprisoned. Otherwise, there is no excuse for not doing something - anything to stop this from happening - even if it were buck on sow crime. Even if you consider this nothing more than normal nigger behavior, it needs to be stopped from happening in a human country.

Even in Sodom and Gomorrah, the cities were searched for one good person. Most people don't realize that while sexual deviancy was part of their undoing, (it's where the word sodomy comes from) their unchecked cruelty was discussed in Jasher more than their sexual proclivities. I'm sure there were some that didn't like what was going on but didn't lift a finger to stop it. The resulting rubble still stands in the desert today, a curious archaeological testament to what happens to cities when they turn to shit, unchecked by anyone.

I'm pretty sure the next fire and brimstone will probably come in the form of nuclear warheads.

As a society, I can't honestly say that we don't have it coming.

10-17-2021, 05:25 PM
Probably a train full of niggers, and not one alpha dog male in sight. You can't even count on on an on-duty police officer to expose himself to danger

Exactly. I can't imagine why any human male would ever think of being a cop anymore, when they get reviled, prosecuted, demonized, and/or imprisoned for doing their jobs.

in a one-on-one situation anymore. "White knights" get shit on half the time by the women they try to protect, as most city girls have bought into
the left's "Blacks are harmless" narrative. Add to that the absence of any kid of weapon, or ability to use one, and the Game-of-Thrones female ninja
mindset, where they think they're equal to men in a fight. It's a swirling miasma of idiocy and willful ignorance, propagated by the MSM since most of
us were born.

Yep. But without knowing if the passengers or victim were nigger or human, I can't really hazard a guess as to what went on here.

10-17-2021, 10:38 PM
I have to seriously doubt that there was a single human on that train. At least I hope this to be the case. If not, we're all doomed.

Ask yourself if you would get on the chimp car of the circus train and be the only one there. I wouldn't. I can't imagine being caught in a position where I would have to make that choice but I do realize that some may very well be stuck in that shithole because of circumstances beyond their control. I can't imagine being an elderly human with no family and no way out. If something like this was the case, I can understand the fear and cannot fathom the horror that they must go through being there - basically imprisoned. Otherwise, there is no excuse for not doing something - anything to stop this from happening - even if it were buck on sow crime. Even if you consider this nothing more than normal nigger behavior, it needs to be stopped from happening in a human country.

Even in Sodom and Gomorrah, the cities were searched for one good person. Most people don't realize that while sexual deviancy was part of their undoing, (it's where the word sodomy comes from) their unchecked cruelty was discussed in Jasher more than their sexual proclivities. I'm sure there were some that didn't like what was going on but didn't lift a finger to stop it. The resulting rubble still stands in the desert today, a curious archaeological testament to what happens to cities when they turn to shit, unchecked by anyone.

I'm pretty sure the next fire and brimstone will probably come in the form of nuclear warheads.

As a society, I can't honestly say that we don't have it coming.

Once when I was on a trip to Houston (a highly niggerfuxated city), I walked a few blocks down the street from my hotel to get something to eat. When I came out of the restaurant, it had started raining, and there was a bus just coming up, so I figured I could just hop on for a quick ride back to the hotel and stay dry.

EVERY other passenger was a NIGGER. I got off the bus immediately and walked back in the rain.

10-20-2021, 04:47 AM
Yep heard about this train full of niggers no surprise these soulless apes do nothing... that's why you should not do anything for them... they will not do anything for you, bet on it.
seen this type of thing a lot growing up in niggerfuxxed city... seen it often... way too much.
"no snitch" nigger "culture"... no decency is more like it.

10-20-2021, 04:53 PM
I'm reading that some passengers weren't using sail foams to call 911, but to take video. We know right away those were niggers. They get the most perverse pleasure of watching rape and posting it to their niggerporn sites.

10-20-2021, 06:57 PM
I've said it before, I'll say it again. Security cameras are not a deterrant. Some here might remember the old Chimpout, and back in the day I worked transit security. I don't mention that much anymore after some, uh, inked up woman raised a fuss about it. Security cameras do jack when perps know by the time someone pulls the tapes (Nowadays a hard drive, but we still call it pulling the tapes) it will be long gone and have plenty of time to alibi up. I sure hope the next time some asshat accountant whinges about the cost of transit security, someone mentions that cameras do not intervene in assault or rape.

10-21-2021, 09:24 PM
Ngoy the Feral Africoon claimed in his statement to police that he knew the victim, but couldn’t remember her name and said the encounter was consensual.

Well, that makes sense. What woman wouldn't want to have sex on the floor of a packed, moving train car? I'd be up for it, especially with a fugly, smelly nigger like Fiston.

OTOH, if this was a sow it probably WAS consensual. The depravity of oversexed sows knows no limits.

10-22-2021, 08:21 AM
OTOH, if this was a sow it probably WAS consensual. The depravity of oversexed sows knows no limits.

I keep hoping it was a nigger. It's just like them to call it rape after the fact, when the buck doesn't pay up.

10-22-2021, 09:01 AM
Good question... If I was mayor or president, I would sign an executive order... the "No Niggers Allowed" executive order.

At re-election time, I wouldn't even have to campaign!The libturds juss lubs deer niggers. But the rest of us agree.