View Full Version : Bill Gatus' daughter is a sand shark

10-16-2021, 12:18 AM
Microshaft co-founder Billy Gatus' daughter jumps in the sand mud. Yup, she marries a sandnigger.


Midder Peenud Hayed
10-16-2021, 02:59 AM
Aw Lawd! That fambly...

All I want to know is, after they fell out of it, did the "ugly tree" even survive?

Jim Crow
10-16-2021, 08:12 AM
Bill gates is a liberal cuck boy!If not, he would’ve protested that marriage.If a daughter of mine was marrying a sand or jungle nigger I certainty wouldn’t attend.Because the shark would’ve been disowned as soon as I found out she dated the beast!Now he’s going to have nigger grandchildren! I’d rather be a middle-class guy with nigger hating daughters and white grandchildren,than be a billionaire w/niggerfucking daughters and possible shitletts for grandkids!

Chimp Detester
10-16-2021, 08:32 AM
Microshaft [/url]

It has been said that the America-hating Vile Gates had no idea what to call its new company, until Melinda made a comment about Gates' dipstick on their wedding night... Micro = tiny; Soft = No erection.

10-16-2021, 12:32 PM
She better watch her ass or Nassar might decide it's time for an honour killing.

10-26-2021, 08:17 AM
Bill gates is a liberal cuck boy!If not, he would’ve protested that marriage.

Oh hell, he probably helped arrange it, if not mastermind it himself.

10-26-2021, 08:20 AM
It has been said that the America-hating Vile Gates had no idea what to call its new company, until Melinda made a comment about Gates' dipstick on their wedding night... Micro = tiny; Soft = No erection.

There's another joke about when he met Hugh Grant at a bar one night, and he asked Hugh, "How could you get involved with that hooker when you could have so many beautiful women in your life!" "Well Bill, you need to try it, and you'll see why I did what I did."

So Bill goes to the niggeress and says afterward, "Now I know why you call yourself Divine." (editor's note: what a horrible and disgusting thought)

"Sheeit, Bill, nows I knows why you nemmed dat commany Microsoft!"

11-11-2021, 02:43 AM
Ahhh, here it is!
This is the book I saw back in 1997 or so.
Microshaft Winblows
